Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 898: Spot reduction

As the saying goes, if you deliberately plant flowers but don't bloom, unintentionally plant willows and willows. He also specifically asked Sun Mengjie to help him check whether these people in black were in the Azure Dragon Gang. Unexpectedly, Sun Mengjie went back to check, but no one dared to admit that he had done such a thing.

Ye Chen thought it would take him some time to find those people. He didn't expect that when he came over now and was about to visit the patient Li, he saw them by accident.

He had seen those people hiding in hiding, so he was naturally afraid of being seen by him. Ye Chen didn't turn around either. Now that he knew those people were here, Ye Chen guessed that it must be the man in black who was headed that night recuperating.

Therefore, without turning around now, he continues to the separate ward where Li is. Those people saw that Ye Chen didn't turn around and left, thinking that Ye Chen didn't see them, and they let go.

These people know very well that Ye Chen's kid is very good at fighting. If you meet Ye Chen again, you still don't know what will happen then?

However, they did not expect that Ye Chen's identity was more than that simple.

Ye Chen didn't care about those things, and soon came to the door of Li's separate general ward, knocked at the door, and found that it was Li's father who came to open the door. When he saw that it was Ye Chen, he hurriedly said hello: " Doctor Ye, here you are."

After Ye Chen responded, he went inside and saw that Li was sitting by the bed reading. He might have heard his father say hello to Ye Chen. When he looked up, he had already noticed Ye Chen's arrival.

"Doctor Ye, hello." Li greeted Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen looked at Li, who was sitting there, he noticed that the stains on the other party's face were significantly reduced from when Ye Chen showed him a few days ago.

In this regard, even when Li himself is looking at it with a mirror, he can also see it.

This is enough to show that Ye Chen's prescription is very effective, and the effect is much faster than the treatment he needs in that dermatology hospital.

After Ye Chen came to Li and sat down, he carefully looked at the butterfly spots on his face, and finally looked at him and asked, "Are the teeth still bleeding?"

"The teeth are not bleeding." Li said.

Ye Chen nodded, and then asked, "Then do you feel uncomfortable in other parts of yourself?"

"It's heel swelling, waist soreness, dry mouth will wake up actively in the early morning." Li said.

Ye Chen asked him to open his mouth and stretched out his tongue to show him the appearance of his tongue. He found that the other party's tongue was red and yellow with cracked fur. After Ye Chen showed him his tongue, and then looked at the other's pulse, it was already very clear.

It has been almost five or six days since I gave the other party the first consultation that day, not very long. However, if the right remedy is really done, the effect will be obvious.

"Doctor Ye, how is my son?" asked Mr. Li next to him.

"Mr. Li, this medicine is still very effective. I can't guarantee that the butterfly spots on his face will disappear immediately, but I don't think it will take long." Ye Chen said.

After receiving Ye Chen's affirmative statement, the Li family father and son were naturally very happy.

When Ye Chen asked Mr. Li to bring his son's first medical record, because the medical record was no longer there, Mr. Li could only go and fetch it from the female nurse.

When Ye Chen was chatting with this young man Li in the ward, he learned that he was still in graduate school, but it was because more than a year ago, the ugly butterfly spot, which is the so-called systemic lupus erythematosus, appeared. If he can take a break from school for treatment first, if he recovers from his illness this time, he will definitely go back to continue his graduate school.

Ye Chen didn't talk much with this young man Li, but he also knew that he was a graduate student at a key university in Shanghai and his grades were naturally very good.

If it wasn't for this disease, he could finish his postgraduate studies at that university and then go abroad to continue his Ph.D. Now because of this disease, it has been delayed for more than a year.

Of course, the other party still felt that he was lucky. After more than a year of treatment had no effect, fortunately he came here and met Ye Chen.

"It shouldn't take two months, the spots on your face will disappear, and other discomfort symptoms will also disappear." Ye Chen said.

The young man Li nodded and thanked Ye Chen very much. At this time, his father, Mr. Li, had already brought back his first medical record.

Ye Chen took it and found that it was the first medical record of Li’s patient. He wrote under the prescription of the first medical record: "Second visit: The patient took the medicine for less than a week, the stains on his face were significantly reduced, and the teeth did not bleed again, but he was full Heel fullness, backache, dry mouth in the early morning."

"Examination: Tongue appearance: red tongue with yellow cracked moss. Pulse condition: thin and slippery pulse. Treatment: detoxify and remove blood stasis, nourish liver and kidney. Keep the original intention, add heat-clearing, cooling-blood, and collateral products."

"Prescription: 20 grams of buffalo horn tablets (decoction first), 10 grams of red peony root, 10 grams of paeonol, 20 grams of raw rehmannia, 10 grams of comfrey, 15 grams of rhizome, 20 grams of Ragwort, 10 grams of Scrophulariaceae, Sunflower 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 12 grams of Eclipta prostrata, 25 grams of Smilax glabra, 15 grams of Kochia scoparia, 10 grams of Sophora flavescens, 5 grams of Tripterygium wilfordii, 15 grams of Dioscorea chinensis, 5 grams of rhubarb charcoal, 20 grams of Oldenlandia diffusa, Ganzhong Yellow 5 grams. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked and found that there were no other problems, and then handed it to Mr. Li, and asked him to show it to the female nurse at that time.

Now Ye Chen finished reading it to Li and said a few words to Mr. Li. He came out of the ward and naturally went to Yu Shaohua's office.

He already knew where Yu Shaohua's office was. Now he went to Yu Shaohua's office. After a while, he came to the door of that office and saw that the door hadn't been locked yet. He guessed that the other party hadn't come home from get off work yet.

Ye Chen stood at the door and knocked on the door. Soon, Yu Shaohua's voice came from inside. After Ye Chen opened the door and went inside, Yu Shaohua looked up, and unexpectedly, it was Ye Chen himself.

"Ye Chen, it turned out to be you, who did I think it was?" Yu Shaohua was naturally very happy to see that it was Ye Chen coming. After pouring Ye Chen himself a cup of tea, he began to talk to Ye Chen about Li's Happening.

Because he came to work every day, he was very aware of the changes in the butterfly spots on the face of the patient Li after drinking the prescription Ye Chen prescribed.

"Professor Yu, I just showed that young man a second visit, and I see that he has recovered well. It shouldn't be long before the spots on his face will disappear." Ye Chen said.

"I have to say, it's still your kid who is good, and that dermatology specialist hospital has been treated for more than a year, but it has no effect." Yu Shaohua smiled.

Now he remembered what he said to Ye Chen last time, if those doctors were as sophisticated as Ye Chen's medical skills, there must be many hospitals going bankrupt.

However, in fact, since ancient times, there have not been many doctors who wanted to make a fortune by relying on medical skills. Most of them were to support their families. That is, now that Western medicine has appeared, so many people want to make income from medicine. Hospitals and doctors that make a fortune are nothing more than hospitals and doctors.