Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 410: Axolotl's Blood Potion

Renault screamed like a pig and continued until he fell into the sea in an embarrassing manner, smashing large splashes on the surface of the sea.

He had lived for two lifetimes, and it was the first time he felt such severe pain.

When on earth, this guy lived for more than 20 years, barely considered pampered, and basically did not suffer too much. After he came to another world, he brought his own artifact "The Book of Thermodynamics", which directly became a humanoid air conditioner. In summer If it doesn't get hot, it won't be cold in winter, and it will suffer even less.

So the pain of the broken arm really made him snot and tears. This Nima is simply an amputation without anesthetic. Who can stand it?

But because his physique has been greatly strengthened by magical energy, his pain threshold has increased a lot, and he can't do it even if he wants to pass out of a coma.

But this is not a bad thing. Once the enemy faints, he will only be swallowed by the sea monster in one bite, and never want to wake up.

Reynolds glanced at his broken left arm with tearful eyes. With a movement in his heart, a cloud of seawater wrapped around the broken arm, which condensed into ice in the blink of an eye, blocking the blood vessel that had been spraying blood.

MMP, the master obviously came to catch the Demon Shrimp, but the shadow of the Demon Shrimp was not seen, but the arm was lost. If it weren’t for the potion for regeneration of limbs in the alien world, I’m afraid he could really only be a alien Version of "Yang Guo".

The only trouble is that this kind of potion called the "Divine Newt's Blood Potion" is extremely rare and extremely valuable, and it is quite difficult to get it.

He gritted his teeth and cursed "the devil's son of a bitch", kicked his legs, and his head stretched out of the water. He looked at the place where the devil's snake was, and his eyes radiated bitter hatred.

If you don’t peel your skin and cramp, how can this master swallow this breath...

On the other side, the huge tail of the sea frog demon snake slammed into the sea, making a loud noise.


The hundreds of tons of the demon snake's body severely chopped the water surface, splashing splashes of blood in the sky, and two waves of 6, 7 meters high appeared on the sea, each rushing in completely opposite directions.

Seeing the enemy being dragged to the surface by itself, it seemed a little unwilling to give up, resisting the pain in its mouth, swinging its body to swim quickly towards the opponent.

The magic snake swung its tail lightly, and its huge body swept through the water like a sharp arrow. It swam more than 40 meters in just one breath. After the water touched its body, it separated automatically without adding any resistance to it.

This is the effect of the extraordinary power of the water system.

It's a pity that the sea frog demon snake thinks too much.

It was able to succeed before, just because Renault hadn't thought that it actually had such a weird ability to curse and attack. Now that he was prepared, how could it have a way to take Renault.

Almost at the moment when he noticed the fluctuation of the extraordinary power of the water system, Renault immediately understood the opponent's abacus, so he immediately activated [Reverse Heat Conduction], and the surrounding sea water instantly condensed into ice.

And with the continuous influx of magic energy, the thickness of the ice layer is still rapidly expanding. In just 3 to 4 seconds, his body was firmly wrapped in a layer of ice more than 30 meters thick.

This scene made the magic snake stare blankly, and even slowed down its swimming speed. Obviously, the enemy's many means and abilities were far beyond its expectations, and it also made it have to be more careful.

For Renault, freezing himself is the best choice.

Flying into the air is not a good practice. If the Devil Snake launches this kind of attack again, wouldn't he have to land freely again?

Although he has the "Book of Thermodynamics" in hand, he is not too afraid of such attacks, but the "Book of Thermodynamics" has a weakness. It seems that it can only take effect after the fact and cannot directly resist such attacks.

When he loses control, it is easy to be caught by the opponent, so he does not plan to fly into the air anymore, and is ready to have a head-on with the opponent in the water.

Although this is the home of the Demon Snake, it can maximize its combat effectiveness, but Renault also has special skills, and its combat effectiveness in the water may not be much weaker than the opponent.

When the magic snake approached within 100 meters, Renault had already blocked himself with a giant iceberg. The bottom of the iceberg reached a depth of more than 60 meters, and the top protruded more than 40 meters from the sea, standing still like a mountain in the rolling waves.

The sea frog demon snake acted a little cautiously. It first swam around the iceberg. After confirming that there was no danger, it suddenly threw its tail and slammed it at the iceberg.


There was a huge muffled sound from underwater again, and the frantic currents surging everywhere, bringing up a large amount of sand and stirring the nearby sea to become muddy.

However, what surprised the Devil Snake was that the iceberg did not move at all, and there was not even a crack on the surface.

how can that be?

A trace of confusion flashed through the giant eyes of the demon snake. It knew exactly how powerful a tail flick was. Under normal circumstances, this move could easily break a huge boulder.

According to its expectations, although this iceberg is big, it will definitely not be able to withstand its own attack, and it will definitely break into several pieces, but the scene in front of it has completely subverted its inherent concept.

Another thing that makes it strange is that a large chunk of ice melted at the location on the iceberg where it was beaten by the tail, and an astonishing number of bubbles emerged.

What is this situation?

The things that puzzled the Devil Snake were actually very simple.

This is exactly the branching ability of the [First Law of Thermodynamics] [force-heat transformation].

The power of the magic snake smashing the iceberg was completely absorbed by the iceberg and converted into heat. Most of the heat was transferred to the nearby seawater by Renault in time. Only a small part of the heat was too late to transfer, which caused part of the ice layer to melt and be converted into heat. Gasified into water neatly, this is the reason for the bubbles.

This is why he chose to fight in the water.

Although Renault's combat effectiveness is extremely strong, his body is far less powerful than the magic snake, and he went out today without armor. The danger of facing the magic snake naked is too great, and he can't perform magical skills in the air battle. Heat transfer].

But it's different in the water. Sea water is a natural shield. As much sea water around him can cover the thick turtle shell, it is impossible for the devil snake to break this turtle shell.

The magic snake flicked its tail around the iceberg, and the loud "bang-bang" noise appeared one after another, but no matter what posture it took, and how much strength it used, the iceberg didn't even shake the slightest.

After each shot down, the iceberg will melt a small gap, but after its tail leaves the iceberg, the gap will return to the original state, and the efforts of the magic snake are completely useless.

It was still unwilling to use extraordinary power to create a large amount of water that hit the iceberg, but the effect of this trick was even worse. Not only did the iceberg stand still, even the ice did not melt.

Renault squatted in the iceberg, grinning in pain, and thinking about how to deal with the devil snake.

However, he was disappointed to find that he only had [Reverse Thermal Convection] and [Reverse Thermal Radiation] that could attack each other. However, neither of these two tricks could severely damage the other party. At best, he could only do some interference.

Hey, if you want to leapfrog to kill monsters, you have to rely on advanced equipment...

Renault sighed melanly, and fully launched the [Reverse Thermal Radiation], turning the nearby sea into a heat-absorbing black hole, quickly drawing away the heat of the magic snake, and using this method to force the opponent to leave.

This trick was very effective. The magic snake immediately noticed something was wrong, swayed its body quickly, and quickly moved away from the iceberg. It swam to a distance of 2 kilometers before it escaped the influence of [Reverse Thermal Radiation].

Without hesitation, Renault broke through the ice and flew to the shrimp boat in the distance.

After flying 4 or 5 kilometers, he couldn't help but glanced back and found that the magic snake had protruded half of its body out of the sea, as if observing him, like a stone pillar standing on the water.

Renault curled his mouth, his eyes revealed the murderous intent of Sen Han.

This blood account will be calculated in a few days!