Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 254: prayer

When he thought of getting home soon, Frederick's footsteps were much lighter, and the exhaustion after working on an oyster fishing boat for a whole day seemed to be quietly relieved.

The so-called "oyster and shellfish fishing boat" is a 500-ton sailing vessel that has been modified to catch bad luck oyster shells.

In order to combat turbulence, this sailing boat is equipped with a 3000-kilowatt thermal engine. It is also equipped with several high-strength metal trawls with a large number of metal hooks.

Put the trawl net into the sea water, wait for it to sink to the seabed, and then start the thermal engine, drag the metal net from the seabed, and salvage the reef together with the doom oysters attached to the reef.

Through this "scraping of land" method, the fishing boat works 8 hours a day, can catch more than 2,000 doom oyster shells, obtain more than 100 magic stones, and officially realize the mass production of magic stones.

In addition, more than 15 tons of oyster shell meat can be obtained, which also makes the food supply in the territory more abundant.

However, the work on the fishing boat is quite hard. Although there are various magic machines to help, such as the use of magic motives to recycle fishing nets, and the use of magic hand drills to decompose doom oysters, many times they have to rely on manual labor.

Coupled with the fact that the weather is so cold, even the strongest workers are exhausted after a day of work.

"Frederick, I'm home, see you next year..."

"See you next year, Anthony..."

The 745 year of the lunar calendar is about to pass, and the day after tomorrow is a new year. With an inexplicable emotion, Frederick bid farewell to the last worker on the same road and turned into a fork.

He knew that he would be able to see my dear Vera and two lovely daughters right away. Vera must have prepared dinner, and the three mothers and daughters were waiting for him to return home.

This made Frederick's mood unconsciously become happy, stepping on the snow for more than 50 meters, under the faint moonlight, he saw his home.

Although the style of this piece of public rental housing is almost the same, he can still recognize his house at a glance.

Some time ago, he deliberately planted a few purple-green stalks, a kind of alien evergreen shrubs, which were more than 2 meters high at the door of his home, and he could see them from far away.

This is the practice passed from the Lord's Mansion.

According to Mr. civil servant, after the road in the lord’s mansion was hardened last month, the lord asked to plant a group of shrubs on both sides of the road. This practice is also called road greening.

This practice quickly became a trend, and now on Odin Island and Theron Island, all the big dog households who have paved concrete roads in their homes follow the same pattern.

This led to a sudden boom in shrub buying and selling on the market. The most popular and most expensive shrub was Ligustrum lucidum, because the lord's mansion also planted this shrub.

Ligustrum lucidum has dense branches and leaves, and the leaves are rare and fiery red. After being built, it looks like a torch, and it looks really beautiful.

This kind of strange thing has surprised many people.

In previous years, no one would take a look at these shrubs, let alone buy them madly. All kinds of shrubs are everywhere on the island. In the eyes of civilians, they are just firewood, and fools will buy them.

Unexpectedly, after the lord brought this trend, some types of shrubs suddenly turned into sweet pasta. Frederick also responded to the call and planted a few shrubs in front of his house.

"Vera, I'm back..."

When he reached the door, Frederick immediately shouted.

There was the sound of footsteps in the house immediately, and then the door was opened, the burning fire in the fireplace brought a warmth toward your face, and Vera's smiling face appeared behind the door.

As soon as Frederick walked into the warm room, the eldest daughter Bella called out "Dad" excitedly, and rushed over and hugged Frederick's waist.

Behind Bella, a small figure walked quickly while shouting "Dad".

An old face of Frederick burst into laughter in an instant. He squatted down and hugged Bella with his left hand, kissed her **** the forehead, then opened his right arm and hugged his little daughter Betty.

At this moment, Frederick just felt exhausted all over his body.

"Frederick, ready to eat..."

"Bella, bring the bread..."

Accompanied by Vera's chatter, plates of food were placed on the dining table, and the enticing smell of food permeated the house.

The staple food of the dinner is a large basket of black bread. There are three dishes, namely stewed doom oyster shell meat, seafood broth, and pan-fried fish steak.

In the eyes of a family of four, this is an extremely rich dinner.

In the past, this is a dinner that only decent people are eligible to enjoy. Frederick and his wife would never imagine that one day they could have such a dinner.

A few months ago, the family lived on "sea stewed porridge", and they often didn't have enough to eat.

Sea stewed porridge is a dish of chaotic stew. There is no seasoning in it, only a sprinkle of salt. The taste is definitely not delicious. The only fishy meat is fish, but because the sea fish in other worlds is too large, the island lacks. Fishing tools, there are not many opportunities to eat fish.

Unexpectedly, since the benevolent lord moved to the Haichao Islands, the quality of his family's life began to improve at an alarming rate.

It only took less than half a month from not having enough food to eating meat all over. From eating meat all over to pursuing cooking techniques and more delicious food, it took only 2 months. This earth-shaking change is only in Thinking about it in his head, Frederick felt that this was an unreal dream.

But all this really happened.

Among the dishes on the table, the most eye-catching is the golden-yellow pan-fried fish steak. Just looking at it, I feel very appetite. It is also a dish that Vera has only recently mastered.

Because this dish requires a cooking utensil-a pan.

But with the explosive growth of steel production in the territory, a large number of cheap iron products have entered thousands of households, and the pan is one of them.

A department store in Redstone Town organized an extraordinary activity of "buy cooking utensils, and the chef of the lord’s mansion will teach you cooking on the spot", which attracted a large number of housewives and started a frenzy of sales of cooking supplies. .

Vera followed suit and bought a pan. Anyway, during the promotion, the cooking tools were all 30% off. The price of the pan was only 70 copper nars, which was incredibly cheap. It was often a few silver nars. The price is very different.

Thanks to the completion of the hydraulic press, the stamping process was officially put into use, and the production efficiency of sheet metal parts has increased thousands of times.

Put a piece of iron plate on the stamping die, start the hydraulic press, under the huge pressure of nearly 100 tons, the iron plate becomes a soft dough, which is easily stretched into the required shape.

Through this processing method, it can be formed in one step and an iron pot can be manufactured in a few seconds, which is incredibly fast.

If you let a blacksmith make it, it will take at least half a day to knock out a pan by hand.

The great improvement in efficiency and the great reduction in the cost of raw materials have quickly popularized various metal cooking appliances to the civilian class, and also brought a table revolution.

Nowadays, in many households, the cooking method of food is no longer limited to stewing and boiling. Frying and frying are gradually becoming familiar to the common people, but the latter two methods require the use of animal fats.

Although grease is not cheap, the average income of civilians is now a lot higher than before, and it is completely affordable to buy a piece of grease occasionally.

During the frying process of the ingredients, due to the Maillard reaction, a large number of compounds are produced, which also gives the food a unique taste and crispy flavor.

Even with a handful of salt and no spices, the food tastes pretty good, in short, it tastes better.

It's almost the New Year, and Vera, who has always been thrifty, is also generous, and various fried dishes frequently appear on the table.

For the Frederick family of four who are used to eating stews, the crispy, tender and crispy fish steak is simply a rare delicacy.

Seeing her husband and daughter staring straight at the fish steak exuding alluring fragrance, and swallowing her saliva, Vera smiled and shook her head. She neatly divided the fried fish steak into 4 portions and put them into 4 meals. Intraday.

"Wait, let's pray first..." Frederick, the head of the family, spoke before the formal meal.

The family resisted drooling, closed their eyes, closed their hands together, and began to pray in a low voice, chanting prayers devoutly.

"Great Lord Lord..."

"Thank you for giving us a warm place..."

"Thank you for the delicious food..."

Such prayers have become the custom of Frederick's family.

In their view, everything in front of them is the gift of Lord Lord, and prayer is the only way to express gratitude.

In fact, similar prayers are quite common in the territory. In this area covered with public rental housing, every family prays. In Redstone Town, there are not a few families doing this.

After praying, the clashing and chewing of the tableware immediately rang, and Frederick's praise for his wife's craftsmanship was also mixed.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Is Frederick at home?"

Suddenly there was a loud knock and shout outside the door.