Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 231: Defeat

The shooting accuracy of the black orc strong archer with the "hawkeye" is only comparable to that of the official island guard. The strong archer can only rely on luck if he wants to shoot at a target 300 meters away.

But the strong archer is not the Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere, but a very difficult class to train, not only requires extremely high talent, but also requires years of hard training.

The so-called "hard training" here means opening the bow two hundred times a day.

This may not sound like much, but in fact it is extremely difficult, because they have a hard bow, and every time they open a bow, they have to use their strength. Ordinary people play this kind of action a hundred times, and the arm is not their own. Let alone two hundred times.

In comparison, training gunners is much simpler. How much effort does it take to pull the trigger? As long as there are enough bullet tubes, he can feed a large number of sharpshooters.

Among the more than 80 archers on the battlefield, there is no strong archer, so their hit rate is even more difficult to guarantee.

In addition, the strong wind greatly affected the flying posture of Feather Arrow, and none of the arrows hit this round.

The farthest feather arrow was even more than 20 meters away, and the nearest feather arrow just fell on the snowdrift bunker, and only three feather arrows hit the bunker.

At this time, the second round of the island guard team's shooting arrived. Due to the closer distance, more than 30 black skins fell on the way to the charge.

From 300 meters to 150 meters, the Black Orcs spent more than 20 seconds.

During this period of time, most people shot 3 times. The official island guards who are skilled in marksmanship shot 4 rounds per capita. A pervert like Moose can shoot a shot in 3 seconds. He killed 6 black orcs alone. .

Faced with waves of metal storms, the Black Orcs paid a heavy price. This journey has also become an out-and-out road to death, with more than 100 casualties, among which the Black Orcs who were directly killed or suffered fatal wounds, No less than 15 people.

The formation of the black skins is obviously sparse, and many black skins have found that the wooden shield is completely useless, but it also affects the running speed, and simply abandoned the wooden shield.

Those who were discarded with the wooden shield still had courage.

Seeing the people of the same race fall one after another, with painful groans in their ears, who can be as confident as they were at the beginning?

The feather arrow shot by the same clan only slightly injured a human being, but he fell nearly 1/3 of his hands. With such a huge casualty ratio, who would be willing to charge as fearlessly as in the beginning?

What is even more shocking is that the terrifying weapons in the enemy's hands seem to be getting more and more accurate. After each round of shooting, more and more people of the same race fall and the screams are getting louder.

If this continues, how many people will rush to the enemy alive in the end?

So, of course, a few black orcs quietly slowed down, deliberately falling behind the others.

Although the black-skinned social atmosphere advocates bravery, it does not mean that every black-skin is not afraid of life and death. Coins have both sides. There are also cowards among the black orcs. What's more, these people are almost all civilians, and their fighting will is far inferior to soldiers. firm.

After rushing to a range of 100 meters, as many as 1/3 of the black orcs had fallen, and most of the black skins were shaken.

They began to wonder: Can we win?

The heavier the doubts in the black skins, the slower the pace, and the charge is not as firm as before.

Even a few awakened people are no exception, but they are already riding a tiger. If they are ordered to retreat, it will be an unprecedented defeat immediately. If they continue to rush, there is still a glimmer of hope of victory.

It is precisely with this kind of fluke that the Awakened can bite the bullet and insist on charging.

In addition, because there were too many black skins injured, the wailing on the battlefield became unprecedentedly loud, and even the huge roar of the air gun shooting could not be suppressed, which greatly affected the morale of the black orcs.

Morale is invisible and intangible, but its function is extremely critical. It is equivalent to buff.

As long as the morale buff of the blessing is strong enough, the sheep dare to rush to bite the tiger, and vice versa, if the morale drops to the bottom, a group of dragons will instantly become weak chickens.

Without exception, morale has played a very important role in those famous battles on the earth where less wins more.

On this snowy ground, the balance of morale has been raised to the island guard team, and the end that belongs to the black orcs is infinitely close to the bottom of the valley.

At this time, the Guardian Island team added the last piece of weight to the "Morale Balance".

The hunting team consisted of 6 people, each aimed at 1 awakened, and suddenly launched a beheading operation.

"His..." The whistle of death screamed again.

"Dangdang..." The explosion of metal crashing sounded loudly. 4 awakened

The three awakened people trembled all over, and there were many holes in the metal armor on their bodies. They fell straight into the snow, and the blood that poured out of the park instantly dyed the blue snow, seeing that they could not live long.

The spiritual sense of another awakened person saved his life. At the moment the gun was pointed at him, he jumped directly to one side, avoiding most of the bullets, and only got a shot in the arm.

These awakened people are really too careless. They don't dodge or avoid when they charge while wearing steel armor, and they keep heading up to the front. This kind of brain-dead behavior is no different from looking for death.

This is because they do not understand the performance of firearms, and on the other hand, it is also because of their mindset.

In previous wars, apart from heavy weapons, human soldiers had almost nothing to do with the Awakened in iron cans.

Therefore, when faced with the strange weapon of the magic air gun, the awakened subconsciously believed that the enemy could not wear his armor, and the result was all tragedy.

This time the beheading was actually planned for a long time.

In the previous shooting, the island guards deliberately avoided the awakened, and only after the distance was close to 100 meters and the hit rate was guaranteed enough, they suddenly launched a surprise attack.

The fall of several awakened persons immediately triggered a chain reaction.

Some black orcs instinctively stopped and tried to help the awakened who were lying on the ground. These black skins did not directly see the wounds on the awakened ones, and did not know that the awakened ones were dying.

This kind of reckless behavior naturally caused a fatal blow to them.

The island guards turned their guns, sprinkled a rain of bullets, and shot these stupid "fixed targets" on the spot.

Others with more clever black skins saw a few awakened people fall to the ground and twitched all over. They immediately realized something was wrong, and they turned around and fled without hesitation.

Even the mighty awakened people are on the street. Failure is a foregone conclusion. If you don't run away at this time, can you just stay here and wait for death?

Their behavior soon had imitators. In the baptism of bullet rain and death, a few black orcs who were completely overwhelmed by fear also joined the ranks of fleeing.

Afterwards, more black skins saw that the general situation was gone, and followed them into the flow of fleeing people.

The formation of the black orcs collapsed.

A large group of black orcs threw down their weapons and ran to the village desperately.

Behind them, all the temporary island guards couldn't help but let out a enthusiastic cheer. Many people even stopped shooting. However, after the team leader's repeated scolding, they returned to the battle and raised their guns to shoot the black who fleeing for their lives. Orcs.

After the winning ticket was held at this moment, everyone's mood became more relaxed, the shooting standard during training was also fully utilized, and the shooting accuracy was significantly improved.

Accompanied by a scream, a black orc fell to the ground, rolling in pain in the snow, sprinkling a large amount of blood.

The awakened who was shot in the arm also failed to escape the bad luck.

He had just gotten up from the snow and had already stared at him several hunters, and declared the death of the awakened with a volley. Five bullets broke through the armor of his vest, and five were drilled in his body. Deep blood hole.

After a few convulsions, the awakened one twisted his head with difficulty, as if he wanted to see the person who shot him clearly.

But unfortunately, he failed to complete this action because Moose exploded his head with a shot.

The moment the awakened turned his head, a bullet shot by Moose penetrated his side cheek, directly penetrated into his brain, opened the other side of the skull, and hit the awakened helmet.

Hearing a crisp sound of "dang", the black helmet flew 5 or 6 meters high, and fell on the snow in a whirl. The top of the helmet was attached to the ground, the mouth of the helmet was facing the sky, and the inside of the helmet was covered with white flowered liquid.

Like the best tofu brain.

In the end, less than half of the black orcs were able to withdraw to the village. The others either died in battle or were seriously injured, or injured their legs and feet and were unable to move, lying on the snow and wailing.

After the battle, Moose gave an order to clean the battlefield.

The so-called "sweeping the battlefield" is not to search the property or objects on the corpse. In fact, there is nothing to search. The black leather gang is so poor that many of the clothes on the black leather are patched.

Moreover, the wealth of the sea tide elders is not as good as the things of the black orcs. The black skins have them, and the sea tide elders are abundant. The black skins do not have the sea tide elders.

The real meaning of "cleaning the battlefield" is to make up the gun.

Only a dead black orc is a good orc.

Responsible for replenishing the guns is a team of temporary island guards. They line up in long rows, slowly advancing forward, while shooting the black orcs on the ground.

Regardless of whether the black orcs lying on the ground are dead or alive, and whether they are moving otherwise, they will all fill up a few shots first.

Accompanied by the "hissing" air current, bullets rushed out of the gun chamber, trembling corpses and flying flesh and blood, and also shot a dying black orc into rotten flesh.

A black orc who was shot in the chest saw the movements of human beings and saw them approaching, with huge horror in his eyes. He braced himself to get up and crawled forward.

Blood was dripping from the wound on his chest, leaving a clear blue mark in the snow.

However, he had just climbed a few steps before he heard human voices.

The black orc couldn't understand what the humans were talking about, but he felt bad instinctively, so he endured the severe pain and waved his arms desperately, trying to speed up.

"Hi..." A gunshot sounded.

The black orc suddenly felt that his vest had been hammered severely. He couldn't hold his body anymore and threw his head in the snow. Then there was an extremely severe pain in the vest.

The severe pain seemed to take away the strength of his whole body, and he just slumped softly on the ground, panting quickly, feeling a little bit of coldness taking over his body.

At this moment, he missed the wooden house that was just built but warm enough.

The black orc knew that he was dying.

At the last moment of his life, he exhausted his last strength, raised his head, and glanced at the distant village with nostalgia.

At this moment, countless images flashed in his mind.

He saw the vast northern plateau.

That is his hometown, where there are spring flowers, ice and snow, laughter, and countless hunger and cold.

He saw the joy of victory and great joy.

That was the tribal army's decisive victory in the war. The chief told everyone that they would relocate the tribe to a warmer and more fertile south. By then, all tribesmen would be able to own their own land and have enough food and clothing.

He also saw the long journey day and night.

That was the way of relocation. They crossed mountains and rivers, set foot on human land for the first time, and tasted the taste of human flesh for the first time.

The taste is very delicate, but it is more of a sense of pride. We conquered the aliens, not only took the alien's homeland as our own, but also enjoyed their flesh.

Then his consciousness sank into the bottomless darkness.

The black orc is dead.

The island guards casually walked past the corpse, glanced at him, and aimed their guns at the next shivering black orc.