Master of Beasts

Chapter 1022: End

The faint blue lightning fragments were scattered from the sky. The Lei Dishi's body, like a diagonal light and shadow, shuttled through it. The thunder condensed right foot, facing the chest of the Thunder Lord, stepped down fiercely. .

After being hit hard by this, the body of the Thunder Lord leaned back in a seemingly slow posture.


The golden leaf battle platform trembled violently, and a series of visible cracks spread rapidly along its surface. Below the golden vine, an uproar of shock erupted.

Golden Leaf Battle Platform, broken?


Lei Di Shi looked at the fallen Thunder Lord, his eyes were indifferent, and the violent thunder light surging from under his feet again, and there was a sneer, sneer and lala.

"you dare!"

Bai You's threatening voice just blurted out, a muffled explosion sounded again, Lei Dishi's right foot slammed on the chest of the Thunder Lord, and the dazzling thunder light agitated under the soles of his feet.


In the shocking eyes of everyone, the platform of the Golden Leaf Battle Platform shattered into pieces in the sky, while the body of the Thunder Lord was stepped on by the Lei Di Master and fell all the way down.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thick golden vine, crushed by the back of the Lord of Heaven, exploded rapidly from top to bottom. The very visual scene made everyone's eyes dull, like a sculpture.

Until many years later, they remembered this scene again, still fresh in their memory.

After that.


Heavenly Thunder Lord’s huge body sank deep into the earth. The rocky ground with a radius of a hundred li trembled fiercely. The Lei Dishi who stepped on it exploded, and the strength on his right foot surged to his current strength. The limit.

The sound of the cracking of the mountains and the earth spread out loudly.

The faint blue body of the Thunder Lord suddenly burst into light spots in the sky. An astonishing storm swept from where it was. Everyone in the field took a few steps back.

In the pit.

Compared with the deep pit it created, the size of the awkward figure of the Lord of Heaven was significantly different. The Lei Dishi who was suspended above, trembled, and spouted a mouthful of blood.

The Thunder Lord's Wan Ting Tian Thunder Slash is powerful.

At the moment of the collision, the Lei Dishi suffered a severe injury. It can survive until now, but it is just forbearing it. That is, more than 90% of its body is made up of thunder. If it is replaced by other spirit beasts, the body can be It was shattered directly and fell on the spot.


The faint blue light exploded.

Heavenly Thunder Lord unexpectedly swept up mid-air from a deep pit, and the Thunder Blade connected to his right arm was only half shattered, and he violently stabbed away at the weak Lei Di Master.


Everyone's complexion changed wildly.

After several heavy losses, the Lord of Heaven still has combat power?

Worthy of being a profound beast!

"Can't avoid it." Xiao Yang's heart sank.

The Lei Di Master at this time has reached its limit, and the speed at which the Heavenly Thunder Lord absorbs the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth is much faster than it, even if he can escape this blow, he will not be able to fight again.


The Thunder Lord's half of the thunder blade pierced through the chest of the Lei Dishi, a ray of blood arrows shot violently, Bai You's face, the color of ecstasy surged.

The winner of this battle is him!

However, immediately afterwards, Bai You's smile just bloomed, and it froze on his face.

Holding the arm of the Thunder Lord, Lei Dishi's eyes were fierce, and the sharp light flickered in the spread right hand. Among them, it was the half of Thunder Lord's fragmented thunder blade!

Suddenly, the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated came out again.

That half of the thunder blade pierced the head of Heavenly Thunder Lord!


The bodies of the two spirit beasts fell into the pit at the same time, and everyone's eyes were full of vibrations.

Xiao Yang and Bai You actually fought to this point in the end.

"Impossible!" Bai You shouted angrily while standing on the fragment of the Golden Leaf Battle Platform.

He could not accept this result.

"I said, today, you won't leave this battlefield alive."

An ice-like voice rang from his ears, and Bai You was shocked. Just about to raise his arms to resist, the huge force pressed him on the stump fiercely.

At this moment, everyone under the golden leaf was breathing stagnant, and Da Lei Tian's disciple looked even more ugly.

Bai worry represents the face of Da Lei Tian.

And he is now kneeling in the direction of Xiao Yang!

"This kneeling is not for me, but for Senior Xiao Rou."

Carrying Bai You's collar, Xiao Yang lifted it, and then slammed it on the stage. The sound of the knee colliding with the tabletop was clear: "This kneeling is for the ancestors of the Xiao family. This scum is a shame to the Xiao family!"


Xiao Yang continued to force his wrists: "The last kneel was for my father. You have insulted him many times. You should pay the price for your words and deeds!"

Released his right hand, Xiao Yang squeezed abruptly. The sharp snow knife was breathtaking.

Bai You was shocked.

Xiao Yang, really wanted to kill him!


Kneeling on his knees, Bai You screamed frantically, "Xiao Yang, I am your clan brother. In my body, the blood of your Xiao family is kept in me. You kill me to kill my brother! You will be killed by everyone. cast aside!"

This time, Bai You's voice was not wrapped in spiritual power. Everyone around him heard very clearly. They looked at each other and their faces changed.

what's the situation?

Bai You has something to do with Xiao Yang?

"Now, do you know that you are from the Xiao family?" Xiao Yang stared at Bai You fiercely, holding the palm of the snow knife, shaking uncontrollably.

When swiping the Soul Eater towards Xiao Rou, did Bai You ever think that he was the Xiao family?

Now death is imminent, but he wants to save his life through this?

Admitting that you are from the Xiao family, so humiliated?

"Yes, yes, I am the Xiao family, and have nothing to do with the Bai family!" Bai You nodded again and again, but a tiny blood line appeared in his throat.

Suddenly it was cut out by a snow knife.

Bai You's pupils suddenly shrunk together, his face full of incredible.


Pointing at Xiao Yang with the index finger, Bai You's figure softened and fell from the sky.

As Xiao Yang said, in the end, he did not leave the Golden Leaf Battlefield alive.

Bai You's body slammed on the ground with a bang. In the hearts of everyone in the field, stormy waves were set off, and there was a momentary silence in the entire thunder sky.

Bai worry, fall!

In the Northern Territory, the prominent young man for a long time died in the heaven of the tomb!

Watching the indifferent young man, Hong Shuangyue and others, who were waving fire wings in the sky, his eyes were slightly widened, and he hadn't recovered for a long time.

The glory that belongs to Bai worry ends here!

From now on, when I talk about the young strong man who has the most hope to break through the Spirit King, people in the Northern Territory, the first thing that comes to mind will not be Bai worry, but the young man.


Take a long The snow knife in Xiao Yang's hand collapsed.

When Bai You was buried, he didn't have a trace of ease, but he always felt a heavy feeling in his heart.

Dizhou Baijia.

Xiao Rou, still suffer there.

He has one more enemy.


The faint blue light suddenly bloomed from the deep pit, and everyone in the field jumped and projected their gazes.

As a result, a scene that they will never forget in this life appeared before their eyes...

Just come back from the infusion, continue the code word, there is a change before eleven o'clock, it is too late, it is not recommended to wait.

Today is the last day of the infusion, starting tomorrow, the update time will return to stability

(End of this chapter)