Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 258: Colorful Ice City

In the hustle and bustle of people, the Frederick family walked more than 100 meters along the snowy road and entered an open area in the valley.

After just one glance, the couple's jaws fell to the ground. Around them, everyone had a jaw-dropping expression, and the area was so quiet that you could breathe.

They saw a huge castle.

An ice castle entirely made of ice, covering an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters.

More than half of this group of turtles have been living in the isolated ocean tide islands. They have never seen ice sculptures. Although a few people are from the mainland and have a little knowledge, they have never seen such a magnificent giant ice sculpture.

So without exception, everyone was shocked to the extreme.

This ice castle is surrounded by an ice wall nearly 3 meters high. The structure of the ice wall completely imitates the real city wall. The top of the ice wall is covered with arrow piles. There is also a 5-meter high circular whistle every 200 meters. tower.

The only difference is that there are countless large relief patterns on the surface of the ice wall. There are flowers and trees in the relief, various animals, and various marine fish, all of which are lifelike.

Thanks to the embellishment of these patterns, this ice wall instantly transformed from a pile of ice cubes into an exquisite work of art.

Although the terrapins have no artistic cells at all, they also think the ice wall is very beautiful.

"I recognize this pattern, this is tiger thorn plum, this is crab claw..."

"This pattern is silver yellow croaker, this is white-bellied fish, and the pattern over there is long-tailed eel..."

The civilians screamed, pointing to the patterns on the ice wall in excitement. Many people walked along the ice wall while watching various patterns, and they were discussing with a smile.

Frederick held his eldest daughter close to the ice wall, pointed to a pattern and asked, "Bella, what is this pattern?"

"This is the tree my father planted in front of the house!" Bella blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Yes, this kind of tree is called Zilu Luo, what about this pattern?"

When the father and daughter asked and answered, Vera held her little daughter and watched with a smile.

As Frederick explained another kind of tree, the ice city wall in front suddenly lit up, and lights of different colors bloomed from the bottom of the ice wall, rendering the transparent ice cubes into extremely dazzling crystals.

In an instant, the city of ice became a city of uncompromising dreams, a beautiful city beyond imagination.

The civilians stared at this scene with drunken faces, and couldn't help but let out a loud admiration, and everyone was overwhelmed by it.

If they hadn't witnessed the lighting process with their own eyes, they would have thought that this was a palace of gods on earth.

It took more than ten seconds before the Frederick family recovered.

"Honey, this...this is so pretty..." Vera said excitedly.

With her poor vocabulary, she didn't know how to describe this scene, let alone how to express her feelings, she just kept chanting "good-looking" over and over again.

Frederick nodded heavily, and from time to time he stretched out his hand to stroke the ice cube. The Bella in his arms followed the same pattern. She stretched her right hand towards the ice wall, seemingly wanting to understand why the ice cube suddenly changed its color.

The moment the finger touched the ice cube, the little girl made a "hiss" sound in her mouth, and the cold touch made her quickly retract her right hand.

At this moment, the couple felt from the bottom of their hearts that it was really wise to brave the cold to watch the "New Year Celebration" decision.

After following the crowd for 1 kilometer, Frederick looked at the gate of Colorful Ice City.

The gate is round and arched with a very unique shape. It is made up of blossoming waves, which is impressive. Under the light blue light, it looks like a real wave.

After passing through the round arch and seeing the scene inside the ice city, Frederick couldn't help but open his mouth.

I saw huge ice sculptures scattered in every corner of the ice city.

The images of ice sculptures vary from person to animal. Some ice sculptures are only slightly taller than adults, and some are as high as 5 or 6 meters, which look like an iceberg.

But they have the same characteristic-realistic.

On some humanoid statues, even the expressions are sculpted to life. If they weren't carved out of ice, they would be larger than a real person. I'm afraid it would be difficult to tell whether it is a real person or an ice sculpture.

Under the decoration of various lights, the ice sculptures are like flawless colorful jade, dazzling and touching.

A group of large statues facing the city gate have been surrounded by three floors inside and outside three floors. A civil servant is standing beside the statue and explaining loudly.

"This ice sculpture was made by Lord Lord himself. It depicts the scene where Lord Lord killed the mantis fish monster on Black Iceland..."

"The 4-meter-high statue on the right is the Lord Lord’s Demon War Armor. Look at the portrait on the battle armour. Does it look like a demon? This is where the name'Devil War Armor' came from..."

"The big monster on the left is the mantis fish monster. It is a powerful and extraordinary monster, but the lord is more powerful than it. It only took 1 minute to kill the monster..."

When Mr. Civil Servants commented, there were constant exclamations in the crowd, and the civilians pointed at the statue with a look of excitement.

After hearing these voices, Frederick's curiosity immediately rose to its zenith.

The story of Lord Lord killing the mantis fish monster is widely spread in the territory, and almost no one knows it, but no one has seen this scene personally, and no one knows how Lord Lord killed it.

I heard that the ice sculpture was actually made by "Master Lord himself", and Frederick had to see what he said.

After squeezing into the crowd, Frederick saw the true face of the statue.

The hideous appearance of the demon armor made him stun his tongue, especially the demon head on his chest, which scared Bella to cover her eyes and dare not look any more.

The mantis fish monster is even more shocking. Its size is astonishingly large. It is more than 8 meters in length and not less than 4 meters in height. The average person is not as tall as its thigh. With this size alone, I am afraid that 1,000 ordinary people cannot stop it. It, let alone this is an extraordinary monster.

These two statues stood together, it was a battle between giants and monsters.

The giant held a huge warhammer in his hand and made a forceful hammering action, with the head of the hammer falling on the head of the monster.

With a glance at the hammer head, Frederick's eyes became round, and he finally understood the cause of the monster's death.

The length of this hammer is actually higher than Frederick's height!

I heard that the real warhammer is made of steel. Such a terrifying warhammer must be very powerful. It can crush a boulder with just one smash. No wonder Lord Lord easily kills the monster.

It really deserves to be a powerful lord.

Frederick was full of awe and a strong sense of peace of mind. With the shelter of such a lord, the Tide Islands will be very safe, and there is no need to worry about the sudden appearance of terrible monsters and destroying his home.

After admiring the statue for a while, the family crowded out the crowd and walked to the next statue.

As soon as the couple walked to the front of the statue, the youngest daughter Betty pointed at a part of the statue with a slender little finger, and shouted crisply: "Magic air gun...Magic air gun..."

The scene described by this statue is exactly the deed of the island guards shooting a black iguana with a magic air gun. The three human-shaped statues each held a magic air gun in their hands and aimed it at a big magic lizard a few meters away .

As the most widely known weapon in the territory, the magic air gun is even known to Betty, who is less than 4 years old.

In the next period of time, the family visited more than a dozen statues with great interest, greatly expanding their horizons, and also deeply aware of how powerful Lord Lord is.

These ice sculptures are all recent events, and most of them are related to Lord Lord, including "The Birth of Adanis", "Kill the Extraordinary Giant Turtle", "Kill the Black Orc Ice Extraordinary", " "Save the human slave", "Destroy the Black Orc Warship", "Kill the Black Orc Water System Extraordinary" and so on.

After walking around in the ice city, in the hearts of Frederick's family, Lord Lord is already the incarnation of a legend.