Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 854: Empathy

There is no doubt that for many children in ordinary families, reading is the only way to change their destiny. In particular, Yang Jingya's family is better than some ordinary families, but if Yang Guanjie wants to live a better life in the future, then reading is undoubtedly the best way to change his destiny.

Just now Yang Jingya's mother told him about the mortgage, but Ye Chen didn't say anything else. But when it comes to Yang Guanjie's reading, Ye Chen will definitely help.

When he was in the village, Ye Chen only finished elementary school, but he studied Chinese medicine with his grandfather for many years, and read many books on Chinese medicine. Therefore, he is also very clear that reading can really make a big difference for a person.

Now Yang Guanjie wants to enroll in a public school in Shanghai, and he needs to enter a household. Ye Chen is as willing to give him the money.

When Li Yangmei heard it, her face naturally smiled, looking at Yang Guanjie and said: "Guanjie, thank you Ye Chen?"

"Thank Ye Chen," Yang Guanjie said.

Now Yang Jingya looked at her mother, but she didn't know what to say. However, she knew that if this continued, her family owed Ye Chen more.

Probably because of this incident, Yang Jingya’s parents were more enthusiastic towards Ye Chen. When they prepared lunch, they let Ye Chen sit in the middle seat. Ye Chen just sat aside and had lunch. These meals were all Very common home cooking, just because Ye Chen arrived, he added three meat dishes.

However, Ye Chen still likes to eat this family meal. Therefore, when eating, Ye Chen occasionally talked about other things.

At around 11 o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen and Yang Jingya's family finished their lunch. Ye Chen was resting on the sofa. Yang Jingya and her mother packed the dishes in the kitchen.

However, in the kitchen, Yang Jingya and Li Yangmei seemed to be arguing. Ye Chen didn't know what the two people were arguing about, but he already knew Yang Jingya's character of distinct love and hatred.

When Yang Jingya came out of the kitchen, her expression still did not recover. She looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, let's go back to the university town!"

Seeing Yang Jingya's expression, Ye Chen said: "Sister Jingya, you get off first and wait for me in the car. I have something to say to your parents."

Yang Jingya sighed, did not say anything, and went down with the key of Ye Chen's car.

Seeing what Ye Chen was about to say to his parents, Yang Guanjie didn’t stay in the living room either. He went back to his room and closed the door. Now in the living room there is only Li Yangmei with an embarrassed smile on his face, and he is not standing aside. Yang Lei knows what to say.

"Auntie, Uncle Yang, I have something to tell you." Ye Chen said.

"Ye Chen, tell me." Li Yangmei said.

Ye Chen sat there, took a sip of tea, and thought for a while and said, "Do you know why Yang Jingya always talks back to you? Doesn't it agree with your opinions?"

"This, this, this child understands what our adults mean, and what we do is not for her future good."

There is no doubt that many parents will put this sentence in their mouths what they do.

Whether it is right or wrong that I did, I feel that I am thinking about it for the child.

In fact, is it really that way? Perhaps part of it is, but part of it is definitely not like that.

"Then I will ask you again, what are you raising children for?" Ye Chen asked again.

"It's normal to inherit the clan from generation to generation. If there are no children, other people know that they will laugh." Li Yangmei said.

"Auntie, I didn't mean that, I was asking what is your real purpose in raising children?" Ye Chen asked. He knew that there was a meaning in it, but he wanted to say that it definitely didn't mean it.

Moreover, he knew that Yang Jingya's parents must understand what he asked.

"This is to protect the elderly in the future," Li Yangmei said. Ye Chen's expression remained the same when the other party said it.

He knows what the other party said is right. Ninety percent of parents think so. Otherwise, what is the purpose of so hard raising children? It is not for the purpose of providing for the elderly in the future, or when it is impossible to have children to help.

Of course, this has been passed down like this since ancient times, and Ye Chen didn't say that.

"You are right. But, do you think what you usually do is right?" Ye Chen asked again.

"Yeah, what's wrong? Yang Lei and I worked so hard to sell fruits, but haven't we worked hard to make money for this sibling to study? Jingya, this kid still doesn't understand our hard work. When she graduates and works by herself, she will know that making money is hard. "Li Yangmei said. When she just finished speaking, her eyes still seemed to be red.

"Auntie, you are right about this. But, have you thought about Grandpa Yang Jingya?" Ye Chen asked.

At this moment, Li Yangmei didn't know how to speak out? Yang Lei shut up even more. Ye Chen said so much just now, and finally talked about Yang Jingya's grandfather.

In fact, the truth is the same. Back then, Yang Jingya's grandfather and grandmother raised Yang Lei, but weren't they the same for the purpose of passing on the family, and for the sake of old-age care?

But now that Grandpa Yang Jingya is old, have Yang Lei and Li Yangmei done it?

It can be said that the two did not do it at all, nor even really thought of those things. If you let Ye Chen talk about it, when he went back to his hometown and saw what those adopted children did to their adoptive fathers, he really didn't know how to describe the nature of some people?

"It can be said that what Grandpa Jingya did when he was young is the same for you now. However, what you can't compare to him is that you have forgotten your roots first." Ye Chen said.

At this moment, the faces of Li Yangmei and Yang Lei were even more ugly.

"You said Grandpa Jingya was originally ill, even if I cured him. However, an old man in his 60s or 70s is in his hometown and there is no other person to help take care of him. If he is sick, or fainted. , Who would know? Moreover, you even used his compensation money to buy a house, but you indirectly drove him back to his hometown. Such a thing, let alone Jingya who has opinions on you, will be spread out in the future. Other people will laugh at you as well." Ye Chen said, still looking at them lightly.

"Ye, Ye Chen, listen to us, this, this is not like that." Li Yangmei didn't expect Ye Chen to be so serious now. Obviously, from Ye Chen's words, the impression of him and his wife is very bad. .

A person can have no money, but he must have filial piety, or from the heart. This is the most basic principle of life. If you fail at this point, no matter how much money a person has, what is the point of living?

"Actually, you are all my elders, much older than me, and better than me. I really don’t want to tell you some things. But if you continue like this, you will regret it in the future. Although you are still in Young people can still make money to support themselves. However, if 20 years later, you enter the age of Grandpa Jingya, then Yang Guanjie or his wife will also drive you back to your hometown as you did today, how are you? Think about it?" Ye Chen said.

In fact, in Ye Chen's view, what these two people did was because of their short-sightedness. They only considered the present but did not consider the future.