Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 886: To compensate 5 million

When Ye Chen went outside the ward and was about to visit Xiao Junjun's situation, Xie Shaoyong hurriedly followed.

When he went outside, Xie Shaoyong took out a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Ye Chen. The red envelope was a bit thick, and it should be ten to twenty thousand yuan. Xie Shaoyong had already prepared it for Ye Chen.

That night, if Ye Chen hadn't saved his mother on the cruise ship, he really didn't know what would happen to his mother? Later, Ye Chen helped to see the doctor again, and didn't charge any money.

Xie Shaoyong knew that this would definitely not work. Therefore, he prepared a red envelope early, when he was ready to see Ye Chen again, he gave that red envelope to Ye Chen, which was a bit of his care.

"Mr. Xie, I won't accept this red envelope." Ye Chen said.

Although Xie Shaoyong's income should be considered good among white-collar workers, in general, his family background is better than ordinary families.

Besides, saving the other's mother like that was nothing at all.

When he saw that Ye Chen was really not accepting it, Xie Shaoyong could only put the red envelope back in his pocket, then looked at Ye Chen and said, "I want my mother to stay in the hospital. Normally I have to go to work by myself, and even work overtime. If she is discharged from the hospital early, I can’t give her a decoction at a regular time. At least in the hospital, there are female nurses who can take care of her. She can also chat with the patients next to her.”

"You have decided to do this. If you don't think the hospitalization and nursing fees are expensive, you can wait until she finishes drinking the medicine and it is not too late to leave the hospital." Ye Chen said.

At this point, he was naturally considering Xie Shaoyong. After all, every family has a different family background. Just like the patients he met a few times ago, not just ordinary families, staying in the hospital for a long time may really bankrupt a family.

Therefore, Ye Chen will consider the actual situation of most families and try to consider it for the patient or the patient's family.

Now that Ye Chen and Xie Shaoyong finished talking, he went to the separate general ward where Xiao Junjun was in orthopedics. When I came to the door, I hadn't knocked on the door yet, I heard the cry of women inside.

He quickly heard that Xiao Junjun's mother should have cried out that cry.

Hearing that cry, Ye Chen thought it was only two or three days away from seeing him. Xiao Junjun’s right leg suddenly became very serious. He hurriedly opened the door and entered inside. He saw Xiao Junjun lying on the bed with a pale face. His mother He was sitting and crying with his face.

Xiao Junjun’s father looked ugly on the sidelines. At first, he didn’t notice that Ye Chen had come in. He thought it was just a female nurse, facing him, and cursing at her wife: “Cry, cry, you will cry, What's the use of crying now?"

Many times, when women face this situation, they use crying as a vent. Therefore, in many cases, when something big happens, a man has to take the initiative to stand up.

Ye Chen didn't know what was going on with this family, so he hurried over and looked at Xiao Junjun and asked, "Xiao Junjun, how is your thigh?"

"Ye, Dr. Ye, are you here?" Xiao Junjun's father didn't expect Ye Chen to come. He and his wife looked like that just now. Naturally, he felt embarrassed to be seen by the outsider Ye Chen.

The couple knew very well that Ye Chen not only sent their son to the hospital for treatment, but also paid 200,000 yuan for their son.

Based on this alone, the couple thanked Ye Chen very much. After all, this kind of thing, even their familiar relatives and friends can't do it.

Ye Chen and the two nodded, and then gave Xiao Junjun a pulse, and looked at the tongue picture, and looked at the place where the other's right leg was operated on. It was still wrapped in a medical white cloth, and there was no swelling after the operation. He just showed Xiao Junjun his tongue and pulse conditions and found that he had no other problems after the operation.

"Xiao Junjun has nothing to do, what are you worried about?" Ye Chen asked.

Even if Xiao Junjun can't play football in the future, he can still walk normally with his right leg. In Ye Chen's view, he is very lucky. Moreover, even if Xiao Junjun can't play football in the future, he can work in other industries.

"Hey, Doctor Ye, you don't know." Xiao Junjun's father said.

At this moment, he just finished speaking, Xiao Junjun's mother cried out again.

Ye Chen naturally didn't know what was going on here.

Xiao Junjun finished the operation that night. The next day, after Xiao Junjun’s lesson, Han Zhong and other young players came to see Xiao Junjun’s situation, the Shanghai Hua Club naturally knew Xiao Junjun’s situation.

However, in the afternoon, the Huhua Club sent an assistant manager to replace the club official to visit Xiao Junjun.

After the assistant manager returned, the next day, two members of the legal department of the club came over and made it clear to Xiao Junjun's parents, because the club had signed a five-year contract with Xiao Junjun before.

In the contract, it talked about guaranteeing Xiao Junjun's usual playing time and monthly salary. Of course, the contract also includes compensation for Xiao Junjun’s breach of contract.

For those who compensate for breach of contract, for example, Xiao Junjun jumped to other teams in advance, for example, he could not play football due to an accident, causing losses to the team, etc.

In fact, this aspect of the contract is very important to Xiao Junjun himself. However, Xiao Junjun's parents are not high-ranking members themselves, they are just ordinary citizens, they don't understand them at all, and they haven't consulted any lawyers.

I heard that when the salary rose from 10,000 yuan a month to 100,000 yuan a month, the two only saw the money but did not see other problems.

It can be said that when Xiao Junjun was on the bench in the team, his monthly salary was just over 10,000 yuan. However, this is better than many people.

When he became the main player of the club team, that is, a year ago, when he re-signed a contract with the Shanghai Flower Club for a monthly salary of more than 100,000 yuan, this was even more of a problem for Xiao Junjun's parents.

After all, in their situation, even if they worked hard for a year, they did not have a high monthly salary for their son. So, at that time, they actually regarded their son as a cash cow, not only their pride, but also their cash cow. As long as they have this son, as long as the son continues to play on the court, then there is no need to worry about money in the future.

Therefore, they bought a house in Shanghai with the salary of Xiao Junjun in the club last year, which was more than one million.

Of course, for that set, the down payment was first paid, and they were still waiting for Xiao Junjun's more salary to pay off the mortgage.

However, what they did not expect now was that the legal department of the Shanghai Flower Club had come to them to make it clear that according to Xiao Junjun's signing of the contract with the club, it was a breach of contract and the club would be compensated 5 million yuan.

It was because of this that Xiao Junjun's parents were at a loss.