Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 765: Cor Pulmonale

The junior was the first to enter Ye Chen’s dormitory to promote sales, but it was the salesman who left that way. Then, when more salesmen encountered this situation, those people only heard that it was Ye Chen’s dormitory. They would walk far away, because they knew that they entered the dormitory.

Ye Chen would not embarrass them or even agree to their questions, but it was more difficult than any question to ask them to answer questions on Chinese medicine.

That night, when Li Yifan and Zhou Zidong came back to hear it, they naturally laughed, fearing that even those tyrants would not dare to come in again to sell things to Ye Chen.

In the morning of the second day, the two sections of "Ancient Medical Literature" were finished in the morning, just like the above words, but more about explaining the knowledge of Chinese medicine, which is very difficult for other freshmen. However, it was almost a piece of cake for Ye Chen, and even the professor Luo Wenyu asked Ye Chen to teach for him.

After class in the morning, the instructor Mo Shusheng appeared in the classroom. Naturally, he asked the students to hand in the military uniforms and Jiefang shoes, which were all handed in to the military area.

Two days ago, these military uniforms were basically washed clean. When they were handed in, they had unified statistics and found that they were not lost. Naturally, they were sent back to the military vehicle.

After Ye Chen finished handing in those military uniforms, he came out of the classroom and naturally drove to the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region to take a look at Xu's situation.

After driving for about three hours, Ye Chen came to the door of the General Hospital and stopped the car. The security guard at the door naturally knew Ye Chen and did not check anything, so he let him in.

Ye Chen took the elevator directly to Xu Lao's ward. When he just knocked on the door and entered, besides seeing the female nurse opening the door for him, Ye Chen also saw several elderly people in casual clothes.

When he saw Ye Chen coming in, Old Xu saw it at a glance and smiled: "Young man, I finally saw you coming."

"Old Xu, isn't your condition recovering?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

"It's the medicine you used, and you are recovering well now. My friends are looking for your help." Xu Lao said.

Ye Chen smiled and responded, "It's natural."

However, now that I came to see Mr. Xu on purpose, he naturally treated Mr. Xu first. After the old men stepped aside, Ye Chen looked at Xu Jiangong's right leg and found many rotted places. Under the effect of the purple gangrene sore cream, those places could heal and peeling appeared.

In Ye Chen's view, there was still venom in the bone marrow of Old Xu's right leg, and he was not completely forced out of it. Naturally, he was just beginning to develop in the direction of recovery.

Except that there was still a peculiar smell, mixed with the ointment smell, there was no longer the fishy smell as obvious as the original smell.

"Is that ointment still available?" Ye Chen asked the female nurse while looking at it.

"Nothing," the other party said.

It seemed that Ye Chen knew that he had to continue to make another one. However, now he was not in a hurry, but looked at the old men in casual clothes.

Looking at their looks and aura, although Ye Chen didn't know them before, he could see that the identities of these old people should not be simple.

"Does any of you feel uncomfortable?" Ye Chen asked.

"I feel the most uncomfortable, you can help me see." The other party said.

In their capacity, they live in a senior cadre rest home. In addition to the care of many Chinese and Western doctors with good medical skills, they also have dedicated care.

However, no matter how strong the doctors are, if they are not able to cure the patient's own disease, no matter how strong it is, it will be of no use.

As for Ye Chen's reputation, these people also learned about Liao Wen'en. This time, Ye Chen took the initiative to treat Xu Lao. When the effect was so obvious, they came to see Xu Lao's situation this time, and wanted Ye Chen to help.

Sitting by the other side, Ye Chen began to ask: "Old man, may I have your last name?"

"My surname is Liu, so I can call me Lao Liu," the other party said.

Since the other party didn't say his name and identity, there should be some scruples. Ye Chen didn't think about anything else. He was just treating people, so naturally he didn't think about other things.

Now this elder Liu is sitting in front of Ye Chen. Ye Chen first gave him his pulse. After looking at the pulse condition, he probably knew his condition, and then looked at his tongue condition. He also knew some of his condition.

"Lao Liu, where do you feel uncomfortable?" Ye Chen asked.

"Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, occasional breathing difficulties at night, and average appetite." Xu Lao said simply.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to see his previous medical records, but the other party did not bring it with him. Since this is the case, Ye Chen, based on the current state of Xu Lao's self-reported physical condition, checked the pulse and tongue of the other party, and knew that the old man's condition was a symptom of cor pulmonale.

In traditional Chinese medicine, pulmonary heart disease is a lung disease and heart disease characterized by chronic lung disease and phlegm blockage, which leads to stasis of the heart.

In fact, Mr. Liu’s situation is already a bit serious, and it has been around for more than five years, and it has worsened in the last three months.

Coming here from the capital, he can receive treatment in the general hospital. Now that I encountered Ye Chen, I naturally hoped that Ye Chen would treat him.

"Elder Xu, your condition is a bit serious. If you want to be cured by Chinese medicine, you still need to take care of it slowly. In this regard, you can't worry." Ye Chen said.

The patient is very anxious and hopes to recover as soon as possible. Ye Chen, who is studying medicine, also hopes that. However, in many cases, some diseases can be cured quickly, while others cannot be rushed.

"I understand." The other party said.

Now it's time to say everything. After Ye Chen's examination, he can naturally ask the female nurse to bring him the medical records, and naturally prescribe a prescription for this old Liu.

Soon, the female nurse brought a new medical record in the general hospital. After Ye Chen asked about the age of the old Liu, he wrote directly on it: "Liu, male, 75 years old, with heart palpitations and shortness of breath for 5 years, and 3 months worse."

"First visit: the patient has palpitations, shortness of breath, slight movements, mild cough, less white sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dry mouth and preference for drinking, occasional dyspnea at night, shortness of breath when moving, poor appetite, and average sleep. : The tongue is dark and red, the fur is white and greasy. The pulse is fine."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnosis of heart, lung qi deficiency and pulmonary heart disease. Treatment: nourishing yin and nourishing lungs, nourishing qi and nourishing heart."

"Prescription: 30 grams of Radix Pseudostellariae, 10 grams of ginseng leaves, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 10 grams of Schisandra, 30 grams of Agrimony, 15 grams of Polygonatum odoratum, 20 grams of dwarf tea, 15 grams of Houttuynia cordata, 15 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, Chanyi 10 grams, 10 grams of wood butterfly, 15 grams of fleas, 7 grams of licorice. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

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