Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 306: high efficiency

It also took a long time to prepare various construction materials.

There is no way. To build a cement road with a total length of up to 6 kilometers, the amount of cement alone will exceed 20,000 tons, and there are also many sand and steel bars.

With such a huge amount of material, with the current production capacity of the Tide Islands, a part of it must be reserved in advance, and the remaining part can be built while being produced.

If calculated at the market price, the material cost of this cement road is as high as 30,000 Kinnars, but the actual cost may be less than 1/20.

Because of free labor, that is, those former "slaves."

Most of the workers involved in the construction are free labor. The Government Affairs Office only needs to take charge of food and housing. With the surprisingly low prices on the island, this part of the cost is terribly low. Even if the meal is a big fish, it costs per capita. The sales are also less than 15 copper nars, which is really cheap to the extreme.

From this point of view, buying and using slaves is definitely a profitable business.

In the eyes of others, each slave has only two years of free service, which seems to be a loss for his grandma's family, but anyone who knows the insider knows that Renault is actually making a lot of money.

The purchase cost of a slave is only a few jinnars, but the value they create in 2 years is dozens or even a hundred times the purchase cost.

The most fundamental reason lies in industrialization. The ultra-high labor productivity gives exploitation a touch of warmth, and it does not have to be so cruel.

In addition, the relentless squeeze is not good for Renault. If everyone has no extra money to consume, there is a fart for him to produce so many commodities desperately.

Can you run it all by yourself?

Only by letting the common people get rich, can there be a large enough domestic demand market and the economy can really be invigorated.

In addition to preparing materials, free laborers involved in road construction must also receive a period of training in advance.

This is inevitable.

After all, the cement road to be built is not the traditional dirt road in the alien world. As long as the roadbed is cleared out in the field, it is enough to fill it and compact it.

Haichaoling’s road construction method is very cumbersome and highly professional. Workers who don’t understand the fart rush up and can't do anything, they will only add to the chaos.

For all the preparatory work above, the Government Affairs Department has been busy for more than a month, and until today, everything has been prepared.

Before the official start of construction, the Government Affairs Office also held a decent groundbreaking ceremony.

In the open space outside the south gate of Hongshi Town, there were thousands of workers gathered together, everyone wearing hard hats and uniform overalls.

This is exactly what Renault, a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, likes to do the most. This guy has always felt that the uniform dress is called a regular army.

What does it look like in all kinds of clothes? Unprofessional at first glance.

As a dignified industrial party, how can you be like a grass-roots team composed of contractors and migrant workers?

It is absolutely unacceptable!

Under Renault's persistent indoctrination, everyone in the territory accepted this approach.

Not to mention anything else, just over 1,000 people wearing uniform clothing, standing in a neat phalanx, standing outside the south gate, looked full of imposing momentum, which attracted some civilians to watch.

However, the audience is far less than when the warehouse was built before, because now the territory is full of factories and there are so many things that there are almost no idlers. Everyone is busy working to make money and fighting for a better life. How can there be time to hang out?

At this time, Renault was still floating on the ocean, and the groundbreaking ceremony was presided over by Miss Consul.

The girl was very crisp. She climbed onto the roof of a magic bulldozer and prepared to give a speech.

Originally, according to the intention of the Government Affairs Office, it was planned to build a high platform for the consul lady, but the girl did not hesitate to reject this suspected flattery.

It's just a few words, does it need to be so troublesome?

It has to be demolished after it is built. Is it wasteful?

Not only that, she also secretly listed the person who made this suggestion as a key observation object.

Faced with the gaze of more than a thousand pairs of eyes, she shouted loudly without a trace of timidity on her face:

"Everyone, I am Angela Theron, the highest consul of the Haichao National Administrative Office. In the next construction project, I hope everyone can work hard."

"Because you are working for the territory as well as for yourself. For those who work hard, we will reduce the free service period of 1-3 months as appropriate."

"For those who do not obey orders, work stealthily, and work slippery, we will also have certain punitive measures, such as extending the service period."

"Finally, if the construction project can be completed within four months and successfully passed the inspection and acceptance, all personnel will be exempted from the one-month service period..."

Hearing this, the faces of all the free laborers showed uncontrollable excitement.

The girl nodded in satisfaction, jumped off the magic bulldozer and waved for everyone to start work.

The civil servants in charge of the command immediately yelled loudly. The drivers quickly got into the magic construction machinery parked aside, while the workers ran to their respective targets under the leadership of each captain. This area instantly changed. It has to be lively.

The whole groundbreaking ceremony ended after less than 30 seconds, which was incredibly short.

This is exactly the young girl's vigorous and resolute style of doing things, only paying attention to efficiency, and discarding all the red tape.

Isn’t it enough to explain the most critical rewards and punishments? Is it necessary to be jealous for a long time?

If it is placed in a certain country on the earth, this kind of commencement ceremony would have to be made a little bit thicker. Several speakers took turns on stage, Barabara said for a long time.

Because these are all political achievements, wouldn't it be a pity not to show up?

But in Haichao Islands, different systems have created different work styles.

As a lord, Renault likes high efficiency and hates all kinds of useless and inefficient processes. Angela has to follow suit, and even performs more thoroughly than Renault in some aspects.

Nowadays, in the Office of Government Affairs, if any chief secretary Lorry is talking and talking nonsense while reporting on work, she will definitely provoke the girl's relentless reprimand.

The upside and downside effects are almost always in this style of work in the government affairs office.

There is no way, if anyone else is not like this, not only will there be absolutely no chance for promotion, but in the routine performance appraisal, there may be a risk of getting out of the way.

Even if you are not accustomed to this approach, no one wants to lose their job because of generous treatment.

If you don't want to do it, some people are willing to do it!

Only under the rule of a traverser can this kind of practice which is very different from the outside world appear.

Renault comes from the information age, and he is deeply imprinted from his thinking habits to his working style. Any inefficient behavior will make him feel uncomfortable.

After changing any aristocratic territory, or even a kingdom-level administrative agency, who is not the most procrastinating, all kinds of cumbersome and inefficient processes?

It takes at least one week for an official document to be delivered from the palace to the place. After the execution begins, another ten and a half months have passed, and the whole country is like a behemoth with slow response.

The girl just watched for a while, and then left with the twin sisters.

For specific construction projects, a detailed plan has been drawn up, and only needs to be implemented in accordance with the plan, and all aspects of the plan have special personnel responsible.

The girl does not need to intervene at all, only needs to check the progress regularly and give certain rewards and punishments appropriately.