Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 575: Railroad and the Giant Ancient Demon Sna

The long strips of wooden blocks painted in black are neatly fixed on the ground covered with gravel, and the two wooden blocks are separated by about 1 meter.

The number of them is astonishing, like a marching army, extending straight to a hill in the extreme distance, bending out a huge arc, and finally disappearing behind the hill.

Numerous weird-looking steel bars, lying quietly on the wooden block, spliced ​​into two steel dragons.

At a glance, there seemed to be a ladder to the sky on the ground.

But this is not a long ladder, but a freight railway newly built by the Cement Factory in Chaka Town.

Lord Navid was standing on a clearing next to the railway, and he was looking at the railway with a curious look. He suddenly heard a voice behind him:

"Hi, is it Lord Navid?"

Navid immediately looked back and saw a middle-aged nobleman with a big belly, waving to himself excitedly.

He was embarrassed to find that he couldn't even call the other party's name.

The butler immediately took a step forward and whispered in the ear of his master:

"Master, this is Baron Pius. Three months ago, during the engagement ceremony of the Lord Moose Theron and Miss Deborah Byron, you had a conversation with Baron Pius..."

Navid nodded insignificantly, his face quickly piled up with a friendly and gentle smile, he reached out and grabbed the brim of his hat, and gave a hat-off to the coming Baron Pius:

"Baron Pius, it's an honor to see you again. After the Duke of Byron's castle is gone, your style remains the same."

Seeing that Navid still remembers the first meeting between the two, the baron smiled happily, and he smiled heartily:

"Mr. Lord, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's a coincidence. Did you come to see the railway?"

"That's right." Navid nodded with a smile, "I just received a batch of goods from the Haichao Chamber of Commerce in Copernicus Port a few days ago, and I heard about the railway, so I came here to take a look."

Then he asked curiously:

"Baron Pius, I heard that the cement factory did a railway transportation test yesterday and sent more than 3,000 tons of limestone to the factory at one time. Is this true?"

An unnatural look flashed across Baron Pius' face, and he replied:

"It's true."

"Oh, my goodness." Navid's face was full of exclamation. "This is amazing!"

The "transportation of 3,000 tons of limestone at one time" that the two talked about was a sensation.

When the freight railway first started construction, Goode, the head of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, once publicly stated that the railway could transport 2,000 tons of goods at a time.

This "exaggeration" was ridiculed by countless people. Some malicious guys even made up a lot of jokes to ridicule Goode, making Goode once reduced to a laughing stock in the noble circle.

However, the first test after the completion of the railway transported 1,000 tons of limestone, which shocked a large number of people who came to watch the test.

After several consecutive trials, each time it pulled more than one time. In yesterday's experiment, two drivers drove a magic freight train and pulled 3,000 tons of limestone in one trip.

At the unloading site, when the piles of rocks were unloaded, the chins of the onlookers were frightened.

It was like a slap in the face, slapped fiercely on the faces of many nobles. The slapped face hurts how much they laughed at the beginning.

This Baron Pius had also ridiculed Goode secretly, and was naturally among the ranks of being beaten, but this guy had a thick skin, and he still ran around to watch him casually.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from a distance.

"Boom boom... boom boom..."

Baron Pius straightened up his belly immediately, stood on tiptoes and looked forward, and said with bright eyes:

"Oh, Mr. Lord, the'Ki Giant Ancient Demon Snake' is here..."

"Giju Ancient Demon Snake" is exactly what the aliens call the magic freight train.

In the eyes of the local turtles, the name "Magic Freight Train" is too confusing. In contrast, the Giant Ancient Demon Snake appears so friendly. It not only vividly depicts the shape of the train, but also fully reflects the train's ability.

The legendary giant ancient demon snake is more than 200 meters long and has an amazing appetite. It can swallow thousands of tons of prey in one bite.

What kind of car is this, it's just a replica of Jiju Ancient Demon Snake.

Hundreds of people gathered in the open space immediately rushed up, trying to squeeze closer to the railway, and the fences erected on both sides of the railway were instantly squeezed to wobbly.

The guards standing inside the fence were anxious. They waved their weapons and banged on the fence, yelling fiercely:

"Everyone backs away..."

"The fence is the property of the cement factory. If it is broken, you all have to compensate..."

Under the threat of the guards, the commotion of the crowd finally subsided, and everyone calmed down and stared at the end of the railway.

"Boom boom... boom boom..."

The abnormal noise became louder and louder, and after more than ten breaths, a behemoth nearly 100 meters long came out from behind the hill.

Its head is like a blunt bullet, with four pipes standing on top of it, and very light black smoke is faintly seen coming out of it, and underneath are two rows of metal wheels rolling fast on the railroad tracks.

"Bullets" dragged 12 open carriages, each of which was filled with limestone.

This bullet-shaped tractor head is the result of optimization through wind tunnel tests.

The front of the Rune Research Institute originally designed a round cylindrical shape. Later, after Renault saw the design drawing, he immediately asked Seth to optimize the front of the car using the wind tunnel, and this resulted in the current bullet-shaped front.

The power used in the front of the car is a Thermo engine with a maximum power of 4,500 kilowatts. The power is extremely surging. Not to mention 12 cars, 24 cars can easily tow.


As in the previous days of experimentation, the crowd once again stirred up.

"Oh my god, there are more stones dragged by the giant ancient demon snake than yesterday..."

"Yesterday there were only 10 cars, and today there are 12 cars. It is worthy of being a giant monster snake. It is really amazing..."

"Yes, I guess it pulled at least 3,500 tons of rocks..."

The speed of the magic train is quite fast. In just 1 minute, it travels from the hills 2-3 kilometers away to the open area. The speed is definitely faster than the speed of the horses.

Goode's words were perfectly confirmed once again.

The hundred-meter-long "metal monster" drove by "booming" under everyone's eyes at such a fast speed, and the visual impact it brought was extremely amazing.

It wasn't until the train drove far that Navid returned to his senses, and he couldn't help but sighed:

"It's really unimaginable, I'm afraid the real giant giant ancient demon snake, but that's it..."

"Who said no?" Baron Pius looked deeply approving.

Then the baron said with envy and hatred:

"You may not know that in the past few days, the price of each share (0.5%) of the cement plant has risen from the purchase price of 12,000 kinnals to 18,000 kinnals."

"My God, the price has gone up by 50%... Tsk, how long is this? It's so easy to make this money..." Navid couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"Yes." The baron said regretfully, "Well, if I had known that the cement factory could produce the giant ancient monster snake, even if I sold the manor, I would have to bid for a share."

Navid's heart moved, and he asked:

"Mr. Baron, I heard that there is a black ice distilling factory in Chaka town? Is anyone willing to sell shares in this factory?" Navid asked.

The baron shrugged and said:

"No one is a fool. Everyone knows that the Black Ice Distillery will build a railway sooner or later, and the value of its shares will skyrocket."

"The distance from the Black Ice Mine to Chaka Town is almost 80 kilometers. It is said that the God of Exterminator plans to build a port near the mine. By then, the railway can transport not only black ice, but also other goods."

"After the news came out, someone had already offered 30,000 Kinnars to buy shares at a high price. However, everyone who bought the shares held it firmly in their hands, and no one wanted to sell it..."

Oh my god!

30,000 Kinnars!

Navid heard his eyes protruding.

He turned his head and glanced at the railway involuntarily. In his eyes, this was no longer just a pile of weird roads made of wood and steel, but golden kinnal.

Navid sighed:

"It now appears that the Divine Flame Crown is not only the strongest crown in the human world. In terms of business, no one is more brilliant than this crown."

Baron Pierce "haha" smiled:

"Of course, no one will deny this. Now everyone knows that as long as you follow the crown, you must make money."

"Everyone is waiting to prepare for the third factory. I think once the stock auction starts, the competition will be very fierce. I have united several old friends to participate in the auction together."

Navid asked enviously:

"Mr. Baron, is it possible for the auction to be open to others? Uh... I mean someone other than the sponsors of the Legion of Roses..."

"I'm afraid not." Baron Pius smiled triumphantly. "The crown is a fair person. Unless we funders can't afford it, the bidding range will not be expanded."

"But it's impossible... Hey, there are so many funders of the Rose Legion, everyone can get together, and millions of Kinnars can still be taken out."

Baron Pius suddenly remembered something, and the **** said mysteriously:

"Hey, Mr. Lord, if you want to buy shares, there may be a way. As far as I know, Miss Alietti, who has just succeeded to the knighthood, intends to sell some of her shares in order to rebuild her territory and the Knights."

Navid was taken aback, and asked with some suspicion:

"You mean the shares haven't been sold yet? But aren't the shares very popular?"

Baron Pius approached and said in a low voice:

"The situation of these shares is a bit special, because Mr. Goode secretly let out the wind, and... Uh, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce does not want to see others take over the shares of the Duchess."

Navid suddenly came across.

No wonder no one dared to buy it. This shows who buys who offends the crown, and then offends a large number of nobles united around the crown.

Navid laughed, and shook his head resolutely:

"Forget it, you also know that the Foster Chamber of Commerce under the Navid family is a partner of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, and I can't go against the will of the crown."



The door was pushed open roughly, Arrietty walked into the office angrily and asked loudly:

"Under the crown, how can you do this? The cement factory and the 5% of the black ice distillation plant are already the property of the Castro family. Why are you preventing me from selling it?"

Renault put down the file in his hand and said with a smile:

"Please pay attention to your manners, beautiful princess, I think you should knock on the door first."

Arrietty suffocated, and her arrogant arrogance disappeared instantly.

She took a deep breath and asked with a straight face:

"I remember you said that you are a person who likes fairness, but from your behavior, I don't see any fairness."

Renault stared at Arrietty, until the other person turned his head unnaturally, then tapped the desk, the drawer was automatically opened, and a document floated in front of her.

Arrietty instinctively reached out and took the document. This scene reminded her of the dance party once. The bad guy in front of her hadn't been promoted to Upanishad. He folded a paper bird with a tissue and used it. This way was sent to me.

Her heart softened inexplicably, and her tone softened unconsciously:

"what is this?"

"A mortgage contract." Renault replied, "You can use the shares as collateral to get a sum of money from the Haichao Chamber of Commerce. I tell you the truth, its value is greater than you think. Selling it is not a wise choice. ."

He lowered his head and spoke lightly while continuing to read the document.

"Not to mention that you don't look like a qualified businessman. You made two serious mistakes."

"First, you are too anxious."

"You should know that the nobles are all old foxes. If you are eager to sell your shares, you will definitely be severely squeezed, and you will lose a lot."

"Second, you shouldn't sell shares to the outside."

"This will only send a very bad signal, and the discerning person will read a message from it, that is, there is a huge disagreement between the two of us."

"Believe me, if you really sell the shares, you may not have the life to spend the money. Don't forget, His Majesty Luther IX in the Blue Lake City seems to have bad intentions for you."

"I deliberately let Goode speak out to prevent you from selling shares. In fact, I was sending a signal to the outside world to tell others that I have been protecting you."

"So, the princess, my purpose in doing this is just to protect you."

A faint flush flashed across Arrietty's pretty face, she bit her lip, and said softly:

"Under the crown, I..."

Renault interrupted her without looking up:

"You can go to Goode to negotiate the specific mortgage amount. I told him that Haichao Chamber of Commerce will provide you with the lowest interest rate."

"Now, Princess, please go out, I still have a lot of papers to read!"

Arrietty glared at him fiercely, stomped her foot vigorously, turned and walked out, before leaving, she also vigorously closed the door.


The door frame quivered.

Renault couldn't help but swing his head.


It's really "near is not inferior, far away is complaint"...