Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 884: Treat violent cough

Out of professional habits, when Ye Chen first looked at a person, he could tell from a person's complexion whether he was healthy recently?

Now he is like that too. The first time he saw the ruddy face of Lu Jing's mother Han Yuxia, he knew that the other party was healthy.

However, Lu Jing’s father, Lu Mingshan, was different. After the other party walked out of the study, he looked at the other party’s face even while wearing gold glasses. Ye Chen could see from the other party’s conversation just now. .

"Uncle, do you feel a little sick in your body?" Ye Chen asked.

"How did you know?" Lu Mingshan asked.

Since four days ago, he had a cold, sore throat, and then coughing cough and coughing repeatedly. It was useless to get a sling in a hospital. Later, he took the western medicine and took it with no effect.

He was reading in the study just now. Naturally, these days, he had eye drowsiness after drinking the western medicine, and he had to sleep. Therefore, he hadn't taken the medicine in the afternoon and waited until dinner.

Of course, he just drank the cough syrup, and deliberately did not cough out in front of Ye Chen. However, a person wants to cough because of the body's reaction, and now he deliberately prevents himself from coughing, which is so uncomfortable.

"Dad, he is a doctor, so I can tell it naturally," Lu Jing said.

Lu Jing knew very well that although Ye Chen was young, her medical skills were very good. She knew from treating Ye Chen to others.

However, my father coughed a few days ago. She didn't care very much, thinking it was a common cold. Now when Ye Chen talked about it, Lu Jing remembered Ye Chen's great medical skills, and naturally asked Ye Chen to show his father.

"Ye Chen, help my dad take a look." Lu Jing said.

Now even if Lu Jing didn’t call, Ye Chen would still treat Lu Mingshan. When Ye Chen asked about Lu Mingshan’s symptoms, Lu Mingshan quickly said, except for sore throat, coughing, yellow sputum, and no fever. , No aversion to cold, no headache, slight nausea, bitter mouth, coughing sputum in the morning, the most obvious cough, poor appetite, and normal bowel movements.

In that hospital, he was diagnosed as an upper respiratory tract infection by a western doctor. In addition to a sling, he also took cephalosporin antibiotic pills.

After Ye Chen listened to it, he found that it was not difficult to treat. These simple western medicines were only difficult to treat Lu Mingshan well.

After Ye Chen looked at Lu Mingshan's tongue and pulse, Ye Chen said: "Uncle, I will prescribe some medicinal materials for you, and it won't take long to drink them."

When Ye Chen said that, Lu Mingshan was naturally very happy.

Han Yuxia went to find a piece of white paper. After Ye Chen asked about Lu Mingshan's age, Ye Chen wrote on the piece of white paper: "Lu, male, 46 years old. Sore throat, coughing for 4 days."

"First visit: The patient caught a cold and sore throat four days ago, and then developed a cough and yellow sputum. He was slinged in the hospital and took cephalosporin antibiotic pills. The effect was not obvious. Current symptoms: sore throat, coughing, yellow sputum, No fever, no aversion to cold, no headache, slight nausea, bitter mouth, wake up in the morning, expectoration, cough obvious, anorexia, just two. Check: tongue: red tongue, tongue coating white shaojin. Pulse: slippery pulse. "

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: cough, too little and symptom. Treatment: Xinliang relieves the surface, clearing away heat and promoting lung, reconciling Shaoyang."

"Prescription: 20 grams of Bupleurum, 10 grams of Codonopsis, 10 grams of Radix Scutellariae, 10 grams of Roasted Licorice, 10 grams of Pinellia, 10 grams of Cassia twig, 10 grams of Ginger, 10 grams of Hang White Peony, 20 grams of Forsythia, 20 grams of Scrophulariaceae , 12 grams of burdock seeds, 12 grams of chrysanthemums. 4 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day, divided into two doses."

After Ye Chen finished writing and checked that there were no other problems, he said again: "Uncle, during this period of time, you need to rest more, drink plenty of water, it is best to combine work and rest, and avoid spicy food in your diet."

These, of course, are not a problem. Han Yuxia also knew that during this period, Lu Mingshan could not eat spicy food.

Now Ye Chen said after finishing writing: "Uncle, I will buy medicine for you."

"Young man, you are too polite." Lu Mingshan said. He didn't expect that Ye Chen, a young boy so sensible, would buy him medicine as soon as he came to see them.

When Ye Chen was about to go out, Lu Jing naturally followed. In fact, Ye Chen knew that he stayed here and didn't know what to say to Lu Jing's parents.

With Ye Chen's character, he didn't want to deceive anyone, including Lu Jing's parents. However, now Lu Jing wants him to be a fake boyfriend temporarily to deceive the other's parents, making him even more unaware of what to say to Lu Jing's parents.

He was afraid of staying here, and he said many mistakes.

When he went outside, Lu Jing naturally followed. When he went downstairs, Lu Jing said, "Ye Chen, you did a good job just now."

"Officer Lu, I'm afraid of deceiving your parents like this. When your parents know, they will be very angry." Ye Chen said.

"It doesn't matter, I can't get married so soon anyway," Lu Jing said.

When Ye Chen walked forward, Lu Jing said, "You seem to be a little courteous to my parents. Are you really interesting to me and want to do a fake show?"

"You should be very clear, I have other beautiful female friends." Ye Chen said.

Naturally, Lu Jing knew this very well. She found that every time she saw Ye Chen, there were beautiful women around Ye Chen, even including that Miss Sun.

Of course, if she is really Ye Chen's girlfriend, with her personality, it is definitely impossible for Ye Chen to have too much contact with other women.

But, in fact, Ye Chen was just a temporary fake, and even Ye Chen was just helping her. So, those, she knew how much she thought about it.

Now Ye Chen and Lu Jing got into his car, got out of it, and then bought the pair of Chinese herbal medicines at a nearby large pharmacy.

Now Ye Chen didn't want to go back so quickly, because he didn't know what to say to the two. Therefore, after sitting in the car with Lu Jing for more than half an hour, Han Yuxia called and asked the two of them to go back for dinner.

Now Ye Chen and Lu Jing drove back again, got inside and stopped the car, and then took the prescriptions with them, Han Yuxia looked at them strangely and asked, "Why are you coming back so late?"

"Auntie, it's like this. We went to many drugstores to see what the medicinal materials are. Now many of the medicinal materials are fake or artificially cultivated, and the efficacy is not very good." Ye Chen said.

There is no doubt that Han Yuxia and Lu Mingshan are more satisfied with Ye Chen's answer. Naturally, Ye Chen didn't know this.

While Han Yuxia was going to continue cooking dinner, Ye Chen took out the medicinal materials and taught Lu Jing to decoct her father according to what he said.

Now there is also a decocting pot here. Just pour the herbs into the decocting pot, soak for 20 minutes, and then decoc for an hour or so.