Master of Beasts

Chapter 701: Just because I am a Grade 4 alchemist

"How can this blade be so similar to what I stolen a few days ago?"

The sudden sound made Xiao Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Today's luck is really good enough, no matter where you go, you can run into people who are owing to you.

The voice was a gray-haired old man. Although his eyes seemed surprised, there was still a bit of arrogance that was easy to see in the depths.

"This blade seems to be a Lingbao?"

The old man's loud voice instantly attracted all the eyes around him, and when they saw the blade on the counter, a different color appeared on their faces.

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the wings on the back of the light hunting tooth, the light hunting disc."

"Light hunting teeth are rare, and the chance of dropping a blade after death is even more pitiful."

"It takes several thousand pieces of spirit jade, right?"

"Stop it, a few thousand yuan? Lingbao is an item that can accompany the spirit beast and can be permanently upgraded. This blade plate does not have 10,000 pieces of spirit jade, so don't even want to get involved."

The shocked noise resounded through the shops, and the greed in the eyes of the old man became more and more obvious.

Lingbao, but more rare than Lingjing.

Some people have spent their entire lives, and they don't even want to get a piece from the spirit beasts they kill.

Not to mention, it is a rare and extremely rare spirit treasure like the light hunting disc.

"I'm not selling anymore."

Putting the blade on the palm, Xiao Yang said flatly, and he was about to take it back.

He is not afraid of trouble, but he is afraid of trouble wasting time.

"and so on!"

At this moment, an old palm suddenly hit the other end of the blade. The old man who had spoken earlier looked at Xiao Yang with a smile: "Little friend, can you explain what I stolen a few days ago? Why is it in your hands?"

Frowning slightly, Xiao Yang's black eyes flashed with cold light.

This old man is just going to the end with him.

"Master Jiang?"

At the door, a middle-aged man who had just entered, looked at the old man beside Xiao Yang, and his expression was overjoyed: "Why are you here?"

"Master Jiang? Is this person Jiang Ji from Baiyan City?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's complexion changed involuntarily.

Jiang Ji, the most powerful alchemist in Baiyan City, even the local city lord had to be polite to three points when he saw him.

As a fourth-rank alchemist, he was naturally invited by this Golden Sun Club.

"It turned out to be yellow ginseng."

The old man named Jiang Ji smiled warmly: "It's nothing, just a few days ago, my mansion was patronized by thieves. In addition to losing a few thousand pieces of spirit jade, even the light hunting plate that was obtained at a high price was also It was stolen by a thief."

"Is there anything like this?" Huang Ginseng stared at Xiao Yang's eyes, like a beast choosing people and devouring them.

"Looking at this young man, he looks pretty, but he didn't expect to be a thief."

"Does this count as looting or being captured? Haha."

"After returning to the light hunting plate, this kind of person should be dragged out and killed."

Everyone looked at Xiao Yang with a little more contempt.

A filthy character like a thief, no matter where he goes, he will be beaten and killed.

"Little friend, return the light hunting plate to me. I can leave the blame for what happened before." Jiang Ji looked at Xiao Yang with a polite appearance.

"Master Jiang is really magnanimous, I don't even need Lingyu."

"What is Xuhuai Ruogu? This is it!"

"Oh, hurry up and return the light hunting plate, I will be ashamed of you."

Everyone was criticizing Xiao Yang, but the latter's eyes were always calm as usual.

It seemed that everything that happened in the field had nothing to do with him, he was just a passerby with cold eyes.

"You don't want to?" Seeing Xiao Yang's indifferent appearance, Jiang Ji's heart sank slightly, and there was a faint coldness in the words.

"Do you have any evidence that this blade is yours?" Xiao Yang finally said.

"What evidence?"

Jiang Ji's tone suddenly rose up a bit: "You mean, I'm setting you up?"

"Fart, how could Master Jiang frame a dirty thief!" Huang Ginseng's eyes stared like cows.

"That's it, Master Jiang is highly respected, how can he say something." Someone immediately agreed.

"My little friend, you can return something if you stolen it, but if you lose your character, you can't make up for it." Jiang Ji looked at Xiao Yang, and said with painstaking attention.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yang sneered in his heart.

This Jiang Ji is really vicious enough. If he gave it, it would mean he had committed the crime of stealing, but if he didn't give it, he would become a person who doesn't know what is good or bad.

He has no grievances with this Jiang Ji, but the latter wants to put him to death.

This is all due to interest.

"You said that if you stolen, you stolen? I also said that you stole my things. What qualifications do you have to give me an unreasonable charge?" Xiao Yang said indifferently.


Jiang Ji flicked his sleeves and said proudly: "Just because I am a fourth-rank alchemist, is that enough?"

In the eyes of everyone, the respect is even stronger.

Fourth-rank alchemist, that was a character they were far away from, and at the same time the contempt for Xiao Yang in his heart became even more intense.

A fourth-rank alchemist will frame you?

It's so ridiculous.

"What about the fourth-rank alchemist, is it amazing?" Xiao Yang said slowly.

"Fourth Grade Alchemist is someone you can't make friends in your whole life. You can always stand low and look up high." Huang Shen looked at Xiao Yang contemptuously, feeling very pleased that he could be with Jiang Ji. proud.

"Little friend, you look down on the fourth-rank alchemist so much. Could it be that you too?" Jiang Ji stared at Xiao Yang, very annoyed at the latter's indifferent appearance.

Once he assumed the identity of a fourth-rank alchemist, which one was not polite, and Xiao Yang dared to use such an indifferent attitude.

"Sorry, Grade Four Alchemist, I am not."

Hearing Xiao Yang's voice, the disdain on Jiang Ji and Huang Ginseng's faces became more intense.

"However, I am a fifth-rank alchemist."


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Xiao Yang made a pinch of two fingers, and a deep yellow flame, like an elf, lightly jumped at his fingertips.

The faces of Jiang Ji and Huang Ginseng ~ ~ instantly lost their blood.

"Five...Fifth Grade Alchemist?" Jiang Ji was trembling.

This is not much different from his master!


In Xiao Yang's indifferent voice, Jiang Ji and Huang Shen ran out of the door griefly, and the person who spoke for Jiang Ji in the field just now was also covered in cold sweat and shuddered.

They can't wait to sew up their mouths.

I'm idle, what's wrong with the mouth? !

"Damn, kicked to the iron plate." Outside the door, Jiang Ji gritted his teeth.

"When he comes out, let him do it."

Huang Ginseng's eyes were sharp: "It's nothing to have Master Cao backed up to kill a brat."

Hearing that, Jiang Ji's heart also had a killing intent.