Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 784: Rehabilitation Suite

Ye Chen gave more detailed and complete lectures than Professor Zhang Binlun, and better than traditional teachers and professors. It is also easier to absorb for these freshmen who do not have a little foundation in Chinese medicine.

After the second class in the morning, after Professor Zhang Binlun left with his textbook, Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei came out of the classroom, except for Wu You who stayed in the classroom, and Sun Xiaowei heard that the dormitory would be connected to the internet. He hurried back to the dormitory.

Ye Chen, because of Liu Ziqi, first gave directions to the Jiaotong University campus. Ye Chen didn't have Liu Ziqi's mobile phone number, and without knowing that she was in the classroom, he could only go to her female dormitory.

It is now in the third class time. Most of the students are already in the classroom, and there are still some girls who come in and out from the girls' dormitory building from time to time.

Ye Chen stood there alone, naturally, it seemed very strange. From time to time, other girls who came in and out looked at him. After Ye Chen stood for about ten minutes, Ye Chen still did not see Liu Ziqi's figure. Ye Chen saw a girl. Coming out of the door of the dormitory building, he hurried out and asked: "Classmate, I want to ask you."

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" the other party asked.

If it’s someone else, they just go over there and ask, thinking that the other person is chasing themselves. This situation is still very common in universities.

"I want to find a classmate named Liu Ziqi in this female dormitory. Do you know where she is?" Ye Chen asked.

When the other party heard Liu Ziqi's name, he was a little familiar, and soon thought that it was a freshman for the freshman. However, looking at Ye Chen's appearance, it was not like a deliberate suitor waiting here at the gate of the girls' dormitory.

"I don't know, but I can ask Aunt Lou Guan for you." The other party said. After the girl went in and asked the auntie who was on the stairs on the first floor, she quickly learned the number of the dormitory Liu Ziqi was in. However, now Ye Chen, a boy, cannot enter the girls' dormitory, so he can only wait outside.

When Ye Chen asked the girl to help call Liu Ziqi, Liu Ziqi did not go to the classroom, but rested in the dormitory. She went back to the dormitory to live here last night. Although I had been in the dormitory here before and lived with other girls for a week, I went to the affiliated hospital because I fainted, so the relationship was not so harmonious compared to other roommates.

Even last night, perhaps due to her own reasons, she didn't start to fall asleep until midnight. This morning other girls got up to go to eat breakfast, and then when they went to the library or went to class, only she did not get up.

The other girls also knew that she had not recovered from her illness and did not wake her up. Now when Ye Chen asked the girl to help her find her, she was very sober. I heard that when Ye Chen was waiting for her downstairs, Liu Ziqi His face blushed instantly. Normally, he could still use the teddy bear to block it, but now when he saw the strange girl look over, there was no other block.

"Thank you, I will go down." Liu Ziqi said.

After dressing up briefly, she came down from the girls' dormitory and saw Ye Chen standing there. Liu Ziqi said, "I'm so sorry, I almost forgot."

"Thank you, this classmate." Ye Chen said to the girl who helped.

Now when the two of them were going outside, Ye Chen asked Liu Ziqi to call her mother. Zhang Nalan naturally woke up long ago, but her daughter did not call her. She did not come in person. Now she heard her daughter’s call. Check out the hotel hurriedly.

Here in Dongfang University City, except for the small lake in the center that has been widened to become a big round lake, there are still low mountains outside.

Shanghai is at the estuary of the Yangtze River. It is a city that has been formed by the accumulation of water from the Yangtze River over the estuary for hundreds of years or even longer.

So the mountains here are not high. The low mountains around the other’s college town are almost the same height as Xiaoyang Mountain. The low mountains around the Dongfang University City are not far away, except that there are many trees and the scenery is good. Few universities have built welfare housing, which is naturally allocated to professors and teachers in the university.

Of course, there are conditions to be allocated to those welfare houses. For example, you need professional titles. If you are an ordinary lecturer, if it doesn't matter, it is difficult to get a welfare house like that, and you need to pay a little money for others.

Paying that little money is nothing. After all, Shanghai's housing prices are so high, at most only one-fifth of Shanghai's housing prices can be down.

Now Ye Chen didn’t know those, and he didn’t even know that the suite was bought by Liao Bingxue on his own terms. He took the key and found the place according to the detailed address, and found that it was not very high. There is only five floors. Liao Bingxue’s suite is on the third floor. The three of them went up the stairs. When Ye Chen took out the key and opened the door, he found that it was still quite rudimentary. The living room had nothing but ordinary sofas, and there were some on the floor. The dust is naturally due to Liao Bingxue's failure to clean it up for a long time.

When Ye Chen went in, took Zhang Nalan's mother and daughter to look inside, and found that the room, bathroom, and kitchen were all available, but the other aspects were a bit simpler. However, now that Liu Ziqi is just coming to recover from the illness, this is of course nothing.

"Doctor Ye, it's a good place. I don't know how many rooms are available for rent?" Zhang Nalan asked.

"Auntie, I didn't ask about this. However, it shouldn't be used much. You can stay here after cleaning up." Ye Chen said.

He really did not ask Liao Bingxue, nor did Liao Bingxue tell him.

Naturally, Zhang Nalan didn't ask too much. She directly found a broom, rag and mop from the bathroom to clean it. Now Ye Chen has nothing else to do, naturally to help.

Liu Ziqi did it for a while, and she looked a little dizzy and could only sit on the sofa and watch. After Ye Chen and Zhang Nalan were busy until the morning, they finally made it clean.

Now that after finishing all these tasks, Liu Ziqi can naturally live here. In addition to Liu Ziqi himself, it is also very convenient for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen can check her condition at any time. Similarly, if necessary, Ye Chen can give her acupuncture every day. Therefore, now that Ye Chen had finished reading it to Liu Ziqi, he was naturally ready to leave.

Before he left, Ye Chen said, "Student Liu, you first drink the prescription from the second clinic to see how effective it is. If the effect is not obvious, then I will give you acupuncture treatment. Of course, if you have anything else, You can call me anytime."

Ye Chen didn't have Liu Ziqi's phone number, nor did he ask her. Now that Ye Chen knew that she lived here, basically, he could go here to find her directly, but no one would know if she fainted like that time.

Originally Zhang Nalan and Liu Ziqi wanted to ask Ye Chen to eat together, but Ye Chen said that he had other classes in the afternoon, so Ye Chen took a look at his dormitory, and then went to the dining hall for dinner.