Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 453: Intimidate

Vassilet looked at Arrietty with red eyes and whispered:

"Miss Arrietty, let me have someone **** you back to the south."

Alietti shook her head:

"Uncle Vasilit, my grandfather always wanted to keep the Castro family's territory, so he worked so hard to run around. Someone in the family has to do things that my grandfather hasn't finished."

Vasilite was silent for a moment and said:

"When Leiyun Fort was breached, the reason why the Duke asked me to take you out of Leiyun Fort was that he hoped you could live well..."

Alietti said firmly:

"We can still retake Thunder Cloud Castle. I have already inquired that Prince El Fallon stationed in White Rock has decided to dispatch 20,000 royal legions. The Duke of Byron of Copernicus also intends to unite with nearby nobles to organize a An army..."

Vasilite persuaded:

"The North will become more and more dangerous. Mustafa also hopes that you will go back. You will be safer by his side."

The "Mustpha" he was talking about was the eldest son of the Duke and the biological father of Allietty.

In Vasilit’s view, the fall of the Thousand Lake Kingdom is a foregone conclusion. It’s just a matter of time or delay. No one can change all of this, but he can’t say bluntly that “your persistence is meaningless”, so he has to euphemistically advise the other .

There was a hint of sarcasm on Arrietty's face:

"Of course Mustafa wants me to go back. He has always hoped to marry the Scolari family in the Jinling Kingdom of the Xinghai Continent and transfer all family power to the Xinghai Continent."

A trace of confusion appeared in her big beautiful eyes, and she whispered:

"I won't go back..."

Vasilite couldn't help sighing lightly, and looked at the girl in front of him pityingly.

This famous "Flower of the North Territory" was once a noble and aristocratic lady who was famous throughout the kingdom. He didn't expect to experience major changes overnight and fell into a pitiful situation with nowhere to go.

Moon star calendar year 746, the moon of fire, the kingdom of Qianhu.

A magical boat sailed briskly on the Chagan River, and the propeller at the stern continued to stir up the waves, leaving a foamy wake.

At this time, it has entered the rainy season, and the continuous rain caused the water level of the Chagan River to rise a lot. The river surface, which was originally only more than 20 meters wide, soared to more than 30 meters, and the large grasses on the bank were completely submerged by the river.

The dense clouds in the sky blocked the hot sunlight, making the weather quite cool, coupled with the gentle breeze coming in, everyone felt that this was not a hot summer, but a cool spring.

The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is the extremely humid air. Due to the high air pressure and high moisture content in the air, Renault feels that his clothes seem to be wet, so every once in a while, he will use [Reverse Heat Conduction] to bake the clothes. .

"...I know about the devil. We'd better keep it a secret. Remember to remind Angelina..."

After hearing about Grum's encounter with the devil, Renault nodded solemnly and asked:

"Does the Thousand Lake Kingdom plan to regain Leiyun Fort? After the Black Orcs get enough food in at most three months, they will surely assemble an army to attack the Nassau Wetland Defense Line."

"If there is Thunder Cloud Castle as a support, the black orcs can attack the'crocodile tooth fortress' on both sides, and the Thousand Lake Kingdom will definitely not be able to defend the fortress. By then, the army of black orcs will drive straight in..."

Gurum sorted out his thoughts and replied:

"My lord, according to what we have heard from the Duke of Byron, Prince El Fallon believes that delaying a period of time is more beneficial to the kingdom."

"The food in Leiyun Castle is insufficient, and the Black Orcs won't last long. On the other hand, the army needs more time to prepare for war and must not rush to war, because the kingdom can't afford successive failures..."

"The prince also stated that the current water level of the Nassau wetlands is far from reaching the highest point. The Black Orcs can temporarily obtain a small amount of supply through small-scale transportation. After half a month, the area of ​​the wetland will expand to the maximum and the supply line will be completely cut off... …"

Renault stroked his chin and became curious about Prince El Fallon.

There is no doubt that this prince is a very clever commander in command, and "starting war in half a month" is a correct decision.

However, a question arose in his heart: Isn't the black orc aware of the serious consequences of insufficient food?

Do not!

They must understand.

So, what exactly does the black orc want to do?

Reynolds pondered for a while, then asked:

"How is the canal dug in the Thousand Lake Kingdom? How long will it take to finish?"

Gurum shook his head:

"The progress has been relatively slow. So far, it has only digged about 1/3. Even according to the most optimistic estimate, it will take 4 months to complete. It is said that because of financing problems, many aristocrats in the South are unwilling to pay Money, I can’t hire enough people."

There was a trace of regret on Renault's face:

"If you dig the canal with all your strength, I am afraid it should be close to completion by this time. The black orcs dare not cross the Nassau wetlands at all, and the Duke of Castro will not die in Thundercloud Castle..."

At this time, a member of the island guard suddenly shouted:

"There is a village ahead..."

Lanster stood up immediately and commanded the crew to bring the magic boat to the shore. Then a steel gangway was erected between the ship's gunwale and the river bank, and a small fat donkey passed the gangway and galloped towards the village.

The little fat donkey was turning around in the dilapidated village. A member of the island guard sitting in the back seat, holding a metal horn, kept yelling:

"Everyone, the war has broken out. Leiyun Castle has been occupied by the Black Orcs, and the Black Orcs may appear here at any time..."

"If you want to survive, you can walk downstream along the Chagan River and arrive at Denpapar Port and look for the'Hai Tide Chamber of Commerce.' As long as you are willing to work for them, the Hai Chao Chamber of Commerce will take everyone to a very safe place..."

This is a stark intimidation.

This village is more than 200 kilometers away from Leiyun Fort. It will be impossible for the Black Orc army to get here within at least 3 months. The so-called "may appear at any time" is completely nonsense.

Renault's purpose in doing this is precisely to collect the population.

The news of "Leiyunbao has fallen" scared many northern nobles to leave their territories, and many places were almost paralyzed. How could such a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters be missed?

Therefore, he ordered his subordinates to go to the village to spread rumors and coax the villagers to leave the village if they saw any village on the way.

On the earth, from religious preaching, such as "If you don't do good and accumulate virtue before you die, you will fall into **** forever after death", and down to the public health regimen, such as "Eat these kinds of foods, and be XX years old overnight". Consistency: Use the weakness of human nature-fear, to achieve your own goals.

The rumors he created are also dedicated to spreading fear.

The black orcs are coming, are you afraid?

If you are afraid, let the labor and capital quickly roll to Denpapar Port!

Renault knows that groups are stupid and superstitious. They are used to blindly following and irrational. As long as one person listens to "rumors", a large number of people will follow suit.

The best part is that he doesn't have to deal with those greedy nobles, and he can get a large amount of labor for nothing without spending a penny.

After hearing the voice of the guards, a villager with shabby clothes and a thin yellow face walked out of the wooden house and looked at the little fat donkey fast passing by the door of his house in surprise.

Before long, the little fat donkey left, leaving behind a panic village.