Master of the Last Days (Almighty Great Master of End of the World)

Chapter 804: Ladder

The next day.

Chongluo City fell into space overlap for the third day.

When it emerged in the early morning, the whole city seemed to be gradually recovering, but it was completely different from three days ago.

Some people trapped in the room found that the plants that did not belong to their city rose wildly again, and some even reached the height of the second floor. At night, the strange beasts who did not know when they came quietly began to come out. Hunting.

Some horrible insects and beasts are increasing, and they appear in people's sight with great swings. They are no longer the size of nails, but they are swaggering across the market like a basin.

Some trapped people despair.

However, some people arrived hard outside the city yesterday. They even resisted the poisonous snakes together. They learned the news. With the publicity of Li Yuanshan and Guan Shan, they all knew that the space channel would open again at noon today. hope.

So these people have already arrived here early, and even reached the position of the central square without a night's sleep.

Even the surrounding houses were densely packed and filled with countless people.

‘After today, I ’m afraid that this city will be completely quiet. Those who stay will probably not go out in time, but these are despair and new hope for them! ’

Qin Yue thought, and smiled slightly with a mockery.

If there is no courage to rush out today, then these people will stay in the future, but they will just stay dead in the original place, and will not fight with the strange beast.

It ’s just that people are pushing their limits. Who knows what will happen?

Among these people, there is bound to be a bright future in the future.

Even Qin Yue has a new plan, which is brewing.

When thinking about it this way, the sun has risen higher and higher, and the time from the opening of the space channel is getting closer.

Soon, a silver light emerged from the sky above the city, and then a black spot became larger and larger in people's eyes, covering their heads.

After experiencing what happened yesterday, all of them cheered and seemed to know what would happen next.

However, the imaginary iron box did not appear. Instead, it was a staircase made of steel and descended.

The staircase is very rough and even mottled. Some of the iron plates and steel bars are different in color, but now it looks very gigantic and majestic!

The staircase fell from a height of four hundred meters, becoming larger and larger, making people look full of great pressure, but full of hope.

This is a ladder.


One side of the ladder was originally a shrinking thing. At this time it seemed to be pulled away. A huge canvas actually rolled down. The black letters on the red background fluttered a few large characters of dragon and phoenix dancing!

"Made by Fengli!"


Outside, the airship controlled the ladder and fell into the overlapping space a little bit. As they descended, they could see dense little dots through the gray mist. They seemed to be raising their heads, watching them standing on high people.

Needless to say, these people also know what this staircase means to the people below.

On the communicator, the aerial video of the drone was played out, and the people in the overlapping space were full of excitement, gratitude, and even tears.

Within Fengli Group, the technical staff who had been busy for a day actually had a great sense of honor.

"I didn't waste anything I worked hard for one night!"

"Isn't everyone saying good deeds don't leave a name? We write a Fengli Group, isn't it a bit too arrogant!"

"The owners of Chongluo City don't care. Can't we still publicize our group? We're working for nothing? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

"Yes, that is, General Qin is in charge. The domain chief has assigned the task. Look at the other B sections, all of them are gone!"

"Yes, I still like people like General Qin!"

"Of course, we worked hard!"

"Hey, I don't know why, I was actually touched by myself!"

It's a great thing that they have given back their lives one by one.

As the ladder descended, although they could not hear the sound, they could feel that at that moment, the heavy force of the ladder touched the ground, and a noise was heard, the dust was flying.

The airship loosened the rope, and the ladder crossed two worlds. On the outside ladder platform, a C-segment gold power releases its power, and immediately forms a more luxurious and comfortable staircase, and the humble one in the overlapping plane Compared with staircases, the sky is very different.

The technician immediately scolded.

"Fuck, I've been welding for seven or eight hours, it's not as good as the other three minutes!"

"I'm so mad, why can't I be a power!"

"Haha, if you are a psionicist, you don't need to solder the iron ladder here!"

These people relaxed and laughed.

However, at this time, a humming vibration came, and people looked at the communicator in surprise, and then their faces changed.

Judging by the drone feedback from their communicator ~ ~ a group of strange beasts emerged from the dense forest outside the city and gradually converged into a torrent.

Yesterday, the space channel opened, and it seems that no major changes have occurred. In fact, it has already happened!

Plants are mutating, and strange beasts have also been attracted, but none have appeared.

And now, the space channel opened again, apparently seduced them again, these strange beasts, like sharks smelling the **** smell, swarming in.

"Don't be idle, hurry!"

"Immediately, immediately!"

People started bundling some containers and started throwing them into the cracks in the space, which were filled with emergency drugs and G-arms.

For a moment, all of them were busy.


In the space of overlapping planes, such a huge ladder fell, and everyone was cheering.

Qin Yue looked at the words of the Fengli Group, and then smiled slightly.

Zhang Yang?

Qin Yuan didn't feel publicity at all.

His Fengli deserves to be known to everyone, and those who are in Fengli will certainly be honored.

Of course, Qin Yue did not expect Feng Li's people to be outside, he would think so thoughtful, whether it is the ladder or the banner, it is worthy of praise.

At this time, Guan Shan and Li Yuanshan were also standing next to Qin Yue. After seeing the ladder appearing, they were still stunned. Seeing the emergence of the words Fengli made them feel a touch in their hearts.

What kind of team can you think of to publicize their group while the group president is doing a difficult job?

Obviously these people know that the mayor has ordered the city to be abandoned?

This group, like Qin Yue, is full of righteousness.

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