Master of the Last Days (Almighty Great Master of End of the World)

Chapter 666: Devour Treasure

‘It seems that the ability to swallow the sky is actually similar to my swallowing ability, but yes, the dark ability is essentially swallowing! ’

However, it has a strong ability to devour, but there are still other things that cannot be devoured. For example, the space rune equipment, Qin Yun's consciousness swept away, and he has found the rune equipment that also emits a silver light in the sea water.

However, Qin Yun's spirits rose.

Because of the darkness, he saw a group of silver particles like stones, which settled at the bottom of the sea water.

That amount is really amazing.

There are at least hundreds.

Qin Qin immediately controlled the internal force and gas, sinking into the water, and then the consciousness drove the stones of space.

The densely packed silver photoelectricity immediately passed through the internal force and gas and reached Qin Yue's front.

啊 "Ah! These! This ..." Yu Yangtao was immediately shocked. He had not seen so many space stones. Moreover, these space stones have been polished, and there must be something in them.

"Should be the relic of the powerful who swallowed the sky!" Qin said, eyes could not help but shine.

者 The person who can be killed by swallowing is more than a paragraph, and among them, it is likely to be a person with A ability.

"Yeah, unfortunately, even if you take these things now, they are useless!" Yu Yangtao said in a deep voice. There is no guarantee for life now. What is the use of these things outside?

Qin Qin was so funny, he didn't open his mouth to explain, instead he said, "Since Mr. Yu is not interested, I'll take it!"

"I didn't die now, and it was also the blessing of the brothers. I wouldn't have asked for these things in the first place!" Yu Yangtao said.

Qin Yan smiled, thinking for a while you don't regret it!

Qin Yuan took out a combat backpack from his space rune equipment, and packed all the space stones in it. Qin Yuan kept wandering in the sea water, and actually collected a pack of space stones!

Qin Qin carried this combat backpack on his back, apparently he was powerful, and there was a heavy feeling.

These are all unimaginable wealth!

Who knows who has been killed in these days.

"Brother, how long can you hold on to your inner strength?"

When Yu Yangtao watched Qin Yun tossing for a while, he still felt that Qin Yun was just dreaming of making a fortune before he died. I did not expect to toss for more than ten minutes. Qin Yun's internal strength and suffocation were very sufficient, as if there was no consumption.

This really surprised Yu Yangtao.

"It's okay to guarantee that we will not die for ten and a half months!" Qin Yan answered.

Yu Yangtao was surprised, "Aren't you kidding me?"

"It's not necessary to make a joke about this kind of thing!" Qin Yun said, within the consciousness, there is no longer the shadow of the stone of space. Qin Yun's intentions are still over, but he has closed his hands and focused on the most important issues now. .

"What kind of strange beast is it to swallow the sky? Where is the position of the heart or energy crystal nucleus?" Qin Yan said.

Faltering Yu Yangtao, "What do you ask this for?"

Qin 的 's answer: "Of course it is killing each other!"

"how can that be?"

"There is nothing impossible. We destroy from the outside. We are indeed not opponents who swallow the sky. The opponent's body is so huge and powerful, but when we enter the interior, it cannot release any power. We have no problem!"

Yu Yutao was stunned by Qin Wei's words.

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Fiction netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

He quickly retorted: "How can no force be released, swallowing the sky is a terrible deep sea demon whale, with a huge body, but also has powerful dark powers and water powers. Now we are in it. There is also seawater in the stomach as a buffer. If you really come into contact with the other person's blood, you will definitely die! "

Xu Zheng said, suddenly a sea of ​​water rushed down from the top, and a terror beast full of more than ten meters fell down.

Yu Yangtao was taken aback by surprise, this horror beast is actually a B-section beast emperor.

This B section of the Beast Emperor's body was cut into two halves. After reaching the stomach, he was immediately digested by the dark runes around him. Qin Hui was not polite, quickly took out the blue king knife, and put this B Section The remaining materials were collected, and the most important thing was that the crystal nuclei were not damaged.

Yu Yangtao really served Qin Yun at this moment.

‘This Qin Yun, will not be a fortune fan! ‘Yu Yangtao's heart was defamated.

此时 At this moment, maybe there is such a big beast entering the stomach. They exist in the stomach, and on the inner wall around them, suddenly a very strong white liquid flows down.

"呲 呲 呲!"

液体 This liquid melted into the seawater, and the seawater actually melted along with it. Not only that, there were some fragments of deep-sea submarines that were not easily corroded in the seawater, and all of them melted away at this time.

Qi Qin's face changed.

I have to know that before it was only a dark rune, Qin Hui can still stand it, but now it is different!

These stomach acids can be digested except for the stone of space. Qin Wei ’s internal power is consumed very quickly, let alone continue for ten days and a half months.

"Now we don't want to go, we have to go!"

Qi Qinji said, taking Yu Yangtao, moving quickly.

The edge of the stomach that swallows the sky, the strong concentrated acid is more and more flooded, but Qin Wei has to approach here.

"Flame Blade!"

Qin Yue ’s Qing Wang knife suddenly burst into a black-purple flame, which instantly cut open the stomach wall ~ ~ his wrist flipped, cut a large hole from this stomach, dragged Yang Yang, and jumped out .

There was red flesh and blood around the tadpole. After Qin Dao jumped out, there was no stomach acid consumption.

Only the next moment, Qin Yuan and Yu Yangtao felt that the whole space was flipping.

Not only that, but the deafening roar seemed to pass through a layer of gauze.

应该 That should be the roar of swallowing the sky.

If it was just a roar, then there would be a terrifying coercion.

Devouring Heaven is close to the existence of the Divine Beast.

威 This coercion makes people unable to breathe.

Qin Qin's forehead was soaring, and at this time, Yu Yangtao was pale and shivering, as if the whole person was about to collapse.


Qin Qin grabbed Yu Yangtao with one hand, and inserted the Qing Wang knife directly into the flesh and blood that swallowed the other.

"Ah!" Yu Yangtao yelled. Although he had made an indifferent attitude to life and death, Yu Yangtao was really afraid at this time.

He was panicking, watching Qin Yun's face firm, suddenly an idea appeared in his heart.

‘I do n’t want to die, maybe follow this person, not die, hold on, I want to hold on! ’

In section B of Tangtangtang, at this time, you can only pin your hopes on a section that you first met, and say it, I'm afraid no one will believe it!