Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 477: Meteor Fire


The air gun roared again, and the harbor guard who was lying on the ground scrambled to get up, Lanster burst into laughter suddenly.

This is just an empty gun, the purpose is to scare this group of prisoners.

This time the prisoners were much more honest. They stood in line under the high platform as required, waiting for the trial.

"The first group of prisoners totaled 213. They robbed the merchant fleet belonging to the Haichao Chamber of Commerce yesterday, causing a thousand-ton sailing ship to be burned and one looted. The Chamber of Commerce suffered huge property losses. In addition, there were 2 island guards. Died, 16 people were injured..."

Moose paused intentionally when he said this, and his tone became obviously cold.

"Now I order all crossbowmen to go out!"

No one moved, and all the prisoners knew that when attacking the port before, most of the casualties were caused by the crossbowmen. Standing up at this moment will definitely not end well.

The square was quiet, and after more than ten seconds, no prisoner came out.

However, at this time, a ripple suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a huge cloud of flame appeared out of thin air, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, just covering the heads of all the prisoners.

The prisoners found something wrong, and screamed and tried to escape.

In the next moment, hundreds of flaming meteors fell straight down from the fire cloud, accurately hitting the prisoners, turning them into fireballs, and screams resounded across the square.

After a breath, the fire cloud and fireball all disappeared, and hundreds of prisoners all turned into fly ash, and there was no **** left.

This terrible scene frightened thousands of civilians, many of them screamed and turned around and fled.

Seeing that a stampede was about to happen, Renault rose to a height of 10 meters, opened his mouth, and a thunder burst into his mouth:

"I am Renault Odin the Upright, this is my execution of prisoners... All stand still for me, not allowed to move..."

The commotion subsided instantly.

In other words, the prestige of the Upanishads made every civilian dare not listen.

The shocking scene just now has been deeply impressed in everyone's minds.

The Upright One, it's terrible...

This amazing fire cloud is exactly the powerful Aoe skill created by Renault using the derived skill of the [Second Law of Thermodynamics] [Fire Force] combined with [Reverse Heat Conduction]-[Meteor Fire Rain].

Every meteor falling in the fire cloud has a temperature of more than 3000 degrees, which can instantly vaporize a large living person. This is the horror of "hundreds of people will be wiped out in a single blow" Scenes.

Renault deeply felt that the [Second Law of Thermodynamics] was simply a magical skill.

It can deduce many single skills, such as [Ice Power], [Fire Power], [Ice Arrow], [Fire Arrow].

Various group attack skills can also be developed, such as [Meteor Fire Rain] and [Frost Rain]. The principle of the latter is the same as the former, as long as the power of the fire element is replaced with the power of the ice element.

Even the super big move released by the extraordinary creature "Meteor Ring"-[Flame Meteor], Renault can also simulate it, but it is not as powerful as 1/10 of the original.

[Meteor Fire Rain] After that, the stone slabs under the prisoners' feet were also vaporized, and the square seemed to be burned with a huge black spot.

This blow squeezed everyone, so that the subsequent executions of the two fire-type transcendents became quite anticlimactic.

According to the pre-planned process, this was originally the highlight of this execution.

Imagine, with thousands of civilians watching, trying two unattainable transcendents and shooting them on the spot, what sensational effect will this bring? How many unruly people can be shocked?

However, Renault's whim [Meteor Fire Rain] caused the death of the extraordinary without causing any waves.

The ducal castle.

"Pighead" Goode, no, it should be called "Pighead" Goode now. After using the magic plant ointment sent by the Duke of Byron, most of the pig's head was swollen. He took out a document. Before the Duke, he said gruffly:

"Your Excellency, this is the list of Haichao Chamber of Commerce's losses, please have a look..."

The Duke took the document, his eyes quickly passing over the paper.

"...A brand-new sailing ship was damaged, and a sailing ship was damaged in many places...the claim amount is 8660 Kinnars..."

The Duke couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Nima, at most 70% of the sailing boats burned by the Haichao Chamber of Commerce are new, and the other one is only slightly damaged, but on the document it becomes a "new sailing boat" and "multiple damages". The new thousand-ton sailing boat is up to 3000 Kinnar, you dare to ask for 8660 Kinnar.

Black, so black!

"...The gate of the manor was destroyed, the mansion was seriously damaged, and it needs to be rebuilt...a large amount of warehouse goods are lost...the claim amount is 12,600 kinnals..."

The blue veins on the Duke's forehead jumped a few times.

As far as he knows, during the investigation, the city guard did not damage the mansion, and the mansion remained almost intact. "Need to rebuild" is nothing short of open-eyed.

"Lost cargo is lost" is even more nonsense. The Haichao Chamber of Commerce's products are so popular that the city guard found less than 20 boxes of goods, and the value is definitely not more than 1,000 Kinnars, and they are all returned afterwards.

Forget it, the president of your family is a righteous one, the master really can't afford it, bear it.

"...Two members of the island guard sacrificed, more than 30 team members, employees, and sailors were injured... Pensions were 200 jinnars per person, and family alimony was 100 nutrition and mental loss, A total of 9,840 Kinnars need to be compensated..."

The duke's face twitched continuously, and his heart began to complain wildly.

Fuck, your Haichao Chamber of Commerce people are made of gold? If you die, you will pay 200 Kinnar's "pension"?

The lord’s knights killed a knight, and the pension was only 10 kinnals...

And what the **** is "family alimony"? Isn't the pension used to support family members?

Too bad, you are a double charge!

When he saw "nutrition expenses" and "mental loss expenses", the Duke was already unable to complain.

"...6800 kinnals for the island guard team's military expenses..."

"...The total amount of compensation is 37,900 Kinnars..."

Seeing this, the Duke was so frustrated that he was about to explode.

Fuck your family, you almost killed the master's city guard and port guard in front of the civilians in the city, so you are embarrassed to call "slaughter" "military expenses"?

Why is there 6,800 Kinnars when you open your mouth?

The Duke's chest rose and fell violently, and his anger was full of smoke.

However, as long as he thought of the extremely brilliant and beautiful, but extremely deadly meteor shower, he still forcibly suppressed the raging anger in his heart.


Master must bear it today!

Seeing the other party's anger to death, Goode's fat face shook slightly, and his heart was extremely relaxed. He had always remembered the enemies he was beaten brutally before.

Hey, you still have today?

Good coughed lightly, and said without a smile:

"Your Excellency, this agreement has been confirmed by Renault, please sign it as soon as possible, in duplicate, both of which must be signed..."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. The 37,900 kinnals are the amount of compensation requested by Renault. Do you have a kind of refusal to try?

The Duke closed his eyes and sighed helplessly. He had only one thought now, which was to quickly end the matter and send away the disgusting vampire in front of him.

He took out the quill pen from the drawer, dipped it in ink, and signed his name "Swish".

Goode nodded in satisfaction, put away an agreement, and said with a smile:

"Your Excellency, within 3 days, please send someone to send the compensation to the manor of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce. I wish you a good mood..."

He turned around triumphantly and walked towards the door, only to take two steps, and suddenly heard the duke's voice from behind:

"Mr. Goode, I have one thing I want to ask you about. Does Lord Moose have a marriage? My granddaughter Deborah Byron is 18 years old..."

Goode looked back at the Duke in amazement.

Fuck, just after being slaughtered a large sum of Kinnar, he rushed to send his granddaughter to the door. The thickness of the skin is really amazing...