Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 98: Special existence

Zhu Ailian lay next to her husband and began to cry again. Li Ziyang stood there, watching her father's situation, clenching her fists tightly, her eyes also bursting with tears.

He knew that this time, not only was he almost killed because of the car, but now he was still killing his father like that. He felt that he was a sinner in the Li family. If my father really has two shortcomings, how can I be worthy of my father in the future?

"Dad, you wake up soon. I will never dare to do that again." Li Ziyang regrets, really regrets that he shouldn't secretly come out tonight tonight, and he shouldn't even make his father worry about that.

He had known for a long time that his father was usually under a lot of pressure and had high blood pressure. However, before he raced, he didn't think about it at all, he just felt that he was playing exciting.

When Li Ziyang really wanted to faint, a female nurse whispered: "Mrs. Li, Master Li, now Mr. Li needs to rest quietly. It can't affect his rest. I hope you can control the crying. "

"Can emotions be controlled at will?" Ye Chen thought. However, he knew that Zhu Ailian and Li Ziyang's tears were also useless.

When Ye Chen looked at the situation of Li Shengtian in the hospital bed, he already knew something. However, as for the specific treatment, he naturally needs to check carefully.

However, when he just approached Li Shengtian, a female nurse looked at him and said, "You cannot meet Mr. Li without the consent of Director Li. Otherwise, you will be fully responsible for what happened to Mr. Li. ."

When Ye Chen heard this, he didn't stop, but to check Li Shengtian's pulse. When a female nurse went out hurriedly, she naturally went to tell Li Qiuhua.

Another female nurse looked at him and said coldly: "You really do not live or die. There will be an accident with Mr. Li, and it has nothing to do with Director Li and Dongfang Hospital."

"I know what I do, and it's best not to speak out again, otherwise, don't blame me for slapping you!" Ye Chen is also a female nurse, but Ye Chen discovered that these two female nurses are really different from Lin Xinting in all aspects. So big that Ye Chen felt a little disgusted when he saw these two female nurses just now.

"Mr. Ye, you?" Zhu Ailian was also worried about her husband, and now she still didn't believe Ye Chen's medical skills. The Li Qiuhua just said that without his consent, Ye Chen was not allowed to move Li Shengtian in the hospital bed. However, when Ye Chen wanted to know Li Shengtian's pulse, Zhu Ailian was naturally worried about her husband's safety.

"Mom, I believe in Doctor Ye's medical skills." Li Ziyang said after wiping away his tears.

Although he had just met Ye Chen not long ago, he could see that Ye Chen was not simple, and his medical skills were not simple. In this situation, if Ye Chen could take the initiative to treat his father, it would be best.

"You, do you dare to move Mr. Li, I'm going to call the security guard." said the female nurse.

Ye Chen raised her head and glanced at him coldly. The female nurse felt the murderous look she was looking at. She stepped back unconsciously because of fear.

"Okay, wait, I'll call the security guard." The female nurse completely ignored Zhu Ailian and Li Ziyang. Since she followed Li Qiuhua's words, she hurriedly called the security guard outside to call Ye Chen, a young man who didn't know what to do. People are kicked out.

"What? He really dared to move Mr. Li." Li Qiuhua couldn't believe it. In fact, Li Qiuhua knows the situation of Li Shengtian better than anyone else. Just now, he had already told Zhu Ailian in detail that Mr. Li was really dangerous.

In these twenty-four hours, if there is no chance to wake up, Li Shengtian may not only be brain dead, or become a real vegetable, he may not even have a chance to wake up.

Therefore, in this situation, he felt that only the most important person in the Li family and all the leaders of Dongfang Hospital would make a decision to treat Li Shengtian now?

However, he did not expect that the young man Ye Chen was so bold that he really dared to treat Li Shengtian.

If it is other ordinary people, he can ignore it. But, Ye Chen, this young man, he really doesn't know what to say?

If Ye Chen intervened at that time, Li Shengtian's situation would have become more serious. Who was the responsibility? Dongfang Hospital or Ye Chen?

Li Qiuhua had warned Ye Chen just now, but he didn't expect the other party to be like that. Thinking of losing to Ye Chen, not only the 500,000 yuan, but also the face, Li Qiuhua smiled coldly, looked at the female nurse and said: "Since he is like that, don't care about him. Anyway, Li Qiuhua The husband really has an accident, and the Li family will pursue him. Now you go through all the leaders of the hospital, and I am going to have a meeting with the dean and them to discuss this matter."

"Yes, Director Li, I'll go right away." Li Qiuhua has a special presence in Dongfang Hospital. From now on, it can be seen that although he is only the director of the comprehensive department, his status is similar to that of the deputy dean. When the female nurse hurried out to inform other hospital leaders, Li Qiuhua picked up the office fixed phone and called the director Zhu Mingshan.

"Dean, I'm Xiao Li from the Comprehensive Department." After Li Qiuhua dialed Zhu Mingshan's office, Zhu Mingshan over there picked up the phone and asked, "Qiuhua, what's the situation with Patriarch Li?"

"President, Mr. Li's situation is very serious. I want to hold a meeting for the hospital leaders and Li's family to decide."

"Okay, I'll take a look in the conference room." When Zhu Mingshan was about to ask Li Qiuhua about Li Shengtian's situation, he unexpectedly discovered that Li Qiuhua had hung up the phone first.

Zhu Mingshan could only smile helplessly. Who called Li Qiuhua was the pride of the hospital and his greatest right-hand man. Usually, a little pride is nothing to Zhu Mingshan.

Coming out of his office, in addition to letting the female secretary stay in the office, he went to a conference room on the fifth floor of Oriental Hospital.

There are more than one hundred tables and chairs in the conference room, which is usually the meeting place for the senior leaders of the hospital. When he arrived there, more than a dozen hospital leaders had arrived.

Among them, the three deputy directors of Dongfang Hospital, Zhang Weicai, Han Donggu, and Cai Mingwen, have all arrived, and there are several other department directors.

"Lao Zhu, what meeting does Director Li let us have?" Zhang Weicai asked.

"Lao Zhang, it is Li Shengtian, the head of the Li family, who has a cerebrovascular burst. It is very serious. Now Xiao Li is asking us to come to a meeting to discuss how to decide? After all, the Li family is a big family in Shanghai. It's serious."

If it is a small or not serious illness of the nobles of the big family, the leaders of the hospital, ten out of eight have long since relied on condolences and so on, so that they can get closer, just like the leaders of the affiliated hospital.

However, if it is the serious ones, they want to close the relationship, but they dare not, but want to push the responsibility away. In the situation like Li Shengtian now, when Li Shengtian was sent to the hospital by the housekeeper Li, at the beginning, Dean Zhu went to the door of the emergency room to condolences Zhu Ailian and called the Li family. He did nothing else.

"Lao Zhu, Director Li is an expert in brain sciences. He decides on his own. It's useless to ask us to come and discuss it. It's a waste of everyone's time." Han Donggu said angrily.

Li Qiuhua's medical skills are very high, but he is too arrogant, and even has a special presence in Dongfang Hospital. Normally he is not even regarded as the deputy dean. He naturally has no good attitude towards Li Qiuhua.