Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 846: Clear relationship

In response to the different symptoms of the four people, Ye Chen prescribed four different prescriptions. According to his experience, the diarrhea is not difficult to treat. The four people will get better tonight after drinking the medicinal soup today.

Therefore, Ye Chen took time out the day after tomorrow to see the situation of these four people. If it is almost better then, he can naturally be discharged from the hospital.

Ye Chen had read it to the four of them, and Annie, as the head teacher of the four, now also took time to visit them, and she could come out of it.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a prescription or a hospital, the smell is very unpleasant. Therefore, except for doctors, female nurses, patients, and patients’ family members who are forced to stay in the hospital, most people seldom want to stay inside.

Now when Ye Chen and Annie were going outside, Yu Shaohua came out. Just now, he could see that the relationship between Ye Chen and that young foreign beauty is not simple, and it is the same now.

Besides, now seeing these two people come out together, Yu Shaohua guessed that the two people might go on a date, but because the young foreign beauty is the head teacher of the four, Ye Chenshun followed along to see.

Originally, Yu Shaohua hadn't seen Ye Chen for so long, and wanted to have a good chat with him and get together. However, now that Annie is next to Ye Chen, he knows that it will definitely not work today. Ye Chen will come again the day after tomorrow, when he can still find Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I think you and your friend are still okay, I won't bother you. When you come the day after tomorrow, remember to find me." Yu Shaohua said.

"Okay, Professor Yu, I will definitely look for you the day after tomorrow." Ye Chen said.

Yu Shaohua smiled and watched Ye Chen and Annie go outside.

Now Ye Chen and Annie went outside and got into the Bentley car. Ye Chen asked, "Annie, where do you want to play?"

"Whatever you want." Annie said.

Again, Ye Chen really doesn't know where to take Annie to play? However, it is already more than ten o'clock in the morning, and it is almost time for lunch.

Therefore, Ye Chen also didn't know to take Annie to those attractions, but came out from Renji Hospital, drove the car slowly, and then found a place to park to stop the car, and the two chatted in the car.

Annie stared at Ye Chen with her azure blue charming eyes. Ye Chen looked a little embarrassed and could only ask: "Annie, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

"Do you really consider me a friend?" Annie asked.

"Of course." Ye Chen said.

"But, you should know that there is no pure friendship between men and women." Annie said.

When many men and women are in contact, the man or the woman will just say that there is a pure relationship between men and women, thus forming the so-called male girlfriend, or the so-called confidante.

But, in fact, is that really the case?

Perhaps, a small number of people may really have pure friendships between men and women. However, when most men and women are in contact, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Annie knew these things better. When she saw Ye Chen now, she felt that Ye Chen was in front of her, and she seemed to shrink.

This cringe meant that Ye Chen didn't really regard her as a female friend, but still regarded her as a teacher.

Two months ago, she was indeed Ye Chen's teacher. However, if it was the relationship between the teacher and the student, Annie wouldn't need to find Ye Chen like that.

"I understand." Ye Chen said.

After Ye Chen said these words and felt that he didn't know what to do, he found that Annie had grabbed his hand, and Ye Chen did not struggle.

However, when he put his hand on Annie's chest, Ye Chen felt his heart beating fast. Seeing Ye Chen's look, Annie naturally laughed.

. . .

Until 11:30 in the morning, Ye Chen knew that it was time for lunch. He saw Anne leaning on his shoulder and asked, "Where do you want to eat and what do you like to eat?"

"You arranged it," Annie said.

Since this is the case, Ye Chen drove away there first, and then think about it, what kind of lunch is suitable for Annie, an American beauty?

Annie has been in Shanghai for several years, and she also likes Chinese food. If Ye Chen took her to eat Chinese food now, it would be better to buy fresh meat and vegetables to eat. So Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "Why don't I take you to a French meal?"

"Okay, but too expensive." Annie said.

She has never eaten before, but she knows that even her income is already high in Shanghai. However, as far as she knows, it takes at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to eat a good French meal.

Because the pure red wine Lafite imported from France may cost tens of thousands of yuan a bottle, so if you count it, it is naturally not cheap.

However, she also knew that Ye Chen needed to make money easily in Shanghai with his medical skills. She could tell from Ye Chen driving this Bentley.

"It's okay, we don't usually eat." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen drove back to downtown Pudong and found a large-scale and authentic French restaurant.

The last time he followed Jiang Yu to eat a buffet here, he noticed many foreign restaurants here. However, Ye Chen didn't care much about eating, and he didn't usually have so much time, so he made time to eat here.

He came to the parking lot not far from the entrance of the French cuisine restaurant, and according to the guidance of the security guard, stopped the car, and then got out of the car with Annie. The security guard saw that he was naturally envious, not only envious of Ye Chen drove a famous car and envied a foreign beauty next to him.

Under normal circumstances, what the security guard saw was the opposite. It was all white foreign men with a domestic beauty. Unexpectedly, what I saw this time was the opposite.

Now Annie, holding Ye Chen's arm, walked in the door of the restaurant, and immediately a foreign waitress came over and greeted Ye Chen respectfully.

You can speak Chinese, French and English here. Moreover, the layout and so on here are completely arranged in accordance with the French restaurant in Paris.

In addition to being resplendent and quiet, even these waitresses are international students from various countries. They can also speak their native language, such as English and French, as well as simple Chinese.

Now that I saw Ye Chen and Annie, the waitress looked a little surprised, and quickly recovered her expression and asked: "Dear sir, beautiful lady, do you have a reservation?"

"No, there are no seats in there?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

Now he looked inside, only to see a few pairs of men and women, not many people, and many seats were empty.

Could the other vacant seats have been booked in advance by other customers?