Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 465: "The Book of Thermodynamics" realized

After ten minutes of hard work, Leitel finally suppressed the fear in his heart and began to calmly feel the wind elements around him.

His mental power protruded like tentacles, roaming in the sea of ​​wind elements. In his induction, this area seemed to become a stormy place, and a series of powerful cyclones filled this space. .

The strange thing is that although the cyclone is terrifying, it is unexpectedly docile and has no intention of hurting him at all.

Soon Leiter was no longer satisfied with pure "roaming", he locked a cyclone with mental power and tried to observe it carefully.

The two had just touched, and his mental power was like being struck by lightning, and was instantly shocked.

Reiter only felt a "buzz" in his head, and his consciousness was confused.

"Don't be distracted..."

Lord Lord's voice seemed to be coming from far away.

It took a while for Reiter to fully recover, and then he felt a strong fear.

It turns out that these little things that look harmless are so dangerous...

In fact, if it hadn't been for Renault to control these "restless" cyclones, Leitel would feel more than that, and would surely be fainted.

He is not even a transcendent, rashly contacting a force that is two levels higher, there is indeed a certain degree of danger.

Reiter no longer took risks, but in accordance with Lord Lord's instructions, quietly feeling the power of the wind element.

With the passage of time, there was a subtle change in his mental power, and his consciousness gradually indulged in the sea of ​​wind elements.

I don't know how long it took, Leitel suddenly felt the sea of ​​elements fluctuate, and a golden light group appeared out of thin air, dispelling the surrounding wind elements.

Then the light ball swelled up, and it continued to be twisted and deformed. Not long after, it turned into a weird shape, which looked like...

An open book!

What's more alarming is that this "book" exudes an extremely majestic and majestic atmosphere. In front of it, Reiter feels like an ant under a ten-foot high mountain.

The surrounding wind elements instantly became extremely lively, and they rapidly revolved around the "book", forming an elemental storm.

"Connect it with mental power..."

Lord Lord's voice sounded again.

Reiter hesitated, stretched out his mental tentacles, walked through the storm, and cautiously approached the "book".

Then, something magical happened.

After touching the "book" with his mental power, he unexpectedly entered a strange place.

Here, he "sees" countless magnificent scenes.

This place seems to be shrouded in storms all the time. The wind rages everywhere like waves, rolling up huge waves, and huge wind tornadoes stand in it, like huge pillars connecting the sky and the earth.

This is the world of wind!

There was a kind of insight in Leitel's heart. What he saw was a mysterious alien space, and this "book" was a door connecting the alien space.

"You can quit..."

After hearing the Lord Lord's new order, he reluctantly withdrew his mental power, and the "book" also collapsed into light spots and disappeared without a trace.

Reiter opened his eyes and asked eagerly:

"My lord, what is that?"

Renault smiled slightly and spit out a few words:

"Wind element space."

Reiterton opened his mouth wide.

God, it's really a different space!

Those "squally winds", "giant waves" and "tornadoes" are all made up of wind elements...

"Use your mental power to control the magic energy, try to create the scene in the wind element space." Renault said again.

"Lord Lord, I'm just an Awakener, I can't control it..." Leitel was stunned.

"Don't worry about it, try it first!" Renault interrupted him roughly.

Reiter had to shut his mouth obediently and began to mobilize mana, and at the same time, he tried his best to recall the scenes he had just seen in his mind, trying to convert the mana into wind.

However, the stone room was quiet, without any vision.

Renault frowned and said:

"Keep trying."

Reiter simply closed his eyes and focused on manipulating magical energy.

One minute……

Two minutes...


five minutes……

ten minutes……

Still no change.

Renault gradually became a little disappointed, and he secretly wondered whether his methods were useless?


At this time, a stream of air suddenly appeared, blowing the corners of Leitel's clothes.

A look of surprise appeared on Renault's face.

This is... the wind simulated by magic energy!

This shows that after connecting the wind element space, Leitel's magic power has undergone a subtle change.

This also shows that his method is effective!

The "book" that Reiter saw just now is a manifestation of the "Book of Thermodynamics".

After being promoted to the Upright, the "Book of Thermodynamics" in Renault's soul space can be realized for the first time.

Through the mysterious power of this book, Renault built a "door" to draw Leiter's spiritual force to the wind element space and establish a connection between the two.

He believes that as long as he continues to practice, the connection will become more and more stable. When Reiter is promoted to the extraordinary, under the influence of the wind element space, there is a high probability that he will become a wind extraordinary.

And this is the real trump card of Renault's "mass-produced wind system extraordinary"!

Upper Cantera River.

On this rainy night, thousands of drenched soldiers were running back and forth on both sides of the river. From time to time, some people fell to the ground, and everyone turned into mud monkeys.

"... Give me strength, insert this log..."

"...Hurry up, hurry up, quickly throw the soil frame down..."

Amidst the roars, the thick ones were inserted into the bottom of the river to form a simple embankment, and then a large number of heavy wooden frames filled with mud were sunk into the river to strengthen the embankment.

As the river embankment gradually formed, the river at the gap in the middle became more and more turbulent, the logs that were transported were directly washed away by the current, and the dropped soil frame was also washed away without a trace.

At this moment, the two burly figures who had been standing on the river bank moved.

They stepped on the logs and rushed to the gap. Mana waves surged in their bodies, and then the river water condensed into ice and spread quickly.

This is the extraordinary power of ice!

After a few breaths, an ice bank appeared, blocking the gap.

Taking this opportunity, other people rushed up with logs and soil frames and continued to reinforce the weak position of the dam.

Two hours later, a 20-meter-high dam stood up and cut off the Canterlot River.

At the same time, at a certain location in the middle reaches of the Canterlot River, more than a dozen figures were swimming in the water like fish.

The most amazing thing is that they have always been underwater, never ascending, and they don't seem to need to breathe.

Ten minutes later, these figures swam to the river bend next to Leiyunbao.

At this time, due to the continuous rainstorm, the water of the river rose a lot, the river surface has touched the wall of Leiyunbao, and the figures in the water swim directly to the foot of the wall.

They quietly took out the tightly wrapped things from the backpack behind them and fixed them to the city wall. Then they dived into the water again and disappeared without a trace.

The black orcs who were patrolling the city wall in the rain hadn't noticed all this.