Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 226: Make up the gun

Renault couldn't help screaming inwardly, **** black bastard, really good at calculating.

The black orcs force human slaves to go to the sea in winter to fish for conch and seashells in order to desperately squeeze the value of slaves.

If the slave has a long life and is not frozen to death, then the black orcs can obtain an endless stream of seafood, and it does not matter if they are frozen to death. Not only can they save a lot of food, the corpse can also be used.

In short, there will be no loss at all.

But for human slaves, such a working environment is comparable to hell.

After being immersed in cold sea water for several hours, even a strong man with a strong physique will suffer low-temperature damage. The epidermis will suffer from frostbite, and the local tissue will die if it is too long. Big.

Even if you survived by luck, what about next time? Next time?

Of the dozen or so human slaves on the fishing boat, at least one-third of them will die after one day of work, and none of them can survive for more than three days.

It's really a group of poor people. Even the corpse will become the ration of the alien race, even the last drop of bone marrow will be squeezed out by the black orcs.

In the process of chasing, Renault clearly saw the slaves huddling in the corner shivering, and being beaten and kicked by the guards from time to time.

This made Renault's gaze more and more cold. The sailors standing near him somehow felt cold all over their body. They were facing Renault's back, and they actually produced a needle-like sting. Pain.

What's more shocking is that they seemed to feel a terrifying beast lurking behind them, which made their calves weaken, their heartbeats quickened, and they were sweating coldly all over.

This kind of vision is exactly the impact on the surrounding creatures after the mental power is strong to a certain extent, and only the most powerful transcendents can do this.

One minute later, the black orcs on the fishing boat also confirmed that the chaser was a human.

Seeing that the enemy's ship was so fast that he could not get rid of it, several leading black orcs roared loudly, and the other black orcs took up their weapons one after another and were ready to fight.

From time to time, black orcs rushed out of the cabin with weapons, and soon more than 50 black orcs gathered on the deck.

The morale of the black orcs was quite high. They kept waving their weapons and yelling at the enemy's sailing boats of unknown meaning. There was not much fear on their faces.

It seems that the brilliant record of the black orc army has added a lot of confidence to them, making them think from the bottom of their hearts that humans are weak chickens that are easy to bully.

However, the following facts proved that this was just an illusion, an illusion that made them pay a heavy price.

"Everyone is ready to shoot, try to be careful not to accidentally hurt humans..."

After the distance narrowed to more than 100 meters, Moose's roar rang, "Listen to my command, shoot..."

"His hiss..." The scream of air flow swept across the sea, and a metal storm erupted instantly.

On the other side, Hai Chao also erupted in a metal storm.

Countless blood blossoms bloomed in the crowd of black beasts, and screams sounded one after another.

Out of a certain kind of self-confidence, these black-skinned idiots stood on the deck without any cover, almost no different from a fixed target. The island guards could take aim calmly, and the difficulty of shooting was greatly reduced.

After the large-caliber rifle bullet hit the black orcs, they immediately left scary blood holes in the black skins.

After the bullet hit the black-skinned limbs, a piece of muscle was "bitten off" unexpectedly, and people with broken bones and muscles abound.

After the bullet hit the black skin's chest and abdomen, their internal abdomen organs were immediately severely injured, and the whole person immediately fell to the ground.

The worst was the black skin that was hit on the head, and the bullet that even steel could easily penetrate. It was definitely not blocked by the skull. Their skull was lifted by the bullet, and their brains flowed all over the floor.

The final result was that the shot was either dead or disabled, the black skins were killed and wounded, and the black orc lying on the deck.

In the first round of the salvo, 20 black orcs on the fishing boat died instantly, and the remaining half were seriously injured. There were no more than 15 black orcs with combat effectiveness.

To make matters worse, after being attacked, these black orcs still couldn't figure it out, didn't know what hurt their companions, and didn't know how to deal with this kind of attack.

After all, they are just a group of civilians, and their combat experience is not as good as those of the black orc soldiers, and their resilience is very low. Many people are standing still on the spot without looking for a cover to cover their bodies.

After 10 seconds, the second round of the salvo began.

The sharp howling sounded the death knell for the remaining black orcs. After this round of shooting, there was no longer a standing black orc on the deck.

At this point, this brief encounter is over.

It took 1 minute in total, without any casualties, and the Black Orcs were wiped out.

For the island guards, the battle was extremely easy. They just moved their fingers without any effort.

The biggest damage they suffered was that the sea breeze was so cold that many people's fingers were frozen.

If you switch to a cold weapon battle, the battle will not end within 10 minutes. Even if you have an absolute number advantage, facing the black orcs with the advantages of size and strength, I am afraid that there will be casualties.

As for the dozens of human slaves, they were all frightened when they watched the scene of blood flowing into a river on the deck. A group of people huddled in the corner, shaking like quail.

It was precisely because they were huddled in the corner, they were safe and sound, and there were no people injured by stray bullets.

The next step is to board a fishing boat to fight.

Most of the black orcs were still in the cabin of the fishing boat. In order to avoid accidents, the dozen or so team members who boarded the island wore helmets and leather armor.

The method of boarding is also very simple-jump to help.

That is, after the two ships approached, they jumped directly from the side of the ship.

Whether it is on Earth or another world, in the age without long-range powerful weapons, gang-jumping has always been the mainstream of naval warfare, and today the Odin will also use this tactic.

As a thousand-ton sailboat, Odin has a deck height of more than 3 meters higher than that of a fishing boat, making it easy to jump.

With superb driving skills, the Odin quickly approached within 5 meters of the fishing boat. After throwing the thick rope with metal hooks over, Moose led a group of strong men and quickly climbed onto the fishing boat along the rope. .

The first thing these guys did after boarding was to make up the knife, no, make up the gun.

Every black orc who fell on the ground, whether it was alive or dead, would be fired with a few bullets first, and then approached after the gun was filled. This was also the standard tactics trained by the Island Guard.

The purpose is to prevent the enemy from pretending to be dead.

What if the enemy pretends to lie down, waits for the island guard to pass, and then takes a cold stabbing? Or what to do if you pretend to be dead?

On the battlefield, they do everything. The island guard team has not encountered this kind of enemy now, which does not mean that they will not encounter it in the future.

Anyway, there is a magic steelmaking method in the territory now. One furnace of steel can produce hundreds of thousands of air gun bullets. The price of bullets is dyingly cheap.

When the gun was refilled to the middle deck, it really ran into a situation. A black orc lying on the deck suddenly pushed aside the body he was pressing on and limped towards the ship's side.

Looking at the posture of this black skin, it seemed that he was going to jump into the sea.

It is a pity that the speed of the bullet is faster. Hei Pi just ran 2 steps, and 6 or 7 bullets rushed into his body, sifting him into a sieve.

When the whip whip came near the group of human slaves, several courageous slaves wanted to approach with excitement, but the black hole immediately pointed their guns at them.

Moose also severely reprimanded these slaves, telling them that they are now performing tasks and that irrelevant people are strictly forbidden to approach.

These slaves also seemed to realize that these strange weapons were terrifying, and were immediately scared back again and again.

This is also one of the tactical disciplines of the island guard team. The reason is the same as that of the corpse. Who knows whether the person close is good or bad?

Do people of the same kind have to be good people? Pull it down!

Renault thinks it's the opposite. Sometimes it's his own people who are the most ruthless and darkest.

Therefore, during the mission, Renault stipulated that with advance warning, anyone who dared to approach would be unceremoniously hit.

His soldiers have been trained with a lot of resources, and they are much more expensive than the inexplicable kind. In case of an accident, the loss would be great.

Yes, Renault is so cold-blooded.

After scouring the corpses on the deck, the two island guards walked forward and asked the human slaves, while the rest of the island guards guarded the cabin door carefully.

It didn't take long for the island guards to get a message from the slaves: there were at least 3 black orcs in the cabin.

At this moment Moose was a little embarrassed.

According to his original intention, of course, he rushed in and killed the black bastard. If he could wipe out the black orcs, he could also capture the fishing boat by the way.

However, the non-commissioned officer training course taught by the lord himself told him that it is strictly forbidden to risk the life of a soldier unless it is necessary.