Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 289: succeed

The three servants were lying on the ground, their bodies still convulsing violently, and the pool of blood under them was slowly expanding. Grumm glanced at them blankly and squeezed the air gun in his hand.

If they stayed in the room honestly, instead of attempting to attack themselves with a stick, Grumm would not order a shot.

But these servants just walked out of the room and saw the costumes of the island guards. This was destined to be met with misfortune.

Gurum waved his hand at an island guard, pointed to the wooden door not far away, and made a "kick the door" gesture.

According to information, this room is the bedroom of Sir Erickson Jr.

The island guard nodded, rushed over from the side, took advantage of the running inertia, flew a kick, slammed on the wooden door, kicked the wooden door directly, and then he quickly leaped to the side.

Behind the wooden door, two disheveled guards suddenly yelled and rushed out with their long swords.

However, they were greeted by 6 or 7 bullets, and the guard body instantly burst into several shocking blood holes, screaming and falling to the ground.

If not for the Lord Lord’s order to "capture Sir Eriksson alive", Gollum would shoot directly at the wooden door. With the powerful penetration force of the magic air gun, the bullet can still penetrate a few millimeters after penetrating the wooden door. Thick steel armor.

But because he was unsure of the identity of the person hiding behind the door, in order to avoid accidentally killing Sir Eriksson, he had to use a mentally retarded kicking tactic to confirm that the opponent was not the target, and then ordered the shot.

Gurum put the air rifle behind him, lifted a large wooden table horizontally in front of him with both hands, shielded himself tightly, and walked cautiously into the dark room.

From this small detail, it can be seen that Grum is worthy of an experienced warrior. With the wooden table as a "shield", even if an enemy suddenly attacks in the room, the wooden table can block the attack for him.

He had just walked a few steps before he heard a "hum" sound.

This is a crossbow arrow!

Gurum threw the wooden table abruptly without thinking, and ran forward at the same time.

The next moment, the crossbow arrow hit the desktop with a "boom" sound, and the sharp metal arrow actually penetrated the desktop.

This sound seemed to hit Grum's heart, causing him to involuntarily produce a trace of fear, but his psychological adjustment ability was extremely strong, and this emotion was suppressed in the blink of an eye.

Then the wooden table continued to fly forward, seeming to have encountered something, falling to the ground and cry of pain in the dark, and then the wooden table slammed into the wall with a loud noise.

Gurum rushed into the room, and for the first time he saw a dark shadow lying on the ground, still squirming slightly on the ground, and by the light at the door, he immediately recognized that it was a human body.

And the clothes on the figure have a furry feeling, obviously this is expensive animal fur.

After realizing this, Grumm felt confident.

Most of the figures are little Eriksson!

Only the little Eriksson, a nobleman, can afford to wear expensive furs.

This guy seemed to be hit hard by the heavy wooden table and would not be able to get up for a while.

Grumm grinned, raised his right foot and stomped **** one of Eriksson's arm. He clearly heard a "click" from under his feet.

Anyway, Lord Lord just said "catch the alive", which means "as long as you don't kill you, you can hurt and disable at will."

Little Eriksson let out a terrible scream, and his body struggled violently.

Gurum stretched out his left hand, grabbed little Eriksson by the hair, lifted him up, waved his right hand, and violently pumped it up.


Little Eriksson's face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing a pig's head in front of him, Grumm suddenly "cocked" in his heart, broken!

I am eager to be refreshed for a while, and beat this servant so that his father can't recognize it. Then how can Lord Lord confirm the identity of young Eriksson?

Hey, this task was originally completed perfectly, but something went wrong in the last step.

Gurum sighed with some annoyance, and slammed little Eriksson's right ankle with his foot, venting his depression.

Little Eriksson's wailing suddenly went up another step.

Outside the room, several Goshima players looked at each other, not knowing what their captain was doing in the room, but they all wisely chose to shut up and waited quietly.

After tossing little Erickson to his death, Gurum pulled little Erickson by the hair and dragged him out of the room.

An island protector cleverly took out the wire rope from the backpack, firmly tied the little Eriksen with his broken hands and feet, and tore off a corner of the carpet and stuffed it into his mouth.

Grumm waved his hand, and a group of people immediately began to prepare to evacuate.

Several members of the island guard took off the backpacks behind them, took out a bottle of Molotov cocktail from it, and smashed them into each room fiercely.


Accompanied by the cracking sound of the porcelain bottle, a pungent smell permeated.

Several other members of the island guard took out a small black iron rod, put it on the burning agent, and activated a small rune square plate inlaid on the surface of the iron rod. A slight blue light flashed by. It burned violently.

This "little iron rod" is the "Magic Stone Lighter" recently developed by the Rune Research Institute. It was inspired by the rune magician Murphy.

In the "Physics" course taught by Renault, when he talked about the "Optics" part, he demonstrated a series of experiments for the Rune Mage.

In one of the experiments, Renault used ice cubes to make a large convex lens with a diameter of more than 1 meter. By focusing the sunlight, it ignited a section of wood in a very short time.

This greatly inspired Murphy's brain and made him think of transforming the magic stone lamp.

If the light emitted by the magic stone lamp can be converged into one point, can it produce a sufficiently high temperature?

When this idea was put into practice, the "Magic Lighter" was born.

And in order to achieve the effect of portability, the magicians also redesigned the rune of the magic stone lamp by referring to the structure of the rune group, reducing the size of the rune to 1/10 of the original, and a rune square plate twice the size of nails. All runes can be inscribed.

The energy source of the lighter is the magic stone battery.

Grind the magic stone into a powder, mix it with a certain amount of resin, and use a mold to make a cylinder with a fixed shape. A magic stone battery is available.

After the magic stone battery of the lighter is exhausted, it is enough to replace it directly, which is very convenient.

As soon as the magic stone lighter came out, it was extremely popular because it was so useful in daily life.

For example, if you start a fire to cook, if you follow the traditional method, you need to use "flint" to ignite the flammable tinder, then use tinder to ignite hay, and finally use hay to ignite the wood.

There are three steps, and it hurts to be speechless.

But with the magic stone lighter, you can create a high temperature of thousands of degrees with a single tap, easily ignite the wood, and the speed of the fire is moving so fast.

Therefore, even though the price of the magic stone lighter is as high as 50 silver nars in the department store of Haichaoling, it is still in short supply.

The first batch of 50 magic stone lighters were sold out in just one day, and the store received more than 120 pre-orders.

The camera returned to the scene of the arson. After the island guards set fire to various rooms in the mansion, they quickly left with Sir Eriksson.

After 10 minutes, the mansion was completely swallowed by flames, and even the bushes planted nearby were ignited by the raging fire. All traces left by the island guard team will be wiped out by the fire, even if the public security department wants to. There is no way to track it down.

This fierce fire also alarmed the surrounding manor, and many "enthusiastic" people also tried to come over to fight the fire (see the excitement).