Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 546: Majesty under the crown

Chaka Town.


When the 6 metal boxes fell on the ground, they made extremely dull noises. People who were interested would know that these boxes must be full of things.

"Honorable crown." Earl Weaver bowed deeply, "I am extremely sorry about the arson of the barracks warehouse, please rest assured, I will do my best to track down Kenneth's whereabouts."

"In addition, I am personally willing to compensate 30,000 Kinnars to make up for your loss..."

When speaking of the word "you", Earl Weaver deliberately increased his tone.

What he meant was obvious. The compensation was for Renault, not the Rose Legion. In other words, Renault could put these 30,000 Kinnars into his own pocket.

As for the materials burned in the arson case, of course the nobles would pool together money to make up for it, and there was no need to dig out a copper nar under the crown.

This is a matter of course.

There are many suspicious points in the arson case, and a number of precious magical air guns have been lost, which makes Renault very angry. If you want to calm down the anger under the crown, you must show enough sincerity.

And the glittering Kinnar is the greatest sincerity.

Judging from the current situation, Kenneth's outstanding performance in it does not seem to be glorious. As the lord of Kenneth, Earl Weaver has naturally become the number one backer, and he was forced to give a blood.

Although the Earl of Weaver manages his own territory well and has a wealth of wealth, 30,000 kinnals are enough to make him break his nerves and bones, and he has to fend for a while.

At this moment, Carrick Byron suddenly took a step forward and said loudly:

"Under the crown, we will definitely raise military expenses as soon as possible to make up for the loss of the Rose Legion. I assure you that within a week at the latest, the military expenses of 50,000 Kinnars will be paid."

This number is bigger than Renault expected.

Obviously, successive glorious victories have completely conquered a lot of nobles, deeply won their trust, and made them very happy with their money.

Carrick glanced at Earl Weaver sympathetically, trying to excuse the hapless gentleman.

"Under the crown, I think Earl Weaver was just a momentary oversight and was blinded by Kenneth, a treacherous villain."

"Everyone knows that Earl Weaver has always been enthusiastic about the affairs of the Rose Legion. This generous gentleman even sent the entire Knight Order to the Rose Legion. Every time he raised military expenses, he was very proactive..."

Renault raised his eyelids and glanced at Carrick, interrupting him:

"Well, Mr. Carrick, I believe Earl Weaver is innocent..."

Well, for Kinner's sake, I believe it will be fine for a while.

Earl Weaver let out a long sigh of relief.

To be honest, facing Renault's ever-increasing majesty, he only felt a lot of pressure, and he even felt a sense of breathlessness when he was watched by the eyes of Renault.

Then Renault turned around and talked about another thing.

"You two, you promised me that once the Rose Legion regains the Duke of Castro, you will do your best to help Miss Alietti inherit the title of Duke of Castro."

"So, now it's your turn to fulfill your promise!"

Having said that, he stared at the two closely.

Renault knew that these people had to verbally agree under pressure.

Now he is coming home with a big victory, his prestige is rising, even if it is a "verbal acceptance", it has now become a real promise. If anyone dares to repent, he has every reason to clean up the other party.

Facing Renault’s sharp eyes, Earl Weaver and Carrick’s vests could not help but see a little bit of cold sweat. The two had no doubt that if they said half a "no" at this time, they must be waiting for themselves like a storm. Anger.

Carrick hurriedly bowed and said:

"Under the crown, my father, Duke Byron, has left for the capital, Blue Lake City. He will personally contact the elders of the Presbyterian House to promote this matter..."

"Very good!" Renault nodded in satisfaction, "You should know that I have a very close relationship with the late Duke of Thunder Eagle. I hope that the title of Duke Castro will return to the descendants of the Castro family as soon as possible. Hands."

"Xiaxia." Carrick said with admiration, "You are the incarnation of virtue, and Duke Thunderhawk will be proud of having friends like you..."

While this fellow said flattering words, he secretly slandered in his heart.

The descendant of the Castro family is more than Miss Alietti. It is said that Duke Thunderhawk has 3 sons, 4 daughters, and grandchildren and granddaughters add up to more than 20 people.

According to common sense, the duke's title should be inherited by the duke's eldest son, that is, Miss Alietti's uncle. After Miss Alietti's successor ranks at least 15th, she has no hope of inheriting the title in her life.

However, with the strong support of such a crown, who would dare to say more?

At this point, Carrick couldn't help but sigh.

Hey, this is the majesty under Renault's crown...

With his own power, he can easily overwhelm the traditions formed over the millennia and forcefully suppress all voices of opposition.

Two Barren Bull armored vehicles each dragged a large trailer, slowly moving forward in the grass that was enough to flood adult men, and the vibrations returned from the rugged road swayed the people on the trailer.

Among the more than 80 people in the trailer, except for a dozen of the island guards, the rest were ordinary civilians from Chaka Town.

This is the first time that civilians have personally experienced this kind of magical means of transportation. Everyone has a look of wonder on their faces. Although many people are pale, they have no idea of ​​getting out of the car.

It’s also an honor to be alive to death in a carriage that doesn’t require horses to tow...

"Look at it, there seems to be a lot of things in the grass over there..." An island guard suddenly yelled.

Others immediately looked over, and saw that in a certain area a hundred meters away, many grass blades were shaking constantly, and the amplitude was quite large. Obviously, this was a larger beast moving in the grass.

The leader of the team spoke to a group of dumb civilians:

"We are going to shoot, you all plug my ears!"

Amor squatted down for the first time and tightly covered his ears with his hands. This was exactly what the masters taught before setting off.

Other civilians followed the request and made the same action.

Then Amor heard dense screams.



Two of the screams were extremely sharp and dense. Even if Amor closed his ears, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his head.

What is the black iron pipe in the hands of the master? Why is there such a bad scream?

Do the masters want to use screams to scare away things in the grass?

Amor frowned, thinking to himself.

After a breath, he faintly heard a stern howl, which seemed to be the sound made by a beast when it was injured.

Amor blinked, his fingers opened slightly, and the screaming sound was instantly louder, and at the same time, the horrible howling in it became more pronounced.

Sure enough, it was the scream of the beast!

My God, those black iron pipes that are noisy are actually a kind of weapon.

God, what kind of weapon is this that actually wounded the beast so far away?

Amor was shocked.