Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 817: Treat athlete's foot

In Western medicine, tinea pedis is caused by a fungal infection, and its skin damage often occurs on one side (that is, one foot) first, and the infection reaches the opposite side after several weeks or months.

Blisters mainly appear on the belly and side of the toes, most commonly between the third and fourth toes, and can also appear on the soles of the feet. They are small deep blisters that can gradually merge into bullae.

The skin damage of tinea pedis has a characteristic, that is, the boundary is clear and can gradually expand outward. Due to the development of the disease or scratching, erosion, exudation, or even bacterial infection, pustules, etc. may appear.

Tinea pedis is a foot skin disease caused by pathogenic fungi and is contagious. Athlete's foot is widespread all over the world, and it is more common in tropical and subtropical regions.

In my country, the incidence of tinea pedis is also quite high. There are no sebaceous glands on the soles of the feet and between the toes, so they lack fatty acids that inhibit skin filamentous fungi, and their physiological defense functions are poor. However, the skin sweat glands in these areas are abundant and sweat more. In addition, poor air circulation, local humidity and warmth, Conducive to the growth of filamentous fungi.

In addition, the stratum corneum of the skin at the bottom of the foot is thicker, and the keratin in the stratum corneum is a rich nutrient for fungi, which is conducive to the growth of fungi.

The clinical manifestations of tinea pedis are blisters, peeling, or whitish and soft skin between the toes. Erosion or thickening, roughness, and cracking of the skin can also occur, and it can spread to the soles and edges of the feet and cause severe itching.

It may be accompanied by local suppuration, swelling, pain, swollen inguinal lymph nodes, and even secondary infections such as calf erysipelas and cellulitis.

Ringworm of the hand (liose palm wind) occurs due to scratching of the itchy area. Fungus grows on the nail (toe), then onychomycosis (onychomycosis) occurs.

The fungus loves humid and warm environment. The summer is hot and sweaty. Those who wear rubber shoes and nylon stockings provide a breeding ground for the fungus. In winter, when the condition improves, the skin is cracked.

In the case of Wen Feijing, it has been five or six years, so it is also a type of intractable skin disease.

As for why she was infected with this kind of tinea pedis, either at the beginning, it may be because of infection from other people, and because of her environment, and the aspects of eating, long-term treatment before and after treatment has no effect.

Now Ye Chen is aware of Wen Feijing's condition. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the occurrence of this disease is related to the stagnation of heat and humidity in the patient's body and the feeling of exogenous pathogens.

Under normal circumstances, the spleen governs the movement and transformation, and the failure of the spleen movement will stop the water and dampness. The internal dampness will become hot for a long time. Therefore, in the treatment of Wen Feijing, dehumidification, detoxification and insecticide are the main treatment.

Now Ye Chen had read Wen Feijing's reading through watching, smelling, and asking. It won't take long before and after that, she can naturally prescribe a prescription for her.

When Ye Chen asked Liao Bingxue to bring him a piece of paper, Ye Chen looked at her again and asked, "How old are you?"

As a female star, public figure, it seems that every move is secret. For example, when Ye Chen asked Wen Feijing's age, the other party and the agent were naturally very alert, thinking what he wanted to do?

"I need your age to prescribe a good portion of medicinal materials." Ye Chen said. Seeing the other person's vigilant look, I don't know what it means to live normally?

"I am 24 years old, but please don't tell others." Wen Feijing said.

"This is also stated in the contract. If you break the law, we can go to court to sue you at that time." The agent Lin Yanan was still worried, watching Ye Chen added another sentence.

"I'm just treating you, I won't say anything else, and I'm not interested in that." Ye Chen said.

Now that this is clear, Ye Chen wrote directly on the white paper: "Wen, female, 24 years old, has had intermittent foot erosions for five or six years."

"First visit: The patient has had blisters, swelling, erosions, itching, running water, and unable to walk in severe periods for five or six years. In the summer, it is very severe. Before and after, he has undergone many Chinese and Western medical treatments, and even performed operations abroad. Removal, the effect is not obvious. Recently, because of wearing long boots and rehearsing for a long time, my feet itch and smell worse."

"Examination: The patient was suffering from a painful appearance, swelling of his feet, erosion between the toes and bottom of the feet, and running water continued. There were multiple red lines on the surface extending to the feet. When he took off his shoes and socks, he could smell a strong beriberi smell. Pulse condition: number of strings. Tongue condition: thin tongue coating and red tongue."

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: betting on damp heat. Treatment: clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness."

"Prescription: 15 grams of Dancao, 50 grams of Yinchen, 15 grams of Alisma, 15 grams of Mutong, 15 grams of Polyporus umbellatus, 25 grams of Plantago Seed, 15 grams of Achyranthes, 15 grams of Achyranthes, 50 grams of Honeysuckle, Yunling 25 grams of peel, 10 grams of dried tangerine peel. Decoction in water, 7 doses, 1 dose a day."

"For external use: Xanthium xanthium 50g, Cnidium cnidium 50g, Sophora flavescens 25g, Alum 25g, Portulaca 50g, Kochia scoparia 50g, Painoniae 50g, Sichuan hibiscus bark 50g, Decoction for feet ."

After Ye Chen finished writing these, checked it and found that there were no problems, he could naturally give the prescription to Wen Feijing directly. However, Ye Chen knew that, in fact, if he wanted Wen Feijing's athlete's beriberi to be faster, he actually had a better way.

Wen Feijing took the prescription and saw that it was taken internally with Chinese medicine soup and after soaking the feet for external use. For the time being, he didn't know how effective this prescription was.

However, she still asked: "Is there a better medicine?"

"You have stagnated for many years, you need to drink Chinese medicine for conditioning. As for whether there is a better medicine, of course there is." Ye Chen said.

"Then you don't want to take it out quickly, because you have collected so much money from Miss Wen." Agent Lin Yanan said very unhappy.

"Ms. Wen, it’s not that I don’t want to take it out. It’s just that some ointments I want to make by myself are not sold on the market. Even if they are to be provided to you, it may not be until tomorrow at the latest. So, now I suggest you go back first. Drink medicine and soak your feet with topical remedies. However, I suggest that you don’t wear high heels or sealed boots in the near future."

"Thank you for your suggestion, I understand. Since the ointment will not be available until tomorrow night, I will ask the agent to come and get it tomorrow night." Wen Feijing said still.

Now that the prescription has been completed, Wen Feijing and her agent are afraid that they will be photographed by gossip reporters, which will affect her concert and future stardom, so after putting on stockings and boots, they reluctantly walked downstairs and took advantage of Leaving quietly in the dark.

Seeing the two people leaving, Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue had already come down from the stairs. Lao Liao, who hadn’t rested, knew that Ye Chen had finished watching. He smiled and asked, “Ye Chen, what do you think? This disease is difficult to treat. ?"

"It's not difficult, it's common intractable diseases at best," Ye Chen said.