Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 365: More interesting ways to die

In the misty drizzle, a group of heavily armed black orcs appeared somewhere on the north shore of the Nassau Wetlands.

The number of black skins in this team is more than 100. They are all strong, all wearing uniform leather armor and carrying weapons behind their backs.

It's just a little strange, each black skinned hand holds a thick wooden board.

The Black Orc Awakener who led the team gave an order, and the black skins threw the wooden boards on the mud in the wetland in turn. They moved skillfully and cooperated with each other. As the team moved along the boardwalk, they kept laying new boards. Soon A boardwalk was paved in the wetland.

What should I do if I run out of boards?

The black people have a way.

The black orc at the back of the team picked up the plank behind him, passed it to the black orc in front, and finally passed it to the black orc at the front of the team to ensure an endless supply of planks.

According to this method, the black-skinned team takes almost 30 minutes or more for each kilometer traveled, and the speed is quite slow.

The marching process was extremely difficult. From time to time, black skins accidentally slipped from the wooden boards into puddles or mud. It didn't take long for everyone to turn into mud monkeys covered in dirt.

In fact, the dangers in the wetland, in addition to these bottomless mud pits, there are many dangerous swamp creatures, but this team has a large number of black skins, and most swamp creatures quietly avoided them after they found black skins.

Two hours later, the blacks arrived at the Nassau River.

At this time, the wood board has a new role.

The black skins threw the plank straight into the river water, squatted on the plank, picked up a piece of wood pulp in each hand, and started paddling hard.

As a result, the plank became a small boat.

However, this method also has disadvantages, that is, the small boat has insufficient load, and the items to carry are very limited. The black orcs can only wear light leather armor, not heavy full body armor, otherwise they will definitely sink into the water to feed the fish.

Although the surface of the Nassau River is wide, it is calm and calm. Coupled with the gentle flow of the river, it took the black-skinned half an hour to easily cross the Nassau River and reach the south side of the wetland.

Then they followed the same pattern and used wooden planks to traverse the south side of the wetland. After more than two hours passed, the exhausted team finally climbed over the entire wetland and set foot on the land of the Thousand Lake Kingdom.

After a short rest for half an hour, the leader of the awakened roared and the team set off again.

A total of dozens of small groups of troops like this were sent by the Black Orcs, and their target was the human villages and towns on the southern bank of the wetland.

Humans slaughtered our villages and towns, then we must retaliate fiercely and go to slaughter the human villages and towns. This is exactly the Black Orc's plan of revenge.

However, not every team can successfully cross the Nassau Wetlands.

One of the teams unfortunately encountered a terrible killer, or they unfortunately became the target of a certain butcher. Anyway, there will always be a team blocked, not them, there will be other teams.

Reynolds stood leisurely on the surface of the Nassau River, slowly stepping on the waves, circles of ripples spread out from under his leather boots, making him look like a **** in charge of the river.

More than 200 meters away, a group of black orcs standing on a wooden plank frantically moved the wood pulp in their hands, trying to reach the opposite bank as soon as possible.

Reynolds Shiran raised the metal war bow, hitched a feather arrow, opened the bowstring with his right hand, and aimed at the black orc who was drawing the fastest.


The feather arrow flew out of the string, flying over a distance of nearly 300 meters, accurately hitting the black orc's right thigh, and the sharp arrows passed through the body.

For Renault, shooting a slow-moving target is almost the same as shooting a fixed target. At this distance, he can guarantee a 100% hit rate.

The black orc screamed and couldn't stand anymore. He fell into the Nassau River and caused a large splash of water. He thumped vigorously on the water and tried to return to the wooden plank. A lot of light blue blood quickly floated on the water. flower.

After witnessing the encounter with their companions, all the black skins speeded up unanimously, and the wood pulp set off large waves of "crashing" on the water surface, and the river surface seemed to be boiling.

Because of being too impatient, even a few unlucky guys tried too hard, their bodies lost their balance and fell into the river.

"Om... Om... Om..."

As Renault strolled leisurely on the river, he continued to stretch his bow. Every time the bowstring quivered, there would be a horrible howl and a "puff" in the distance, and a black **** joined Luotangji's camp.

It is worth noting that every black skin who fell into the water was an arrow in the thigh, without exception.

If you hit the thigh for the first time, it can still be considered a coincidence, but again and again, is it still a coincidence?

of course not!

Renault did so intentionally.

His purpose in doing this was not out of pity and intending to spare the black skin a small life, but out of deeper malice.

Since there is danger in the wetlands, is there no danger in the Nassau River?

Not long after this group of black skins moved here, they didn't know much about the Nassau River. They stepped on a plank to cross the river rashly. Reynolds was prepared to teach them a vicious lesson for this reckless behavior.

After shooting the two black skins down the Nassau River, Renault suddenly looked back. He keenly noticed that some strange water marks appeared on the surface of the river, which made him smile.

He put away the metal war bow, and touched the water surface with the tip of his right boot. Amid the rapid ripples on the water surface, he quickly rose more than 10 meters high.

Renault didn't make any movements, but stood quietly in the void, looking down at the black skins.

He is waiting.

At this time, the black orcs seemed to be aware of the ill effects, and several black skins watched the water surface frequently, and shouted loudly in orc language, with obvious panic in their voices, which seemed to remind others to be careful of the water.

The few black-skinned arrows flopping in the river, struggling to paddle with their arms, accelerated their swimming speed, and swam to the nearest board, trying to get out of the water.

However, what should come will always come.

The injured Black Skin suddenly screamed loudly, and their faces were full of fear. They waved their hands frantically, but there was nothing to stop their bodies from sinking underwater.

In the splashing water, large puffs of light blue blood surfaced.

Obviously, there is something underwater.

After a few breaths, all the black skins in the falling water disappeared on the surface of the water, and more blood stains floated from the water, dyeing a small piece of river water blue, which looked shocking.

A huge panic followed in the hearts of other black skins.

There is no doubt that these things under the water are terrible piranhas.

To be precise, it was the "Sharp-toothed Pomfret", which is the kind of freshwater fish that Renault had eaten on the way from Torres City to Leiyun Castle.

The meat of the pomfret is tender and delicious, which left a good impression on him, so he specifically asked for information about the pomfret.

From Igos’s mouth, Reynolds knew that the Nassau River is the waters where Snaptooth is the most frequented. No one knows how many Snaptooths are in this big river. Even the bravest fisherman dare not enter easily. Fishing on the Nassau River.

When sniping this group of black bastards, Renault only shot the black thighs instead of killing them in order to bleed them and attract the sharp-toothed pomfret school, because the sharp-toothed pomfret is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.



The river suddenly exploded, and dozens of dark shadows burst out of the water like lightning, or slammed into the water on the black skin standing on the wooden plank, or slammed into the wooden plank on the bottom of the black skin. They were unstable and fell into the water.

Every black skin just fell into the water, and the river water around him immediately boiled, and a large number of black shadows could be clearly seen in the spray, and there was also a miserable howl.

But soon, the black skins were dragged into the bottom of the water, the screams disappeared, leaving only large patches of blood on the water.

In just ten seconds, the number of black skins dropped sharply by 12.

This is just the beginning.

In the next few minutes, the sharp-toothed pomfret jumped out of the water in droves, crashing the black skins into the water like cannonballs, while the fish in the water surrounded the black skins, biting wildly, enjoying the flesh and blood. feast.

The originally peaceful river surface suddenly turned into a terrifying slaughterhouse.

It's not that there are no black orcs trying to resist. They are hacking and hacking in the water with weapons, trying to drive away the fish, but there are so many sharp-toothed pomfrets that the black skin can care about the head but can't care about it.

As long as he was bitten, the sharp-toothed pomfret stimulated by the gushing blood became more and more frantic, biting the black skin and screaming again and again, and the whole body was quickly gnawed away and turned into a white bone.

Renault was flying around on the water, wherever there was a ghost of the soul, he hurried over and sucked his soul into the "Book of Thermodynamics".

In this way, through the mouth of Sharptooth Pomfret, he wiped out this black-skinned team without any effort, and "picked up" hundreds of souls in vain.

When the last black skin disappeared on the water, the Nassau River returned to calm, and Renault blew a whistle triumphantly.

Shoot the black skin to death with a bow and arrow. How can this kind of "being gnawed to death by the sharp tooth pomfret" death method is more interesting?

After taking a look at the dense black shadows in the river, Renault smashed his mouth, then he briskly swept across the river and started looking for the next black skin crossing the river.