Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 731: The biggest problem

Before I saw the person I liked, I wanted to see each other, and always thought of each other in my mind, but when I saw each other, I felt shy and overwhelmed.

Liu Ziqi is just like that. Before she saw Ye Chen, she always thought about how she would see him again. Unexpectedly, when Ye Chen just came to her for a normal pulse-cutting examination, she was blushing with excitement and did not dare to look up at people.

Now after Ye Chen left the ward, she was holding the teddy bear and pinching the teddy bear, feeling that she had behaved too badly in front of Ye Chen just now.

Seeing her daughter's little girl, Zhang Nalan, as the person who came by, was naturally aware, sat down, stroked her hair and asked: "Daughter, why did you face red just now?"

"Mom, I don't have one!" Liu Ziqi denied.

Now when Zhang Nalan took out the mirror with her purse and put it in front of her, the look of Liu Ziqi in the mirror was still a little blush and had not recovered.

Now seeing the shadow inside, Liu Ziqi naturally couldn't deny it. However, she can only hold Zhang Nalan and act like a baby. Seeing her little daughter, Zhang Nalan sighed in her heart.

She knew that she had chosen a wrong path back then. Now her daughter is her only and her own future. She knows her future thoughts very well. Therefore, she must think carefully about her daughter and don't let her take her own path. . But now the daughter is still sick, so she didn't say those things.

Ye Chen and Liao Wenen went outside, preparing to see Wu Hongwen or Li Feiyi habitually. Ye Chen quickly remembered that Li Feiyi had been discharged from the hospital last week.

Now Ye Chen naturally wanted to see Wu Hongwen's situation, while Liao Wenen said: "The middle-aged man who was bitten by a dog and had a rabies attack has been discharged."

Last week, Ye Chen checked him and found that he was almost recovering, but he hadn't recovered completely yet and he needed to continue taking medicine. However, you can leave the hospital and go back to drink medicine. Now that the other party was discharged from the hospital and went back, Ye Chen naturally didn't need to go to see it again.

"They had a big fight before they were discharged." Liao Wenen said again.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen thought that the other party was having trouble with the hospital.

"It's not that there was a quarrel with the hospital, but that his goddaughter and his biological daughter fought, and then Wu Hongwen slapped her goddaughter. That goddaughter became noisy in the hospital like a shrew, even asking The one who took off his clothes and pants was finally pulled out by the security guard," Liao Wenen said.

Ye Chen didn't expect it to be like that, but he knew that Wu Hongwen had a wife and children. As for the young coquettish woman he knew, she was a goddaughter on the surface, but in fact, it should be a mistress he had taken care of. It was fun, but now that situation reappeared, Ye Chen could only shook his head.

Since that's the case, Ye Chen naturally came here to have read all of these patients, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

When Liao Wenen wanted to ask Ye Chen to come into the office to drink tea and chat, Ye Chen said: "Old Liao, I have to go to Dongfang Hospital to see the patient's condition."

Hearing this, Liao Wenen didn't let him stay, but asked him to be more careful when driving. Looking at the figure of Ye Chen leaving in a hurry, he found that he was spending all his thoughts on treating patients, which is naturally very good in Liao Wenen's view.

It took Ye Chen an hour to drive from the Affiliated Hospital to Dongfang Hospital. When he stopped the car and entered Dongfang Hospital, he naturally went to see the burned Xiao Wei and Chen Yulin first.

Ye Chen entered Xiao Wei’s ward. He had already seen Xiao Wei and his family. Now Xiao Wei is still wrapped in medical cloths. However, some areas with mild burns have healed a long time ago. There is no need to bandage. As for the most severe burns, although they have healed, in order to prevent the wound from recurring, wound cream is used from time to time.

Now that Ye Chen came in, Xiao Wei and his family were very familiar with nature. After greeting Ye Chen, Ye Chen came to Xiao Wei and sat down, and first observed his wounds, such as the most severely burned wounds. If possible, Ye Chen could treat him with homemade burn cream.

However, there is no such kind of burn ointment for sale outside, and there is also no burn ointment that Ye Chen knows the secret recipe to buy, and now there is no such environment to provide him for self-control.

If it was Xu Lao, that would be different. As Xu Lao, Wu Haiping could easily provide him with that kind of environment and medicinal materials.

Now Ye Chen had read Xiao Wei's wounds and showed him his pulse and tongue. He found that the symptoms of Qi and Blood Deficiency Syndrome that appeared in the later stage of the burn last week had been significantly improved.

Before that, Xiao Wei mainly suffered from low-grade fever, weight loss, pale complexion, fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, and poor redness of the wound granulation.

Now these symptoms are improving obviously, Xiao Wei is naturally not as painful as before, and is much more relaxed. Ye Chen found that the famous prescription was effective for his treatment. Naturally, he continued to let him drink the medicine for his current symptoms.

"Continue to drink that medicinal material. After half a month, you should be able to leave the hospital." Ye Chen said while looking at Xiao Wei and his family.

For Xiao Wei, the biggest problem now is that after he recovers, there are only those burned scars left on his body. Except for the head, there are a small part of his face, and there are many other parts of the body where such scars appear.

If these problems are really to be solved, it will be difficult for him to return to the way he was before. Of course, if you go for plastic surgery and deal with these places, it may be different.

However, no matter what, it was Ye Chen who saved Xiao Wei from the bar in the first place. After he was rescued, he used medical techniques to save his life, and he did not have to undergo skin grafting. In the eyes of Xiao Wei’s family, Ye Chen is the son. If it weren't for Ye Chen, now they can only send black hair with white heads.

In their gratitude, Ye Chen came out of the ward and went to check on Chen Yulin next door. He found that he had symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency-heat syndrome in the later stage of the burn. Also, after taking the medicine, he improved significantly, except for those on his The wound is very similar to Xiao Wei's, but there is no major problem.

Actually, Chen Yulin's biggest problem was his blindness. When Ye Chen came to visit him last week, Ye Chen was already very clear.

However, Ye Chen asked Chen Yulan's father not to worry so much, first heal the burns and wait for the cornea to be transplanted, or wait for him to see if Chen Yulin can heal his eyes and restore his light?

Apart from checking Chen Yulin, Ye Chen found that he still had to continue to drink the medicine, but there was nothing wrong with the other.

When Ye Chen came out of the ward, Chen Yulan’s father personally sent him out, and said to him: “I’ve already told the attending doctor to see which hospital can provide cornea provision. Even if paid, I’m willing ."

In fact, there are still many such corneas. However, the thinking of Chinese and foreigners is fundamentally different. They feel that they have come to this world intact, so they must leave the world intact. Therefore, very few people have that kind of consciousness and donate their organs before they die.
