Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 99: The Lee Clan

The Li Family Villa is also located in Shanghai Tan Gong Villa District. Although it is not as large as the Wang Family Villa, it is also much larger than the Sun Family Villa.

In the Li family villa, apart from the absence of a golf course like that of the Wang family, there are seven entrances and seven exits in the front and rear courtyards, corridors, and pavilions. Indoor and outdoor sports fields, swimming pools, these are all, and there is a standard garden-style garden that is the envy of other big families in Shanghai.

There will be a variety of floral fragrances throughout the year. Among them, there is an artificial lake of about an acre in the garden and the weeping willow transplanted from Yangzhou next to it.

Weeping Willow Yiyi, usually many Li family children, will play here at night, boating, fishing, and watching lotus flowers. However, the brightly lit Li's villa tonight seems much quieter than before.

At this time, in the hall on the second floor of the iconic Red House, the most important villa of the Li family, in addition to the old man in the Tang suit who was more than 70 years old, Li Yongsheng, the former head of the Li family, and Li Shengtian’s father, Li Yongsheng, sat in this hall. In addition to the chief, there is also his younger brother Li Yongfu sitting on his right.

Sitting on the left hand side of Li Yongsheng is Li Shengtian's younger brother Li Shengxing, now the vice president of the Li Group.

Li Shengxing is different from Li Shengtian. He is tall, has no high blood pressure, and is only about forty years old. He is one of the best times in life, and belongs to the golden age of male maturity.

However, within the Li Group, although he is said to be the No. 2 person on the surface, he usually has no rights in the company. It can be said that Li Shengtian is a dictator.

The difference between him and Li Shengtian is that Li Shengtian has only one son, Li Ziyang. On the contrary, he has two sons, one Li Zixiao, one Li Zixiong, and one daughter Li Zixuan.

Li Shengxing's cousin, Li Yongfu, has four sons, namely Li Shenghai, Li Shengshan, Li Shenglin, and Li Shengzhou. These people have more children.

In this hall, these family children are sitting. Because of Li Shengtian's cerebrovascular burst, the Li family children knew about it half an hour ago.

Just now, Dean Zhu from the Eastern Hospital called again to inform Li Yongsheng that Li Shengtian’s situation is very serious, so they should be prepared at any time.

Therefore, after hearing this, the Li family had their own thoughts. Among them, Li Shengxing's mind is the most obvious. Usually, his status in the family is not high, and his status in the group company is also on the reputation.

If something happens to the eldest brother Li Shengtian, what should the Li family do? Naturally, he also thought that he was the second heir. If the eldest brother is gone, then he will become the new owner of the Li family and the true president of the Li Group.

Although Li Shengtian's son, Li Ziyang, was trained by his father and elder brother as future heirs, Li Ziyang is only 21 years old and is still in college. He simply does not have the ability to inherit everything from the Li Group.

Seeing his father Li Yongsheng sitting there with his eyelids drooping, as if he was asleep with his eyes closed, Li Shengxing first said: "Tell your loved ones a very unfortunate news. Our Patriarch Li Shengtian, the current president of the Li Group, my eldest brother Because he was not filial to his son, my nephew Li Ziyang, when Xiaoyangshan racing was in danger, Li Shengtian had a cerebrovascular burst. Now he is sent to Dongfang Hospital. Dean Zhu of Dongfang Hospital has already called and asked us anytime. Be mentally prepared."

At this time, many members of the Li family took a deep breath, because they knew what the news meant. If something happens to Li Shengtian, then the Li family must elect a new owner and vacate the position of the president of the Li Group.

While the tribesmen sitting in the lobby were discussing in a low voice, Li Shengxing continued: "Dad, second uncle, brothers, juniors, as the saying goes, a country cannot be ruled for a day, and a family cannot be ruled. Our Li family is Shanghai. The big family, the family is huge, and the family's Li Group is also very large. Now the family owner, Li Shengtian, the president of the Li Group, has an accident. When it is very likely to be very dangerous, I think it is best to elect a new owner and group tonight President, to ensure that there is no chaos in the Li Group."

Li Shengxing stood up, the more he talked about it, the more excited he was. He never thought that his elder brother's current situation was very serious. He didn't care about his elder brother's life and death. Instead, he was talking about when Li Shengtian was lying in the hospital and could do nothing. The Li group needed a new head. Now, besides his excitement, his two sons Li Zixiao and Li Zixiong are also excited.

Because they know very well that if their father takes the place of the uncle, then their father will be the new president of the Li Group. There is no need to worry about their pocket money in the future. They will have the opportunity to become the president of the Li Group in the future.

If the Li family had been the uncle Li Shengtian as the head of the house, or even the president of the Li Group, they would have no chance at all, but only the cousin of Li Ziyang would have the opportunity.

However, it is different now. Now Dean Zhu from the Dongfang Hospital is calling to prepare the Li family psychologically. Isn't it true that the uncle Li Shengtian is really bad?

Seeing that there was no change on his father Li Yongsheng’s face, Li Shengxing continued: “Actually, the biggest responsibility for this incident is Li Ziyang. If it weren’t for him to sneak into the Xiaoyangshan car, the eldest brother Li Shengtian would be too excited. , Causing the brain blood vessels to burst. Therefore, children like Li Ziyang, who are all in their twenties, are still so immature and ignorant. If this continues, if the Li family is handed over to him in the future, it will be really bad."

After Li Shengxing finished talking about Li Shengtian, and when it came to Li Ziyang, he naturally wanted to say in front of everyone that Li Shengtian's father and son were no longer good, and now the Li family should focus on him.

In fact, the Li family members are very clear about Li Shengxing's thoughts. After all, to achieve that position not only represents the power of the family, but also represents the wealth of the family at the discretion of the individual.

Although Li Shengtian's abilities are good over the years, leading the Li family to stabilize in the Shanghai family, Li Shengtian's biggest shortcoming is that he has high blood pressure, usually too much pressure, and can't stand the stimulus. Now it has caused the current situation.

As for Li Yongfu, he is just Li Yongsheng's cousin, and it stands to reason that he is not a sideline. However, in fact, although Li Yongfu and his sons usually live well in the Li family, they are also part of the Li family, but in fact, they have little rights in the Li family, even if those sons are usually in Li family. As a manager, the group has very little power.

In the situation of the Li family now, Li Shengxing hopes that his second uncle, Li Yongfu, and his cousins ​​like Li Shenghai will support him, so that even if his father has other ideas, it is helpless.

"Father, second uncle, I suggest choosing a new owner and the president of the Li Group to replace the eldest brother. What do you think?" Li Shengxing asked the two.

Li Yongfu is short and chubby with a red face. Although he is only about sixty years old, he is naturally much younger than Li Yongsheng. Because of the affairs of the Li family, he usually rarely manages things, usually has no pressure, and has a good life. Under these circumstances, Li Shengxing asked him for his opinion, and he smiled and said, "Shengxing, I follow the advice of my eldest brother. What do I listen to what the eldest brother says."

Li Yongsheng has been retired for more than ten years. He usually spends most of his time raising birds and fishing at home and cultivating his own hobbies. After the family and corporate affairs are handed over to his elder son, Li Shengtian, he rarely intervenes.

When all the members of the Li clan in the hall looked at him, they seemed to feel that Li Yongsheng was getting older overnight, and their mentality was even different.

However, when Li Yongsheng opened his eyes and looked at them, he just felt as if the sharp eagle eyes were looking at them, as if he had seen through the thoughts in their hearts.

"Slap!" Li Yongsheng slapped the table with a slap.

"Huh! You all hope that Shengtian is dead, don't you?" Li Yongsheng's words directly hit the hearts of those people. Especially Li Shengxing, even lowered his head and dared not look at his father.

"Now your Patriarch is seriously ill in the hospital. No one asked to visit him in the hospital. Instead, they are fighting for power here. Are you from the Li family or are you waiting for other families to laugh at us?"