Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 569: picnic

After following the stream of people through the simple gate of the picnic park, the Frederick family saw the scene in the park.

On several rolling hills, green grass covers the earth like a giant carpet, and countless colorful square linens are scattered among them, like flowers dotted with green carpets.

The northern part of the park was cut off by an abrupt cliff, and beyond the cliff was an endless ocean. Waves of waves washed the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, splashed with the sound of water waves, and seabirds hovered and danced over the cliff, making sweet bird sounds.

For safety, the Government Affairs Office specially built a half-person-high wooden fence on the cliff, painted a layer of white paint on the fence, and paved a winding pebble path along the fence.

Fences and pebble paths not only do not detract from the natural beauty, but also add a distinctive flavor to the park.

Just standing here and looking at the sea, feeling the cool sea breeze coming slowly, makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The linens spread on the meadow are picnic cloths, which are covered with various foods, and each side of the picnic cloths is surrounded by a family.

The conversation of adults, the laughter of children, and the smell of food in the air make the picnic park look alive.

Bella couldn't help swallowing, she raised her small face, looked at her mother Vera longingly, and whispered:

"Mom, I'm hungry..."

Vera smiled and touched the top of her daughter's head, and said softly:

"My dear, we have to find a suitable position first. Will you help Mom and Dad find a suitable place?"

Bella nodded repeatedly and said excitedly:

"Okay! I want to help Mom and Dad..."

In the smiling gaze of Frederick and his wife, Aunt Liang looked around for a while, and quickly found a suitable position. She pointed to the hill in the distance and exclaimed happily:

"Mom, there is a place..."

The family happily passed through the crowd, came to the place Bella found, and started preparing for a picnic.

Vera put down the basket, took out a picnic cloth printed with blue and white patterns, spread it swiftly on the grass, and then put the food on the picnic cloth. Frederick was not idle, he gave his little daughter Betty Bella takes care of her and helps her wife arrange the tableware.

The two sister-in-laws drooled and stood by like a greedy cat, watching the picnic cloth being filled.

Among these foods, there are 8 kinds of meat alone.

Among them, there are 2 plates of animal meat, which are fried black hog meat and stir-fried squirrel meat. The ingredients are from the farms under the Department of Agriculture.

The German Farm on Odin Island has established a farm for breeding black hogs and a farm for breeding long-eared squirrels. Not long ago, the first batch of products on the market were extremely popular.

Residents really have eaten seafood for too long and urgently need to change their taste.

There are also 2 dishes of fish and shellfish on the picnic cloth. The cooking patterns are different, and they are all rare seafood that are famous for their delicious meat. The sales prices in department stores are more expensive.

The fishing fleet of the Department of Fisheries goes out to sea all year round, and the catch is huge. The most indispensable thing in the territory is fish meat, and the cheapest is fish meat. Even the so-called "rare seafood", the price is not high.

There are even 2 plates of bird meat on the picnic cloth, one is fried warbler and the other is charcoal roasted red-head duck.

Seabirds are difficult to catch, and now that the storm season is approaching, most seabirds have migrated to the south, and there is almost no fresh seabird meat for sale in shops.

In order to prepare for today's picnic, Willard went to the "frozen food counter" of the department store, spent a few silver nars, bought expensive frozen warblers and red-headed ducks, and cooked these two dishes.

Not only Frederick’s family, other families also prepared some bird meat more or less.

It can be said that there are everything flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, even by the standards of the nobility, this picnic is considered decent.

In addition to meat, Vera also prepared two fruit and vegetable salads, as well as a small basket of golden bread, and even a plate of expensive butter next to it.

Because of her face, she cooks all the food as beautifully as possible, with all the flavors and aromas. After all, everyone is sitting on a picnic together. It is clear at a glance what food is placed on the picnic cloth.

If a housewife makes a mess of her own food, she will definitely be laughed at by others.

Even the food containers are all made of porcelain, not a single piece of wood. For this picnic, many families also deliberately took out silverware that they don’t usually use.

In today's Hai Chao Ling, thanks to the guidance of a certain crown and the improvement of the industrial level, Odin Island has established a special porcelain factory, and the efficient industrial production method has greatly reduced the price of porcelain.

These tableware, which were originally only affordable by wealthy families and nobles, have entered the territory of thousands of households, and porcelain can be seen in most families.

As wooden tableware is more difficult to clean, easy to be contaminated, and poses a greater health risk, the Office of Government has been vigorously encouraging civilians to use porcelain and try to avoid using wooden tableware.

In normal times, as long as one of these dishes appears on the table, the meal is enough to be regarded as a sumptuous meal. At this moment, they all appear on this picnic cloth, and the two sisters-in-law Liang can hardly stop their eyes and cannot stop their saliva.

"Dad...I want..."

Betty pointed at the attractively colored fried warbler with her little finger, and the voice of milk called Frederick.

Frederick touched his daughter's face affectionately, and said with a smile:

"My dear, wait for the deep-fried warbler bird. The first dish must be the ‘salt and pepper sea loach section’. This is the rule for a picnic..."

He picked up the metal fork, forked a piece of sea loach that was fried golden and crispy, and handed it to his daughter's mouth, watching her take a bite. On the opposite side, Vera and Bella also started to move. The mother and daughter's goals were the same. Salt and pepper sea loach section.

The family enjoyed the delicious sea loach meat while talking happily.

This salt-and-pepper sea loach is exactly what Renault personally cooked when he had a picnic here.

In the eyes of the civilians in the territory, if the picnic lacks this dish, it will not be regarded as an authentic picnic, and it will even be regarded as some kind of inconsistent behavior.

Therefore, any one dish can be omitted for a picnic, except for the salt-and-pepper sea loach section.


In fact, in this picnic park, just pick a picnic cloth and you can see the above food.

With the average income of Haichao residents and low prices, most families can afford such a picnic.

Even if the family income is low, as long as you save a little, you can still experience a decent lifestyle.

In addition, coming to a picnic park for a picnic is essentially a sense of sociality. If any family does not buy more than 10 kinds of meat, it will be full of picnic cloths, are you embarrassed to come here for a picnic?

If anyone dares to do this, they will be the laughing stock of neighbors and colleagues the next day.

Therefore, many low-income families, even if they secretly eat dried salted fish and dried shellfish for a period of time, today they have to swell their faces to fill up their fat and make the meal rich enough.

Bringing the time to a year ago, this is a life that all civilians, including Frederick, cannot dream of.

At that time, most of the civilians in this park were struggling on the verge of hunger. They were willing to do everything in order to eat a bite and feed their families.

However, no matter how hard the civilians work hard, hunger still haunts every family like a nightmare. The whole family is always unable to fill their stomachs, wakes up frequently in the middle of the night, and then suffers until dawn.



This is the tune played by the noble lords, dirty and humble common people, what qualifications do they have to come out for a picnic like the lords?

Many civilians didn't even wash the dirt on their faces, and the whole family couldn't find a piece of clothing that was not dirty or torn. What a wild meal?

As for the theme of the picnic-food, don't even think about it. There is absolutely no possibility of food such as meat and fish. Is it possible that the whole family squatted in the grass and ate the black wheat paste?

Speaking out makes people laugh out loud...

However, a year later, things that everyone dared not imagine turned out to be a reality.

In today's Hai Chao Ling, the common people's hygiene habits are no worse than that of the nobles.

Bathhouses have been set up in every factory and block, free for residents to use, and the facilities are extremely advanced. All of them are tap water, which can be used by turning on the tap, and everyone is clean.

This is something that the nobles of the whole world have never seen before, and they are still using wooden barrels to take a bath.

Every resident has a decent enough piece of clothes. The material may not be too good, but it is absolutely clean and tidy, and the materials are strong, the cut is very fit, and the stitches are neatly arranged. After wearing it, it looks energetic.

These are all clothes made by magic sewing machines, which are much better than handmade ones.

As for the food, don't mention it.

Walking in the streets and alleys of Hai Chao Ling, any commoner that I saw was red-faced, well-nourished, and the standard of living was even better than that of some nobles.