Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 894: How to pulse pregnancy test

The two classes in the afternoon are Liao Bingxue's TCM diagnostics. According to the schedule of her lectures, we will now talk about the inspection of TCM.

However, there was a lot of trouble on Weibo about the battle between Chinese and Western medicine and the pulse pregnancy test. As an associate professor in this area, Liao Bingxue also paid attention.

Therefore, she didn't plan to attend these two classes, they were used for Ye Chen to attend.

And what should Ye Chen talk about on the podium?

It is naturally about how does Chinese medicine judge whether a woman is pregnant? Among them, the most important thing is about the judgment of the pulse pregnancy test.

When Liao Bingxue came to the podium and talked about this matter, the following classmates also wanted to ask Ye Chen to go up and talk about how to pass the pulse pregnancy test. How accurate is this judgment?

Of course, no one will actually go up and try, let Ye Chen check her pulse through Chinese medicine to verify whether she is pregnant, but let Ye Chen talk about her pulse diagnosis and pregnancy test?

Ye Chen went to the podium as usual, then waved his hand to calm down the students below.

With Ye Chen's prestige in the class, now he made that pose, and the classmates immediately calmed down.

"About the pulse diagnosis and pregnancy test on Weibo, I only learned this morning. However, if you want to ask me, if you let me pass this to verify, how accurate is the accuracy? Equipment? I can tell you with confidence that I can definitely achieve 99% accuracy!" Ye Chen said.

Those classmates below all started talking. Of course, no one laughed at Ye Chen to brag, how good is Ye Chen's TCM skills?

The students in the class are not yet clear about it, but, not long ago, they had learned that Ye Chen could recite the original 2 million-character "Compendium of Materia Medica" without missing a word. These students already knew. Ye Chen is definitely a genius in Chinese medicine. In addition, Ye Chen is a Chinese medicine practitioner from elementary school, completely different from these college students who have no basic knowledge of Chinese medicine. They are also disciples of Liao Wenen. They don't even know how much Ye Chen really is. Awesome!

"Actually, I am not saying that I am very good. It is just that I want to tell you that when you learn Chinese medicine, first of all, you must be confident. Chinese medicine is not inferior to Western medicine at any time. Many Western medicines cannot cure them, but Chinese medicine It can be cured, and it's not difficult." Ye Chen said.

In fact, this is really what he is talking about now. If all those who study Chinese medicine by himself begin to lose confidence in Chinese medicine, it is as if even his most belief is overthrown, so where can he learn it seriously?

Therefore, now Ye Chen not only has to be their role model, but also to give these students confidence.

"I won't say much about the others, you will know in the future. Let's talk about it now, is it like a pregnancy test through a pulse diagnosis?" Ye Chen said.

At this moment, the classroom was even quieter, let's see what Ye Chen said?

"Now let me make it clear that for this pulse diagnosis and pregnancy test challenge initiated by the Western doctor, I think that no matter when the diagnosis of Chinese medicine is, it must rely on observation, hearing, and comprehensive means to judge the patient's condition. Pregnancy test by cutting the pulse, this kind of test, in many cases, is not very meaningful. This is in addition to the traditional Chinese medicine's comprehensive dialectic based on observation, hearing and inquiry, and dialectics through these four points. In fact, most Chinese doctors’ pregnancy tests in this aspect are basically It will not be less than 90%. Moreover, this is also the caution of a qualified Chinese doctor."

When Ye Chen said this, he naturally talked about the importance of Wangwenwenqie in TCM dialectics, and also to protect patients and improve the accuracy of dialectics.

After all, in traditional Chinese medicine, to confirm whether a person is a patient, whether to prescribe any prescriptions, and how to treat, the most important thing is to first look and listen, and then dialectically.

In other cases, if the doctor directly prescribes the medicine for you, the dialectic will not be clear. For such a doctor, Ye Chen can basically determine that it is either not good at medicine or a quack.

There is no doubt that such a person will definitely harm the patient and also damage the reputation of Chinese medicine.

And he was talking about how to pass a pulse diagnosis to get a pregnancy test. First, let these students not ignore the importance of the other three diagnoses. This is to lay the foundation for them now and let them graduate later. When working in the Chinese medicine industry, you must remember this clearly.

Otherwise, if the pulse diagnosis and pregnancy test are directly mentioned, these students may not pay much attention to it and think that pulse diagnosis alone is enough.

Of course, Ye Chen knows that different doctors have different medical skills, so they are naturally different. What's more, Chinese medicine is very different from Western medicine in terms of the types of pulse conditions and the combination of pulse conditions. I don't know how many types there are. When Ye Chen went to TCM diagnostics on the first day, he had already explained it clearly to these students in advance.

Therefore, at this point, even if he didn't need to say it, it was because it was too difficult that the western doctor dared to spend half a million yuan to make an appointment.

"Pulse is also called cut pulse. It is a diagnostic method by which a Chinese doctor presses the patient’s artery with his hand to understand the internal changes of the disease based on the pulse condition. The pulse is the manifestation (deep, shallow), speed (fast, slow), It is composed of strength (strength, weakness), rhythm (tidy or not, with or without rest), and form."

"Pulse can be understood as the image of pulse, which is an important basis for TCM syndrome differentiation. It has important clinical significance for distinguishing the causes of diseases, inferring changes in diseases, identifying true and false conditions, and judging the prognosis of diseases. Because of pulse It is the home of blood, which penetrates the whole body, so the disease of the internal organs is often reflected in the pulse. Sometimes the pulse condition has changed before the symptoms are fully revealed."

. . .

When seeing the following classmates taking careful notes, Ye Chen continued: "China has had a saying that the pulse is cut for pregnancy since ancient times. The ulnar pulse of pregnant women is slippery, and experienced Chinese medicine practitioners can make judgments. At this point, from Western medicine From a point of view, because the blood circulation of pregnant women is affected by pregnancy, the pulse may also change theoretically. The pulse wave test of multiple indicators of hemodynamics has established significant differences in physiological indicators in different periods of pregnancy and pregnancy. system."

. . .

"After many women become pregnant, the pulse condition will go from weak to strong. After pregnancy, due to the rise of progesterone, the pulse appears to be'slip'. Doctors usually place the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of the right hand on the woman’s left wrist in order. Go on. If you are pregnant, the three fingers of your ring finger, **** and index finger can clearly get the pulse that is beating very happily, just like putting your finger on an abacus, and you feel the pulse beating vigorously."

"Speaking of this, let me first talk about ancient Chinese medicine. For example, those court doctors. When the emperor and the princes and ministers feel happy about their wives and concubines, they don’t like other men touching their wives and concubines. , Including the wrists, those men, including the imperial doctors, so you will find through books, novels, or TV, movies, those imperial doctors tied the woman’s wrist with a red thread, and then the imperial doctor judged by the red thread Is the woman really pregnant?"

When Ye Chen talked about this, the following classmates were naturally more serious. Of course, they felt that this should be an exaggerated way of writing characters in novels, movies, and TV series.

In fact, Ye Chen can confirm that this is not an exaggeration, because the pulse is indeed changing and flowing, and a small red thread is tied to the woman’s wrist. In very quiet conditions, a powerful doctor can pass Judged by thin lines.

Of course, the level of this kind of imperial physician can be said to be very powerful. Of course, if the other party's medical skills are not good, it is impossible to be a royal doctor in the palace.

In ancient times, it was because of status, differences between men and women, feudal thoughts, and other reasons.

Basically, there has been no such thing for a long time, so it is much easier for Chinese doctors to diagnose by taking the pulse than by the red line.

After Ye Chen said those things, he continued: "There are two main points in judging the pulse of pregnancy. The first is the comparison between the lung pulse and the liver pulse. The lung pulse is larger than the liver pulse, indicating that it is not pregnancy, but amenorrhea; Pregnancy. The second is the comparison of the pulse shape between the Chi pulse (kidney pulse) and the Cunguan pulse. The pulse shape of the Chi pulse is weaker than that of the Cunguan pulse, indicating that it is pregnant, not weak or not. The pregnancy pulse mentioned here refers to The pulse condition within 3 months. After 3 months, many people’s early pregnancy reaction is already obvious. Basically, it can be roughly inferred without pulse diagnosis, and the pulse condition has also changed greatly."