Master of the Last Days (Almighty Great Master of End of the World)

Chapter 650: Section B firearms

, The latest chapter of the end-time Almighty Master is updated soon!


One hand of Qin Hui hit Yang Jing's palms together.

Yang Jing suddenly felt a tremendous force, pushing his palms apart, letting him spread his arms involuntarily.


Yang Jing exclaimed.

At this time, Qin Wei changed again, stepped forward, and raised one hand again.


This hand fell on Yang Jing's internal strength.

Only momentarily, the internal force was broken.

Yang Jing pedal kicked back, panicked, raised his head to lock Qin Yue, only to find that Qin Yue had raised his hand again.

This is Qin Yue's third palm.

In the panic of Yang Jing, he could only perfuse the internal force on his arm, blocking Qin Yi's palm.


Qin Yun's internal force spit out and hit Yang Jing instantly. The huge internal force and strength fell on the opponent's body!

Yang Jing's feet fell into the ground for a full ten centimeters, but his body retreated involuntarily. His feet formed a gully on the ground. After three meters, he could no longer control it, and the whole man flew out.


Yang Jing couldn't control himself. He flew out more than thirty meters before hitting the ground with a bang. At this moment, he felt that all the internal organs were moving, and his arms were swollen as thick as a small tree.


Yang Jing spit out blood, and the whole person's breath dropped a quarter.

Seriously injured!

The audience was silent!

An ancient warrior in the C9 segment, facing Qin Ying's C7 segment, actually resisted only three moves.

It seems that people can't believe this situation, and they hold it for a while!

Qin Hui raised his hand and waved, and said, "Take it away!"

The members of the Fengli Group suddenly went to the ring and wanted to take Yang Jing down.

Although Yang Jing was seriously injured and unable to fight again at this time, he couldn't believe that he had lost like this, not to mention that this was completely different from what I said before.

"Qin Yue, I'm not strong enough to defeat you. You can intercept it and hit me with a backhand. What's going on?" Yang Jing reluctantly accused.

Qin Yuan finally gave his opponent a gaze and said coldly, "I still have to wait for you to play 100 tricks slowly? Who told you that what I said was defeated, I ca n’t change hands? Without strength, do n’t come up , If you want to eat crabs, you have to bite the crab shell, otherwise don't blame your hands! "

After Qin Yan said it, he didn't bother to care about each other anymore, "Take it!"

"Yes, President!"

A group of people immediately rushed up, including Yuan Xiaoguang, a wooden C section capable person, and it was too easy to drag away a seriously injured ancient warrior!

Soon Yang Jing was taken away. Only traces of fighting on the ground represented him.

Qin Yue did not let people repair it. I'm afraid the fight will be bigger and bigger for a while, so there is no need to waste energy.


Qin Yue spoke, waiting for the next challenger to shoot.

I have to say that Qin Wei gave a good dismissal, and those C segments that still had luck are in the past. At this time, they were cold and sweaty, fortunate.

Fortunately, there was no end, otherwise they would end like Yang Jing!

Qin Yue did not say that he would not change hands, and defeated the opponent also won.

But this is not a good thing for those in the B segment.

"Qin Yuan, this boy is waiting for us long ago!"

"I know, it won't be that simple!"

"I checked his news before, this kid has killed section B, and more than one, even killed the C bug mother on the battlefield!"

However, these news can only represent that Qin Yue has the strength of paragraph B, but it does not exceed paragraph B.

After all, those who have the ability of section B also have the ability to kill the mother of section C.

The temptation of the ectopic plane in front of it is obviously more.

Some of the people who came to the scene even had dark forces who had hidden their identities, they just wanted to get a slice of it.

Finally, it seemed that there was no benefit in dragging on. A B segment took the lead.

This is actually a capable person with a firearm in both hands.

"Oh? Segment B gunner?" Qin Yan asked with narrowed eyes.

If you say that in the G segment, out of the 100 abilities, there is only one power, 10 ancient martial arts, and the remaining 89 are gunners.

But in paragraph B, it turned into a gunner, 10 abilities, and 89 ancient martial arts players remaining.

Such a one-percent chance also means that the firearms who reach section B must have an extraordinary conscious use, unique firearms, and horrible destructive power.

"Governor Qin, please advise, I will not use weapons of mass destruction, but the two guns in my hand are equally scary, so you need to be careful!"

The gunman said that he had raised the gun in his hand.

Qin Yue's gaze fell on the gunman's face, and his heart suddenly moved.

This man Qin Yue knows.

King of guns, Jin Hao!

The section A gunners in the future are really gunners.

This person's consciousness is very strong, which also caused him to be the main reason for the A section.

Cui Lian can be called the king of fire, so the gun king title owned by Jin Hao can imagine how powerful it is.

I didn't expect even him to come!

But if you think about it, before the rebirth, this fire rock ectopic plane attracted more than 30 psionicists to join forces ~ ~ to divide the benefits. Whether Jin Hao Qin Yun did not know, but he came Qin Yue was not surprised.

"Okay, that's it!"

Qin Yun did not intend to fight against Jin Hao. After all, it was because the C section was too self-defeating. Qin Yun shot to kill the chicken and monkey, so as not to waste his time.

No one said to start, but the two moved at the same time.

Jin Hao's muzzle lifted slightly, and an instant of energy erupted, forming a large net covering Qin Yuan.

The flash of thunder on the big Internet obviously contained thunderbolt runes. After being bound, the action will definitely be affected.


The big net fell on the ground, but it was empty.

Qin Yue has long disappeared!

However, Jin Hao did not panic, but raised his hand again, and another grid appeared.

Jin Hao has a strong sense of consciousness, so he can lock the opponent while Qin Yue is moving.

However, locking and wanting to attack is obviously a lot worse.

After several attacks, this amounts to useless work.

With five shots, the gunman had counted five moves, and Jin Hao's eyes were dignified.

The next moment, the firearms in his hands also followed quickly. The muzzle was not the power grid, but the real lightning.


Purple thunder and lightning appeared across the square, making people feel alarmed.

On both sides of the valley, those in ability in section B are all attentive, and those in ability in section C are also addicted.

This is the battle in section B. Except for those who follow section B, those who do not have the power of section C are hard to see.

However, such a powerful attack still failed to hit Qin Yun.

The thunderbolt climbed into Qin Yun's internal force and breath, but was instantly dissipated. Qin Yue was just like a stroll in the court, without any impact at all.

30 moves have passed!