Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 488: Rules of evidence

The reason why Renault sent Leitel to assassinate the prince was based on the rules of the game.

This game rule, described in legal terms on the earth, is-the rule of evidence.

which is:

The evidence has nothing to do with the suspect's character.

The evidence has nothing to do with the suspect's previous behavior.

In other words, even if you know who the mastermind is, even if the mastermind is notorious and has committed many crimes, as long as you do not find the "most direct" and "most powerful" evidence, you will not be able to prove the mastermind's guilt.

The most disgusting thing is that if you want to sue someone, you have to find evidence by yourself. There is no police or prosecutor in the alien world, and no one will work hard to fight for you.

If the common people offend the nobleman, the nobleman only needs to send a dead man to kill the other party. Even if the matter is finally revealed, he only needs to throw the murderer to commit the crime. The nobleman himself is unscathed and can still continue to live freely.

The nobles in other worlds are so shameless.

There is no doubt that this rule protects the interests of the nobles to the greatest extent.

Considering that the nobility is the makers of the rules, this is a matter of course.

Take the two conspiracies of the prince as an example.

In the first action, although Renault killed Mussolini, he did not catch the prince.

All liaison actions in the conspiracy are the responsibility of the prince's subordinate Furtson. As long as he can't open his mouth, the prince will be able to shirk that this is an unauthorized action by an upright person and has nothing to do with him.

Although the fool didn't believe it, at least in terms of words, the prince was able to pick himself out, without having to bear the reputation of trying to murder the upright.

The second poisoning was made even more concealed. The key witness died bizarrely, Fertson was at large, Renault still could not obtain sufficient evidence, and the prince was still as innocent as a white lotus.

Since the methods on the surface cannot be used, Renault can only choose to assassinate.

This is also the most common method used when fighting between nobles in other worlds.

Because destroying evidence is very simple and finding evidence is too difficult, even for aristocrats, it is not a simple matter to collect enough evidence.

To make matters worse, sometimes the other party has worked so hard to find the witness, and the other party directly kills the witness. This is a waste of work. It is better to use violence to destroy the other party physically.

In this sniper operation, Renault let Reiter run for thousands of miles to avoid leaving evidence.

People like Renault, Moose, and Gollum are well-known, and they will definitely be watched closely. They are really inconvenient to do.

Reiter is different. He is a new and extraordinary person, currently unknown, plus he has a superb marksmanship, so he is the most suitable "Assassin."

Reiter put down his backpack and took out an exquisite metal box.

The top cover of the box is inlaid with a large rune square plate, which occupies almost the entire top cover. The surface of the square plate is inscribed with dense runes. It is faintly visible that the blue streamer is winding in the rune. This is a typical feature of the rune running automatically.

Leitel activated a corner of the rune square, and the blue light became more intense.


The box made a soft sound, the top cover was lifted up, and a burst of cold air instantly leaked from the gap. After contacting the water vapor in the air, it turned into a constantly changing mist.

This is exactly the "refrigerator"!

This is also the latest achievement of the Rune Research Institute.

In fact, as early as when Renault became the lord of the Tide Islands, he proposed the concept of "refrigerator". According to his idea, the rune array of [Reverse Heat Conduction] has the ability to "refrigerate", and the corresponding symbols are derived from it. The composition should not be difficult.

Unfortunately, during the development process, the rune magicians encountered an insurmountable difficulty: after converting the extremely complex rune array into the rune group [cooling], the cooling efficiency was extremely low, even less than 0.5%.

A 200-liter refrigerator consumes one standard magic stone in 3 hours. The energy consumption is ridiculously high. Even a local tyrant like Renault can't use it, and it has no practical value at all.

However, when the [Second Law of Thermodynamics] came out, the magician obtained a large number of new rune structures, and the improvement progress of the rune group [Refrigeration] began to advance by leaps and bounds.

In just one month, the refrigeration efficiency has soared from 0.5% to 50%, a full 100-fold increase, and this is the ultimate limit.

According to Seth's estimation, the potential of the new rune structure is huge, enough to push the cooling efficiency to more than 95%.

If combined with good thermal insulation materials, one magic stone can be used for a refrigerator for at least 3 months in the future, and only 4 magic stones a year will be needed. Even ordinary households can afford the cost of this magic stone.

This portable refrigerator carried by Leiter was one of the first "engineering prototypes" manufactured by the Rune Research Institute.

After the refrigerator was opened, dozens of green ice crystal bullets could be seen inside, as well as two cream ice cream ice creams.

The former is exactly the sniper bullets used by Leiter. The material used to make them is water mixed with deadly toxins, and then a simple mold is used to freeze the highly toxic solution into bullets.

The use of this ice crystal poison bomb has a huge advantage, that is, after hitting the enemy, the bullet will melt in a short time without leaving a residue. This also means that the evidence will disappear without a trace. The royal family wants to sue Renault. No way.

As for the ice cream ice cream, this is a snack prepared by Leiter for himself.

How cool is it to be able to eat a piece of ice cream in the sultry hot moon?

Reiter picked up a piece of ice cream, took a beautiful bite, felt the extremely delicate ice cream melt in his mouth, his eyes couldn't help but squinted.

This is the taste of happiness...

Such delicious food, I am afraid that even the king has not eaten it?

Lord Lord’s invention is really great...

After getting rid of the first ice cream, Leitel made great efforts to restrain the urge to eat the second ice cream immediately.

This is an ice cream used to "celebrate the successful completion of the mission", absolutely not to be eaten now!

He reluctantly closed the refrigerator and isolated the ice cream, which suppressed his desire for food.

Leitel lay in the grass, looking at the southern gate of White Rock City from a distance.

According to the information received, Prince El Fallon would go out of the city and gallop around the barracks outside the city every evening, and then have dinner in the barracks.

In order to prevent the enemy from being assassinated, in this process, the prince will bring an elite army of hundreds of people to protect himself, including at least 3 extraordinary ones and more than 100 awakened ones.

Faced with this level of protection, the waiting assassin can't get close at all.

But for Reiter, this is his opportunity.

In the eyes of the turtles in the alien world, the "ultra-long-range sniper" method is simply a myth without the use of extraordinary objects. The prince has no defense at all, and has no experience in dealing with sniping, and his assassination success rate is extremely high. .

After waiting for ten minutes, there was a commotion among the soldiers on duty at the city gate. They stood on both sides of the road and gave way to the center of the road.

Then a group of knights lined up neatly and filed out from the gate of the city.


Reiter's spirits lifted up. He quickly opened the refrigerator, took out an ice crystal poison bomb, and pressed it into the barrel of the sniper rifle. At the same time, his right eye was close to the scope, and the muzzle locked the gate of the city.

2 kilometers away!

This will be a super long-range sniper.