Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 724: Historic day

"...As of yesterday, the Parliament has raised a total of 65,755,845 Kinnars... Thank you very much for your generous donations. Your kindness will be remembered by everyone."

"In this fundraising, the 10 non-aristocratic donors with the largest amount of donations are as follows..."

Arrietty took a document and read a series of names.

"No. 1, Mr. George Best, donated 6,800 Kinnars... No. 5, Mr. Bailey Black Crow, donated 4600 Kinnars... No. 10, Garrincha Bird Sir, the donation amount is 2,700 Kinnar..."

"According to the requirements of the Lord Speaker, the above 10 gentlemen will be specially awarded the title of'Honorary Baron'..."

As soon as this statement was made, there was an obvious buzzing sound in the round auditorium.

Everyone knows that the 10 names spoken by Allietty represent the first substantial step towards the Title Donation Act.

With the first batch of honorable nobles, there will naturally be second and third batches in the future... As time goes by, there will be more and more honorable nobles, until the number exceeds, and even far exceeds the traditional nobles.

On the other hand, when a noble title can be bought with money, how much gold does it have?

This subverted thousands of years of traditional practices will inevitably lead to an earth-shaking change in the power structure of the entire human world. The old aristocratic power will gradually be disintegrated and replaced by emerging capital groups.

Undoubtedly, today is definitely a day of great historical significance!

In the historical classics of later generations, Renault, who promoted this incident in one hand, and these 10 big businessmen who are about to win the title of honorary baron, will surely be written by scholars.

If you interpret it in political terms, you can state it like this:

"This day marks the official beginning of the transition from'feudalism' to'capitalism,' and a new chapter in human history has opened!"

The two foreign envoys who were invited to observe the ceremony clearly noticed that most of the noble parliamentarians had expressions of resentment, hostility, loss, and sorrow, while the other group of merchant parliamentarians were all cheered and smiled.

"Hey, can honorary nobles count as nobles?" Baron Kafka muttered, "It's so ridiculous, any decent gentleman would never admit this..."

"Although the name has the word "honor" added, it doesn't sound decent." Viscount Chris shrugged. "But in terms of political rights, there is actually not much difference between a formal aristocracy and an honorary aristocracy."

"Everyone understands that in the parliamentary council, the key departments that really hold real power are committees, such as the'Supreme Disciplinary Committee', the'Arms Procurement Committee' and so on."

"In the past, only aristocratic councillors could join the committee. Merchant councillors were not eligible... But now, honorary aristocrats also have the same rights. From this perspective, what does it matter whether there is a prefix of ‘honour’?”

"This speaker is indeed the best wise man in the human world. The mere prefix of'honor', although it sacrifices reputation, it appeases the opposition nobles, does not arouse the toughest resistance, and exchanges real power. ..."

Viscount Chris exclaimed in an admiring tone:

"What a superb political wisdom this is..."

After hearing this in-depth analysis, even a stubborn nobleman like Baron Kafka has to admit that the master speaker's skills are indeed unimaginable.

"...Next, 10 kind-hearted congressmen will be invited to the stage, and the Parliament will award you the Medal of Honorary Nobility..."

Arrietty's words made the atmosphere in the auditorium become more heated.

Some people cursed softly, while others cheered softly. At this moment, praise and hatred were intertwined, joy and hatred flew together, turning the sentient beings under the dome into a marvelous Ukiyo-e.

"Mr. Bacon, good job..."

"Mr. Bacon, you are the pride of our businessman councillor..."

"Mr. Bacon, congratulations... Oh no, now I should call you Baron Bacon..."

When a businessman congressman who was invited to the stage walked through the aisle to the rostrum, other businessman congressmen greeted him enthusiastically.

Because of his emotions, Mr. Bacon was shaking constantly, his walking posture became extremely stiff, and he looked so funny.

Baron Kafka looked sarcastically at Mr. Bacon’s back, and said in an exaggerated tone:

"Oh, look what I saw... Is this gentleman the burlesque actor invited by the Senate? I can't believe that such a foolish and ignorant pariah can step into this auditorium..."

Then he seemed to think of something, and turned to Viscount Chris and said:

"I remember that "Hai Tide Current Affairs" reported the detailed terms of the "Knightship Donation Act". You can get the title of'Honorary Lord' by donating 300 Kinnars, and the'Honorary Baron' is 1000 Kinnars, and the'Honorary Viscount' is 2000 Kinnars, and the'Honorary Earl' is 5000 Kinnars."

"Among these 10 merchant councillors, the gentleman with the highest donation amount donated 6,800 Kinnars, which is enough to exchange for the title of'Honorary Earl', and the lowest gentleman also has 2,700 Kinnars, which can be exchanged for an'Honorary Viscount'. 'title."

"But they only won the title of'Honorary Baron', which is obviously a loss-making business...I have never seen such a stupid businessman, Viscount Chris, what do you think?"

Viscount Chris smiled helplessly:

"On the contrary, I think this is the most brilliant place... To make the "Knightship Donation Act" fully implemented, the first batch of canonizations are the most important... Therefore, the key to the problem lies not in the amount of money, but in the success. Canonize them."

"Spending more Kinnar in exchange for a lower honorary title can also arouse people's sympathy... In this way, everyone's resistance to honorable nobles will be greatly reduced."

"Mr. Baron, you think about it seriously, do you think they are a bunch of idiots, and the hostility towards them is not as deep as before?"

Baron Kafka frowned and thought for a while, murmured:

"It seems... it's really like this..."

Viscount Chris watched the award ceremony on the stage and said:

"Idiots will only make people laugh, but no one will be hostile to them, because they seem to be harmless... Now I can be sure that this speaker is definitely a master proficient in psychology..."

"In addition, I am more than 90% sure that these 10 honorary barons will definitely be compensated..."

Baron Kafka felt bad.

The words of his companion made him feel like a fool. In order to protect the face of the nobleman, he tried his best to defend:

"Mr. Viscount, this is just your personal speculation, not a fact... I think you admire the Speaker so much that you always think that everything he does has a certain meaning..."

At this time, a majestic voice sounded in their ears at the same time:

"After a week, the House of Representatives will fully implement the "Knightship Donation Act". Any civilian in the Thousand Lakes Republic can apply to the'Noble Affairs Committee' and only need to pay a donation to the national treasury to obtain an honorary title certificate from the committee. ."

"The amount of the donation will be used to build a link between Chaka City-Tututat City-The Hague..."

The voice paused for a while, and slowly uttered two words:



The entire auditorium was a sensation!

Today, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce has built several short-distance freight railways on the mainland.

The most typical example is the railway connecting "Chaka City" and "Black Ice Port".

As the largest port in the north, the monthly throughput of Heibing Port ranges from 30,000 to 40,000 tons, as much as 70 to 80,000 tons, and sometimes even more than 100,000 tons, and more than 95% of the cargo will pass through this It was transported by rail to Chaka City, and from the economic center of the republic, distributed to various places.

On the other hand, there are not a few goods shipped from Chaka City to Heibing Port, reaching at least 80% of the former.

In addition to cargo transportation, this railway also undertakes the task of passenger transportation. Every day, from morning to night, there are dozens of freight trains and passenger trains running back and forth between the two places.

It is this railway that makes the turtles of other worlds deeply realize how terrible the railway transportation capacity is, and how amazing the Kinnar is brought by it.

So, how much wealth will an ultra-long-distance railway linking three cities with a span of 2,000 kilometers create?

Millions of Kinnars every year?

Do not!

At least 10 million pieces per year!

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind-this railway, you must participate in it at all costs!

Baron Kafka took a few breaths, slapped his thigh, and yelled:

"I understand the profound meaning of the Speaker!"

He gushed:

"The Speaker uses the railway as a bait to attract everyone's attention to ensure the smooth implementation of the "Knightship Donation Act"... Putting the donated amount into the railway construction will also greatly reduce the resistance of the nobles."

"In addition, the railway will greatly divide the opposition. Any nobleman who wants to get a share of the railway revenue must move closer to the Speaker... As a result, the opposition will become weaker."

"Well, Viscount Chris, you are right. These 10 honorary barons got the title at a high premium, but their first action will definitely get enough reports... Your Lord Speaker is very likely to pass. The railway will give them a certain amount of compensation.

"Tsk tsk, this hand is really too clever, too powerful... Your Speaker is worthy of being a great wise man recognized by the human world..."

Viscount Chris glanced at the admiring Baron Kafka, and cursed fiercely in his heart.

Bastard! I just said that the master "thinks that everything the Speaker of the Speaker does has a certain meaning." Isn't that right?