Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 580: He is her god

Renault broke off a golden wheat ear, twisted the slightly shriveled grain with his fingers, and shook his head slightly.

Arrietty plucked out a wheat ear in a manner, and after observing for a while, he came up with a conclusion:

"The growth of wheat does not look good."

As if to stimulate Renault, this little girl sighed and said regretfully:

"The recent continuous cloudy days have had a great impact on wheat production..."

This sentence clearly satirizes the air knight's bombing, which caused the reduction of wheat production.

Reynolds glanced at the play, and ignored her.

A farmer who was harvesting wheat saw a group of nobles standing on the edge of the wheat field from a distance, and quickly greeted his wife and two children:

"Vera, you are optimistic about Matthew and Moran, I have to go to the noble lords..."

"Okay, be careful." The peasant woman said anxiously.

The farmer handed the sickle polished from obsidian to his wife, slightly tidied up the tattered clothes, and walked forward barefoot.

Vera looked at the gorgeously dressed nobleman in the distance, and awkwardly pulled the linen jacket on her body. After years of use, this garment was so broken that it almost couldn't cover her chest, which made her feel quite embarrassed.

She looked back at the two bare children and said loudly:

"Matthew, Moran, come to mom soon..."

Two children who were just over one meter tall seemed to feel their mother's nervousness. They cleaned up the wheat under their feet, and then ran to their mother with a small stone knife for cutting the wheat.

In order to harvest the wheat as soon as possible, even a child of this age must work hard in the fields.


When the uneasy farmer approached 10 meters away, he saw two nobles holding wheat ears in their hands, and a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything, just knelt down on the soft soil.

"Good day, dear masters." The farmer said respectfully, not daring to look up at Renault and others.

Renault winked at Abby.

Abby immediately took out the purse, took out a silver nar, and bounced it at the farmer.


The silver gleaming Yinnar kept tumbling in the air, tracing an arc, and falling accurately in front of the farmer.

The farmer was stunned.

Renault said with a smile:

"This is compensation for the wheat ears."

The farmer's thin black face was mixed with surprise and fear, and said helplessly:

"Master, you don't need to give money...not to mention this...this is too much..."

Abby said something dogleg:

"Take it, there is a fair person under the flame crown of the World Destroying God."

"What? You are under the flame crown of the World Extinguishing God?" The farmer couldn't help but raised his head, looking at Renault with shocked expression on his face.

During this period of time, the farmer did not know how many stories related to the flame crown of the **** of extinction had been heard. "The sky knight who ruled the sky", the "sacred fire that burned all things" and other deeds comparable to myths and legends have already been heard. He sketched a god-like image in his mind.

He had never thought that such a noble crown would unexpectedly appear in front of him in this way.

This... this is really scary.

The farmer realized that the action of "looking directly at the gods" was extremely offensive, and was so frightened that he fell on the ground tightly and did not dare to move.

"Unexpectedly, even a farmer knows my reputation." Renault laughed mockingly, "Hey, don't be nervous, stand up and talk."

The farmer dared not get up, and stammered:

"You... I... I'm just like this..."

It takes courage to be able to stand up and talk in the face of a superior "god", which is beyond the ability of a farmer.

Renault no longer forced himself, and asked:

"What is your name?"

"The great crown, my name is Billy." Seeing a noble crown asking for his name personally, the farmer trembled with honor.

"So, Billy." Renault asked again. "How does this year's wheat output compare to previous years?"

"Very bad, I am afraid that the output will be reduced by 2-3%." The excitement in Billy's voice disappeared, replaced by a deep worry.

In previous years, despite their hard work throughout the year, the annual harvest was only enough to make ends meet after the rent to the lord had been given to them, and there was an important prerequisite, that is, no family members were seriously ill, otherwise they would definitely go bankrupt.

However, this year, due to a certain reason, "the whole family falls into a famine" seems to be an unavoidable thing. Maybe some people will be starved to death.

Renault was silent for a moment and said slowly:

"Billy, I have an idea. If you don't want to go hungry, take your family and go to Chaka Town, where there are many jobs that can support your family."

"Chaka Town..."

Billy repeated the word, remembering it firmly, and said gratefully:

"Mianxia, ​​thank you very much for your advice. After harvesting the wheat, I will definitely find a chance to go there..."

Allietty suddenly interjected:

"Billy, a new city is about to be established 80 kilometers west of Chaka Town. It is called'Thunderhawk City'. You can also go to Thunderhawk City to find a job. I can guarantee that you will definitely let the whole family Eat a full meal."

Renault was taken aback, then turned to look at Arrietty:

"Thunder Eagle City? Is this name in memory of your grandfather, Duke Thunder Eagle?"

"Yes, under the crown." Arrietty replied.

"Princess, you have chosen a good time." Renault said with a smile.

"Of course." Arrietty said confidently, "The cement factory is about to go into production on a large scale. I can buy enough cement. There are countless people who need to work here. I can hire enough people. So now It is the most suitable time to build Thunder Eagle City."

There was a trace of longing in her voice.

"Thunderhawk City will be the strongest city, and it will become a new starting point for the Castro family."

Renault stared at this beautiful face and silently added a word in his heart.

"But you chose the wrong location."

Princess, you are too naive.

Do you think that if Thunder Eagle City is built around Chaka Town, it can be developed with the resources of Chaka Town?

Do not!

You are so wrong!

The current Chaka Town has become a black hole of resources. It will continuously draw nutrients, money, manpower, material resources, etc., from the nearby area, and will uncontrollably concentrate on Chaka Town.

This is the Matthew effect, under which the strong becomes stronger and the weak becomes weaker.

This means that Thunder Eagle City, which is only 80 kilometers away from Chaka Town, is destined to fall victim to it.

Renault smiled and put forward a suggestion:

"Princess, how about we jointly fund to build a road connecting Chaka Town and Thunder Eagle City?"

Arrietty laughed in surprise, and said incoherently:

"Xiamen, this is exactly what I want... Oh, you are so kind..."

She seemed afraid that Renault would go back, and quickly added:

"I am willing to pay 60% of the, 70% of the cost."

"Then, Princess, it's a deal." Renault nodded in satisfaction, "I will let Goode sign a formal agreement with you."

Looking at the excited Arrietty, Renault's eyes flashed with pity.

Hey, poor girl, do you really think this road is an aid to the development of Thunder Eagle City?

Do not!

You are wrong again.

It is a suction tube inserted in Thunder Eagle City!

After this road is completed, the resources of Thunder Eagle City will flow to Chaka Town at a faster speed.


There are countless cases on earth that can prove this point.

The most typical example is the Shinkansen in Japan.

One of the purposes of the Japanese building this high-speed rail is to promote the economic development of other regions, that is, to attract the flow of people, logistics, and capital from Tokyo to other cities.

The original intention of the government was good, but the result was extremely surprising.

After the opening of the Shinkansen, the convenience of transportation has given Tokyo a strong "siphon effect" on other cities.

Take Osaka as an example. The time from Tokyo to Osaka has been shortened from 7 hours to less than 2 hours. Since then, the siphon effect has gradually affected Osaka.

Since the early 1970s, the population of the Osaka metropolitan area has been declining year by year, moving to the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Not only Osaka is the case, but the whole of Japan is affected. The population of cities around Tokyo continues to flow into it, causing the population of the Tokyo metropolitan area to rise sharply.

In terms of industry, as a heavy manufacturing city, Osaka has almost no new industries in the manufacturing industry during the 15 years from 1985 to 2000, and its stamina is weak.

In other words, the large urban agglomerations represented by Osaka are losing their weight and influence in the national economy.

There is another similar example-China's g-T.

(I dare not say more about this, but I think you readers are so clever, you can definitely understand)


In the alien world, there are not many metal farm tools, and all kinds of stone and wooden farm tools are popular. The obsidian knife used by farmer Billy is a typical example. The farmland in the alien world is full of unclothed farmers and peasant women. In order to save clothes, Working naked is a common thing.

The extremely low productivity has made the return on investment in agriculture horribly low. The experience of the Billy family is only a microcosm of all farmers in the alien world.

However, agriculture is a completely different scene in the sea.

Standing by the endless wheat field, Angela's mood became very good.

In the ocean of wheat, six huge metal monsters are thirstingly "swallowing" golden wheat. Wherever these giants go, their terrifying "huge mouth" with a width of 8 meters swallows the wheat here. Eat it.

The "butt" of the giant monster is pointed and long, and there is a **** hole at the end. The smashed wheat stalks rush out from the hole. Where they drove, there will be a path made of wheat stalks.

If this scene is seen by any farmer from outside the world, they will run away frantically in fright, shouting in their mouths:

"Father God is here, the metal monster has eaten wheat..."

Maybe secretly vomit:

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this? They actually eat and pull at the same time, it's really not particular..."

However, if the turtles see the following scene again, they must shout out the following sentence in disbelief:

"Hey, why did they vomit the wheat out?"

This "giant" is exactly the "large magic combine harvester" developed by the Rune Research Institute.

From the top of the metal monster's head, a long metal tube with a diameter of nearly 1 meter stretched out. From the tube, yellow and orange grains of wheat continued to emerge, falling straight down like spring water and falling onto the other monster.

This "giant" is exactly the "large magic combine harvester" developed by the Rune Research Institute.

The "troll" that receives the wheat grain is a "magic tractor" that drags the "trailer".

The principle and function of the harvester are exactly the same as the harvesters on the earth. They are harvesting and threshing crops at one time, and then the grains are collected in a special storage warehouse, and finally conveyed to the transport vehicle through a conveyor belt.

The only difference is the power system.

The harvesters on the earth use diesel engines, and the large magic motives used by the harvesters of the alien version.

In addition, the alien version of the harvester has a huge advantage, that is, it can use separate power for different rotating mechanisms.

For example, the "threshing drum" and "cutter" are driven by two magic motives separately. This unique design eliminates the need for a complicated transmission system, greatly reduces the number of parts, and simplifies the manufacturing process.

"Hi, Lena." The consul lady looked at her former little attendant and said in a teasing tone, "Oh, I think I should say, our Director of Agriculture, Miss Lena, hahaha..."

"Miss, please don't be like this... please..."

Linna's face blushed when she was teased, and after a moment of sulking, she also laughed.

The last director of the Department of Agriculture, because he couldn’t control his greedy appetite, embezzled more than 30 Kinnar’s public funds, and the family entered the forced labor camp together. Lena, the little girl who had followed Renault across the mainland, was caught Angela was promoted to the new director of the Department of Agriculture.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore." The lady consul narrowed her smile and pointed to the giant moving in the wheat field. All the wheat is harvested?"

Linna immediately reported the data:

"Miss, the Department of Agriculture has purchased a total of 6 harvesters. They can harvest 2 hectares of wheat per hour. It is estimated that the harvest will be completed in 5 days."

"Very good." Angela nodded happily, and said in admiration, "They are so fast...I think the 100 strongest farmers are not as good as a harvester..."

Lina pursed her lips and smiled:

"Miss, you overestimate the farmer too much and you underestimate the harvester too much."

"Even if a farmer works hard, he can only work 12 hours a day to harvest one mu of wheat."

"The harvesters are magic machines. They can work endlessly. They can work 18 hours a day. If they are equipped with magic stone lamps, they can work for 24 hours.

"According to 18 hours a day, a harvester can harvest at least 36 hectares of wheat per day, which is equivalent to 550 acres of wheat, which is equivalent to 550 farmers..."

After a pause, she said proudly:

"4000 farmers work for 5 days in a row to harvest all the wheat in this farm. We only need 24 drivers to operate the harvester and tractor!"

Angela slanted her eyes and looked at the newly promoted Miss Director:

"Okay, well, listening to your tone, I thought it was our Miss Lena who invented the harvester and tractor."

Lina waved her hand quickly and said with a smile:

"Uh, I am not, I don' could I be as powerful as Lord Lord."

"The combined wisdom of everyone in the world is not as good as Lord Lord..."

This metaphor is extremely exaggerated, but Angela nodded in agreement.

As Renault's closest person, she watched him helplessly, in less than two years, transforming this island from a poverty-stricken dilemma into a paradise on earth.

This kind of great creation, the harvester, is just one of Renault's countless inventions, but one of the inconspicuous.

Can all human beings in the world do this together?


Therefore, in Angela's eyes, he is her god.