Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 243: Three Thousand Avenues, different routes

It only took half an hour to dig a hole inside the stone mountain, but the subsequent manufacturing and installation of the heating system and ventilation system were more trivial and troublesome than he thought.

As a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, in order to arrange the pipelines neatly and beautifully, Renault also adjusted the structure of the stone cave several times, which also wasted a lot of time.

It took more than 5 hours to complete all the work, and it was close to the early hours of the morning.

After the hot magic heater was turned on, with the whirring sound of the exhaust fan, the warm air began to flow in the 10 cave dwellings, and the originally cold caves quickly became warmer.

Later, under the organization of the civil servant Charlotte of the Civil Affairs Department, slaves who had tormented in the cold wind outside the cave for half a night swarmed in. After feeling the warmth from the oncoming, they turned pale and cold. Containing a smile of surprise.

After the last member of the island guard walked into the cave, the wooden door at the entrance of the cave was immediately pushed up, completely isolating the cold wind from the door.

Renault couldn't help sighing lightly. This extremely long day was finally over.

From landing on the mainland in the early morning, until now, he has been spinning for almost 16 hours, and he has gone through a series of battles in the middle. Even if Renault's physique is far beyond ordinary people, he is exhausted at this time.

In Renault’s view, the days of staying in the stone cave were boring to the point of explosion. All day long, I ate and slept and slept. Usually I can only rely on "going to the bottom of the sea to touch conch and seashells" and "studying how to cook food." Come to pass the time.

When swaying out of the cave, he saw the big bird passing by from a distance more than once, and sometimes he would wander around on the island of Cullen for a while.

In the winter months when the temperature is extremely low, fish schools almost hide in the deep sea. Coupled with the squally wind on the sea, it is snowy most of the time. How could big birds come here to hunt?

Thinking with your toes, you all know that this must be the magic eye sent by the black orc army.

Especially on the second day after the tragedy, Renault was surfing outside for more than 3 hours, during which he saw Magic Eye at least 5 times. Counting the time he stayed in the cave, I'm afraid the number of times the Magic Eye has passed through Cullen Island. No less than 10 times.

Obviously, the angry black orc army must have adopted a dragnet search method to find the enemy's traces.

But after everyone set up the camp, they had already cleaned up the remaining traces overnight. In addition, a night of squally and heavy snow had covered all the traces on the island. Observing from the sky several hundred meters high, the magic eye could not find anything.

If they go to the island to check, maybe they can find some clues.

It's a pity that the magic eye has an iron law of never landing during the investigation, so they are destined to only be busy.

Renault has also had the idea of ​​"knock down the magic eye" more than once.

After the winter, the seabirds were almost extinct. He hadn't eaten fresh bird meat for a while, but when he thought that it was very likely to alarm the Profound One, he forcibly suppressed this impulse, and looked at a large pile of eyes eagerly. The bird flies away.

While playing in the waters near Kuren Island, Renault discovered a strange kind of conch, which the people of other worlds call sea sound conch.

The size of this kind of conch is relatively small, the longest is only more than half a meter long, the surface is gray, consistent with the color of the seabed sediment, and the shell is also dotted with many black spots.

The meat quality of the sea sound snail is slightly rougher than that of the white sand clam, and the taste is only average, but it has a magical characteristic.

This characteristic reminds Renault of a saying on Earth: Put a conch near your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea.

This sentence has made many people believe it, because when you get close to the conch, you can indeed hear a sound similar to the "sea breeze".

In fact, Conch is just a "sound amplifier", the principle is similar to that of a speaker.

The sound is essentially just the vibration of the air, and the air disturbance caused by external noise will be transmitted to the inside of the conch. Due to the unique structure of the snail shell, the sound will oscillate back and forth in the shell and constantly resonate.

As a result, the sound is amplified, and there will be ups and downs, it sounds like waves of sea breeze.

In fact, this sound has nothing to do with the "sound of the sea", it is just a peculiar distortion of outside noise.

To put it vulgarly, even if you close fart, the sound you hear in the conch is the sound of the sea breeze.

If you put the conch in a quiet room and place the monitoring device next to the conch, you will find that the sound of the sea is gone.

(Human breathing is also amplified, so only monitor equipment can be used)

But the alien world is different. There are many exotic creatures in the alien world, and the sea sound snail is one of the exotic flowers.

It can really make the sound of the ocean tide.

There is no need to move your head over, just put the sea sound snail on the table, you can clearly hear the waves of the sea tide in the whole room, and the content of the sound is quite rich.

There is the sound of rolling sea water, the sound of splashing waves, the sound of the sea tide hitting the rocks, and even the sound of seabirds.

What is even more surprising is that each sea sound snail makes different sounds at different times, and different sea sound snails make different sounds.

This is related to the environment where the sea sound snails live. For example, sea sound snails found in sea areas with frequent storms often have the sound of storms, while sea sound snails found in seas full of reefs are more inclined to make waves. Shore sound.

This kind of magical phenomenon is naturally inseparable from magical energy.

According to Renault's understanding, this should be the magic energy accumulated in the spiral shell, which caused the vibration of the air to simulate various sounds.

As for why the sound produced changes over time, Renault guessed that it was probably environmental noise that changed the distribution of magical energy in the shell.

When the magic energy is slowly released, the generated air vibration will also follow a certain law, and finally the sound of the living environment is perfectly restored.

Although the sea sound snail is only a kind of interesting plaything, it is not very practical, but the meaning it represents is not simple.

Because it means that magic can transmit sound.

After understanding this, Renault immediately thought of one thing-the phone!

If you can figure out how the magic can control the air vibration, and then create the corresponding runes, won't the key problems of the phone be solved?

More than that, record players, walkmans, and even radio can also be solved in this way.

In this poor time of entertainment, once a record player and a walkman are created, it means a huge wealth, at least millions of Kinnars.

The significance of broadcasting is even greater. In addition to bringing money, it can also control public opinion.

Just thinking about these things and the "money" scene they represent, Renault's heart pounded.

Thinking more divergent, what if there are runes that can convey images?

With runes that transmit sound, isn't there a TV? Isn’t there a movie?

The "little movie" that otaku dreams of is also available!

Renault is from the earth, and he knows how great the benefits behind these things are.

Not to mention TV, movies, just sell "small movies", you can easily become the richest man in another world.

This is definitely not nonsense. People from other worlds are not like animals. They only go into estrus at a fixed time. Just like people on earth, both men and women are a species that estrus all year round.

This means that 15-150 year-olds are all potential users.

With such a huge customer base and such a long duration of demand, can there be a more lucrative business than this?

In addition, Haiyinluo also explained that although the alien world does not have electricity, it can actually realize various technologies related to "electricity" with the help of magical energy.

If it is in the world of Xianxia, ​​I am afraid that Renault can not help but praise: Three Thousand Avenues, different routes will lead to the same goal!