Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 887: I pay the money

Those five million, let alone them, even other ordinary people, are a huge astronomical figure. In the current situation of Xiao Junjun's parents, even if he sells the house that has just appreciated by more than one million, he still cannot compensate the club for the money.

Maybe some people say that the club is too unkind. Xiao Junjun used to be the team's main player and won so many games for the club.

However, one thing falls into the same thing. A company like the Shanghai Flower Club is a big company in its own right. It is profit-oriented and naturally does not talk about favors.

If Xiao Junjun is in the process of a normal game or training in the club, the situation in his legs can not play, in this regard, the club cannot hold Xiao Junjun for compensation.

Because this is a work injury, it is clearly written in the contract. According to Xiao Junjun's situation, he was run over by another car, so this matter has nothing to do with the club. The club just thinks that he has this kind of problem, which brings great losses to the club.

After all, as the main force, Xiao Junjun's salary in this Chinese second club team is already very high. Moreover, the game is still going on now, because his right leg has this situation, not only he can't play, but even the club does not know where to find such a main player to replace the club because of his reason?

Therefore, now the legal department of the club, on behalf of the company, made it clear to Xiao Junjun's parents, naturally there is no favor.

If Xiao Junjun’s parents disagree, they will definitely go to court at that time. With Xiao Junjun and the contract signed, if Xiao Junjun’s parents want to fight this company, they will definitely lose.

Therefore, when Han Zhong came to visit Xiao Junjun that day, when he immediately thought about it, he knew it was going to be bad.

Han Zhong's own annual salary is not as good as that of ordinary players, so he has to spend a lot of money to help Xiao Junjun, except that Xiao Junjun is his son.

In the past two days, Xiao Junjun's parents were not thinking about tea and rice, and were even more at a loss, as if they had fallen from heaven to **** all at once.

The two of them knew very well that in any case, they chose this route. When their son made money for them, he was regarded as a cash cow, and he had to think about the situation today.

Therefore, the two knew that they could only sell the house that had just been bought for more than a year in advance.

However, if this happens, it will only be more than three million at most. In addition, this year’s Xiao Junjun’s salary will add up to only four million at most. This is a difference of nearly one million. The two really don’t know who to look for. Is it okay to borrow money?

Two days ago, the relatives and friends of Xiao Junjun's parents knew that when Xiao Junjun was injured in the hospital, many of them were very enthusiastic to visit Xiao Junjun.

However, when they learned that Xiao Junjun could no longer play football and had to pay a large sum of money to the club, these people immediately changed their faces, and even hurriedly left with various excuses that day.

As the saying goes, the poor live in the city and no one asks, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. In the past, when Xiao Junjun played more and more vigorously and became more and more profitable, no matter what the three aunts and six wives, or other distant relatives would come to build a relationship, and soon asked about Xiao Junjun's situation.

However, now that Xiao Junjun not only broke his right leg, couldn't play football, but also paid a large sum of money to the company, the so-called faces of relatives and friends changed immediately. They felt that they were as far away as they were from this home, even some. In secret, he said more than those mocking things, but also wanted to break away from those relations with Xiao Junjun's family.

Just like this, not only Xiao Junjun's parents can see through those people, even Xiao Junjun himself can see them. They discovered that under such circumstances, Ye Chen, a strange young man, dared to help them.

Ye Chen seemed to be used to this kind of thing a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all. After all, people are so realistic. In many cases, consider yourself first, and then consider other people. If you don't have much ability, naturally you can't help others.

However, Ye Chen felt that the staff of the Shanghai Flower Club were too cold-blooded. In any case, Xiao Junjun had been working for the club for so long, with credit and hard work.

Except for an assistant manager who came to express condolences on behalf of the company, when he felt that Xiao Junjun had no useful value, he immediately revealed the cold-blooded blood of the capitalist.

In Ye Chen's view, such a company will fall down sooner or later, and an impersonal company will not go far sooner or later.

Of course, Ye Chen wouldn't consider those things. If it weren't for Xiao Junjun's parents to make it clear, he really didn't expect that Xiao Junjun's situation would be worse than Xiao Junjun's broken right leg.

"Then how much is your shortfall?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's almost over one million!" Xiao Junjun's father said.

This amount of money is nothing to Ye Chen now. But now, in addition to his hatred of the club company Xiao Junjun played for, he hates the men in black who interrupted Xiao Junjun's right leg.

Those people not only destroyed Xiao Junjun's future and hope, but also destroyed Xiao Junjun's family. If he hadn't been there that night, Xiao Junjun's situation would have been even worse.

Now Ye Chen walked up and down in the ward after listening, then looked at Xiao Junjun's parents and said, "I will pay the money."

"This, but, you? Me!" Xiao Junjun's parents really couldn't believe it.

Ye Chen didn't know them, and it was the second time they met. However, now that Ye Chen not only helped Xiao Junjun advance 200,000 yuan for surgery and hospitalization, but now he actually paid the money, the two of them suddenly felt ashamed.

Ye Chen has no relatives or relatives with them, so why should he help them? Even the relatives and friends of Xiao Junjun and his family were afraid to stand up and help.

Therefore, Xiao Junjun's parents were surprised and delighted when they heard it. They were even more at a loss. They thought they were dreaming.

"You don't have to sell that suite, I will pay the five million for you." Ye Chen said.

At this time, Xiao Junjun's parents were even more surprised. The suite was really like fate to them. If there was no such suite, they could only rent a house in Shanghai.

Of course, they just thought that Ye Chen would only give out one million, but they didn't expect that they would actually give out five million. Why?

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Junjun and said, "Xiao Junjun, you can rest here with peace of mind. Don't worry about the money. Sooner or later, I will make the club regret it."

Of course, Ye Chen knew very well that he helped Xiao Junjun pay the money to compensate the club. He will pay this money, but he will also get it back.

As for from whom? Undoubtedly, it must have been taken back from the group of people in black that I met that night, and it was taken back under doubled circumstances. After all, now they not only caused Xiao Junjun’s family to lose 5 million, but also ruined Xiao Junjun’s future in football. The disappointment of the above is even more ruined, not only the value brought by the five million.

Ye Chen wouldn't tell Xiao Junjun about these things, because the family wouldn't understand it either.