Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 785: The awesome "map editor"

The average temperature in the new year is as low as minus 15 degrees below zero. If it encounters a south polar cold current or snowstorm, the temperature will instantly drop to minus 30 degrees, or even minus 40 degrees, and it will become a fact in the sense of physics that the dripping water becomes ice. .

However, what is even more unbearable is the sea breeze.

Once entering the storm season, the tidal islands located in the depths of the ocean are blowing strong sea breeze all the time.

In the cold winter, any exposed parts will experience the "wind like a knife cut" feeling, and the trace of heat accumulated by the body will always be easily taken away.

For a group of hard labor in the hard labor camp, working outdoors is simply a kind of hard torture.

After leaving the camp every day, there are always people who never come back.

These hapless eggs were either frozen to death in the cold wind and turned into a frozen corpse, or they were so cold that they could not afford to be sick, and died after suffering for a few days.

Count on the doctor to treat?

Stop dreaming!

The doctor never takes a step into the drudgery camp.

The **** guards did not force sickness and hard labor to work on the construction site, it was already regarded as benevolent.


The guard shook the steel whip in his hand and let out an explosion that made the hard laborers terrified.

"Hey, you slackers, you must flatten the mud in this area this morning, otherwise you will just wait to starve..."

After a pause, he pointed to a large pile of rubble not far away, and shouted:

"There is also the pile of stones used to stabilize the foundation. I have to move 1/3 in the morning...No, half of it must be moved..."

Barrick couldn't help sighing in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything, only to endure silently.

He stood on top of a pile of mud, holding a shovel and struggling to shovel a large chunk of mud and throw it to a nearby low-lying area.


Mud and sand splashed everywhere.

In the depths of Barrick's heart, the huge regret that was enough to swallow the whole person, gnawed his heart like a poisonous snake.

Alas... if he could go back to 2 months ago, he said he would not accept the 12 kinnals bribed by the Glenn Chamber of Commerce... But he was reported, and the whole family went to the forced labor camp together... I don’t know if he can. Survive this winter...

Haha... The **** Glenn Chamber of Commerce has not been better. Their assets in the Republic were all confiscated by the Ministry of Justice in the name of unfair competition. The director of the Chamber of Commerce and the briber also went to jail and sentenced to 2 years of hard labor...

Thinking of this, Barrick couldn't help turning his head and looking at the location of Odin Island with hatred eyes.

His "enemy" reclaimed land on Odin Island across the sea.

"Whirring whirring……"

A violent cold wind rushed towards him, and Barrick curled up tightly, trying to reduce the exposed area of ​​his body.

But the winter clothes were too worn, and the heat still steadily spilled from the hole, making him feel as if he was in a terrifying ice purgatory, his internal organs seemed to have been frozen, and every breath he exhaled seemed to have no temperature.

"It would be nice if there was some sunshine..."

Barrick whispered a word, and he thrust his shovel into the mud and looked up at the sky.

It is a pity that thick clouds cover the sky.

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a figure flying across the sky and flying towards a metal catamaran ship parked at sea level in the distance.

This is... an extraordinary person of the wind element!

Barrick leaned on the shovel, and stared blankly at the silhouettes flying in the gusty wind, flying farther and farther, and finally landed on the catamaran.


A dozen kilometers away, he could hear the roar from the catamaran.

This is an extremely weird catamaran.

On its left and right hull decks, an extremely thick metal round tube is erected on each of its lengths, which occupies almost half of the deck. The nozzles are pointed diagonally toward the sky, like two super gun tubes.

Two large strands of black objects spurted out of the "barrel" quickly, drew a huge arc in the air, scattered on the water more than ten kilometers away, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea black.


The waves on the sea are surging, and the water waves are rolling up.

This catamaran has stayed on the sea for almost half a month, and the spray from the two round pipes has hardly stopped. It will move a short distance every half day, and only then will it stop spraying briefly. .

Of course, it will also sail back to the port when the sea conditions are bad.

Barrick has lived for decades, and this is the first time he has seen such a weird ship.

Why install 2 round pipes on the deck? What kind of thing is spraying out of the tube? Why do you spray endlessly? What exactly is this ship used for?

All this made him extremely curious.


Barrick felt a flick of his back.


He screamed, and fell into the mud, the part that was drawn even more painful as if torn.

"Damn lazy bones, it's really too much to clean up... Master saw clearly just now, you stood here and stole it for a while..."

The fierce roar of the guard kept coming into Barrick's ears, making him tremble with fright.

"Hey, I know you are Barrick, you greedy and lazy scumbag, you accept bribes when working for the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, and you dare to be lazy secretly when you work... Hurry up and work, otherwise the lord will kill you alive today. ..."


The guard flicked the steel whip again.

Barrick got up from the ground desperately, unable to wipe the mud all over his face, picked up the shovel and dug up the mud frantically.

This scene scared the surrounding hard labor to speed up their hands and feet, and worked harder.


The figure that "Corruptor" Barrick saw just now was naturally the highest consul of the Haichao-Angela.

And that catamaran is just the "artifact" for land reclamation-the map editor.

To be precise, it should be called a "cutter suction dredger".

It can break all the sand and stones on the seabed and absorb them, and spray them to distant places through pressure pipes to achieve the purpose of "blown sand and fill the sea".

In the different time and space where Renault lived, a certain powerfully rising eastern country built several "map editors".

They are in a sea area called "Sao Sihai", playing a lot of "map editing", and "editing" several untenable sea reefs into islands with an area comparable to dozens of aircraft carriers.

Afterwards, military bases were built, ports were established, warships passed by, and large groups of fighters flew past.

Before launching "Map Editing", for this sea area coveted by many countries, a large country shouted "Oh, let's play together".

After the "map editing" was completed, a certain big country never mentioned this sentence, and replaced it with another slogan-since ancient times...

This is the awesomeness of the "Map Editor"!

With it, your waist is no longer sore, your legs are no longer sore, and your waist is straightened!

In contrast, a small country tried to follow the example of its northern neighbors, but it did not have a "map editor" and had to use mechanical and human clumsy methods to fill the sea.

After a lot of hard work, it was hard to build an artificial island that could barely live in. Later, a typhoon arrived unexpectedly, and the artificial island that cost a lot of manpower and material resources was instantly destroyed by the storm.