Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 190: Let you see enough

"The big snow is pressing the pines, the green pines are quite straight and straight! Oh, the sky, the parents, but the parents, but want to press the official ranks, let me marry you? Hey, unless you want to learn the long-term, do the emperor dream!"

Zhang Xiaofan has a good title, but it is not a cat.

Not to mention that it is a five-product official in the district. Even if the other party is a big-name member, Zhang Xiaofan can not be embarrassed.

This Lutong judgment is an enemy and a friend. When he comes up, he takes the official pressure to press him, and it is forcing him to kneel down. Zhang Xiaofan will no longer have to be polite. I immediately went back.

"You... you confuse!" Lu Tong was frightened by a big jump. After Zhang Xiaofan was finished, he quickly turned his hand to the void in front of him. "The official has no idea of ​​peeping at the throne. The world can be seen. The sun and the moon can be used."

He can't afford the crime of rebellion.

There are so many people here that if he does not respond immediately, he will be passed to the emperor's ear, and there is absolutely nothing to end.

"I have no glimpse of the emperor's heart, I dare not break it. But Lu Daren just bowed to the void, should I want to bow down to the emperor to show my heart?" Zhang Xiaofan's eyes sparkled and smiled strangely.

Yang County makes the eyes look nose, nose and heart, a pair of questions that do not ask the red world.

In fact, the heart laughed and opened the flower.

As the first official of a county, he has many things that have no face and no skin. It is not good. But Zhang Xiaofan can.

This is not, Zhang Xiaofan immediately seized this matter, and in turn gave the impetuous Lutong a judge.

"The world can make the old man all the time, all the people who are awed, and only the present sanctuary. Just now, the ceremony is also a tribute to my emperor." Lu Tong was sentenced to be in jeopardy, and his face was serious again to show his loyalty.

He didn't want to be misunderstood by the emperor.

Even a glimpse of suspicion can't be there. Otherwise, people will land in the morning and evening.

Zhang Xiaofan thought that this Lutong judgment was a powerful figure. He did not expect to take two words at random and revealed many flaws. Immediately sneer and scream "Hey, Lu Daren is very self-satisfied. Only the Emperor’s Majesty in the world can make you fear. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s just that you are a five-state official, despising your superiors and despising the dynasty. Oh, equal people, is that alright?"

"Imagine that Lu Daren did not show loyalty in front of them? Now that I have changed a place, I immediately reveal my true face. Isn’t it afraid that your words and deeds here will be passed to your Shangguan, and when you are pilgrimage in?"

Lu Tong was originally eager to clarify his loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor. He did not expect Zhang Xiaofan to be so powerful, to seize the flaws in his words and to be filthy.

If these words are passed to the officials of the higher authorities and the prime ministers, what do you think of it?

Lu Tong’s judgment at this time only knew that this young man, who was able to name Ping County, was not lucky. It has a strong strength. Not to say anything else, the wisdom that is revealed and the sharpness of words are extremely extraordinary.

A high-ranking official with five products, descending on a small county, is to come to Yaowu.

As a result, the Wei has not yet risen, and Zhang Xiaofan’s little character is head-on.

Lu Tong’s beard was discouraged.

"You, you have to take a breath of blood! This official has no such intention." Lu Tong sentenced his face flushed.

"How do I spray you? Just state the facts. In addition, you are very untrue and can't help yourself. It says how awesome the emperor is, and actually just bowed to the emperor against the void, so big. Is it really good to sit down and salute? If you really respect the Emperor’s Majesty, shouldn’t you stand up and salute? If you are more respectful, you can even kneel.”

Zhang Xiaofan grabbed Lu Tong’s sentence and slammed it.

Suddenly, Lu Tong sentenced the cold sweat to come down.

Just the first round of confrontation, he was even fanned by Zhang Xiaofan.

Now, it becomes more and more black.

He did not dare to continue to entangle on this issue. I only had a face with a blue face, and I said coldly, "The mouth is on you. How do you say how to say it, whether the official is loyal to His Majesty, and it is not up to you to judge. Then dare to commit the following, the official killed you."

Lu Tong sentenced the waist to the sword.

Zhang Xiaofan secretly guarded against it and dared not play it again.

Can achieve the level of judgment, the strength is certainly not weak. If a sword gave him a slap, he couldn’t cry.

The sword was completely shocked by Zhang Xiaofan, and finally the terrible guy closed his mouth. Lu Tong’s judgment was also a sigh of relief.

If he wants to kill Zhang Xiaofan directly, he really does not have that courage.

When I go up and down, who doesn’t know Zhang Xiaofan is a rookie rookie? You are a tourist who is not far from 100,000 miles from Dingdu to Pingxian?

It is to show an attitude to everyone.

Zhang Xiaofan is a newcomer supported by his Ding Shilang.

"This general judgment is based on the trust of the Holy Spirit and commissioned me to supervise the officials of Shenzhou. This time I learned that there are many major events in Ping County, and I have come to handle it personally. There are three things to come today. The first thing is to appoint Xie Fuping. The new county magistrate, Cai Zhong and Wu Mo, both of whom assisted in the payment, must manage the county government department and return the county government to normal operation as soon as possible."

Lu Tong sentenced the first thing with a look of majesty.

The direct airborne three took over the Ping County County Department.

It seems that the conservatives have much more attention to the land of Ping County than the imagination.

After reversing the county, he immediately raised a new substitute.

Let's take another step, this time more absolutely, direct airborne replacement.

Originally, Zhang Xiaofan’s outstanding merits, this county’s position should be attributed to him. In addition to the qualifications, other aspects are in line with the requirements of taking over the position of the county.

Now directly airborne one person, grabbed the county seat that should belong to him. In addition, there are two additional civil service assistants, only one purpose, completely control the county government.

"The second thing is to appoint Shi Ke as the new county magistrate in Ping County, Pang Song, Hu Banwo, and take over the post."

After Lu Tong’s judgment was just announced, the three military officers stood up and slammed.

Zhang Xiaofan’s face is slightly changed. Is this taking himself as a piece of mud? Grab the position of the county, Zhang Xiaofan will endure. Because his time and energy are limited, it is impossible to have multiple roles for one person.

In particular, the seat of the county, the county, and so on.

After grabbing the position of the county, he took the seat of the county. This is not counting, it is to rob the two teams.

Everyone knows that Zhang Xiaofan’s situation is a bit embarrassing. The actual level is still the team of the county camp, but only for the temporary charge of the county.

The county’s squad and the team’s seat were all robbed. Where did he put it?

"Fear to ask Lu Daren, the three of them take over the county, the team's position, then how the original two teams are dealing with?" Yang County asked the archer.

Zhang Xiaofan is his man. Now he has been severely suppressed by the above officials. He is the boss, and naturally he has to make this head for Zhang Xiaofan.

"This general judgment has been known in detail. The original team is two people, one is Zhang Xiaofan and the other is Fang Jing. The recidivism of the county camp is being rescued. These two people have unshirkable responsibility. Although the county camp is not a regular army, the system of compliance must be observed. Only the rewards and punishments can be clearly defined.

"The two of them are all reduced to ordinary small soldiers, with a special effect."

Lu Tong sentenced the two people to a verdict.

This is too embarrassing.

Zhang Xiaofan finally climbed to the current position, but was directly smashed to the end because of an irresistible incident. Dropped to a small soldier.

The anger burned in his chest.

"Why, is your expression dissatisfied?" Lu Tong sentenced Zhang Xiaofan, his face with a sardonic expression.

"Of course not to be convinced! The prisoner was robbed. This is something that no one wants to see. But the strength of the enemy is too strong. It is not that our county camp can resist. You don't ask me now, let me and Fang Jing go to the end, change No one will be convinced."

Zhang Xiaofan argued for reason.

"You can't do it, it doesn't mean that no one else! If you are not convinced, Pangmou can teach you to be a man. Some private troops in the district can't resist it. What other B face is the team? Let you have this garbage color When I was in a position, I was insulted by the county magistrate. On the level, the county magistrate is equivalent to a hundred in the army. In the military, if you want to hold a job as a hundred households, you need at least six stars to repair."

"Even if the county camp is not a regular army and the requirements are lower, then at least five-star warriors need to be repaired to be competent."

Pang Songteng stood up, the fierce breath came out, and looked at Zhang Xiaofan contemptuously.

This is not to put Zhang Xiaofan in the eye.

When the words fell, Pang Song’s body surface showed a full five-pronged mans. This Sheran has a five-star source of warrior repair, no wonder so flying.


Pang Song grabbed his armor and jacket and slammed it off, then squatted on the ground.

I saw a piece of strong muscles exposed, and the knot was like a dragon.

Pangsong is even more fierce, like a wild beast.

"Come and come, let me see this new generation of the team, what is the garbage of your original generation?"

Pang Song waved at Zhang Xiaofan and looked at the extreme.

"it is good!"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly shot, and his own footwork was displayed, and he immediately arrived in front of Pang Song.


There is no fancy action, because it is a study, so no weapons are used. It’s just the simplest and most rude strength fight.

The two men’s iron fists intersected and continued to blow.

It can be seen that Zhang Xiaofan’s fist has a turbid atmosphere.

This is not as simple as punching.

Instead, the shield armor is flexibly applied to the double fist.

The defensive armor, condensed on the fist, immediately made his fists like two big hammers.

Every punch and blast is tyrannical, and it seems that the air must be blown up.

Pangsong, who can't do everything, is repaired to be a little better than Zhang Xiaofan. As a result, just two punches with Zhang Xiaofan, his arm could not be lifted.

The bones of the fingers and other parts are afraid of being broken.

It hurts his fierce rough face, which has been severely distorted.

The speed at which the two played against each other was too fast. He couldn’t wait for mercy, and he was beaten to the ground by Zhang Xiaofan.


Fierce iron fist, it is a fist to the flesh, listening to all the pain.

"Oh... don't fight, beg you don't fight... I'm dying..." Pang Song spoke with a mouth, and blood came out of his mouth.

He arrogant in front of Zhang Xiaofan, and he was not picked up as a dead dog.

In addition to serious injuries to the hands, the ribs can be broken, I am afraid that it has been broken. He is now even shouting for mercy.

"I don't want to see how much garbage I have in this generation. Is it now?" Zhang Xiaofan stepped on Pang Song's head.