Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 149: I refuse... really sweet!

Entering the nine secluded springs, Chen Ming looked around with the night pearls in his hands, but they were all quiet and surrounded by water.

Chen clearly felt the cold, but he did not feel the cold, the water system, he practiced a lot. On the contrary, he is quite comfortable now.

Chen Ming looked at Zhuo Qingyao next to him, relying on blood to separate the surrounding water, not letting the water come. "How, cold or not?"

Zhuo Qingyao said: "There is a little bit cold, Master, are you not practicing the water system of the Yaozu? You directly form the body of the Yaozu. The body of the water system can not isolate any mana and can isolate this cold, then I Sitting on your body, you don't need to consume blood at all."

Chen Ming thought about it, the practice of the demon water system, but the practice of the old turtle!

It’s hard to be done, I want to be a king here?

Painting beauty does not look.

Chen Ming’s brow jumped, “I refuse!”

Zhuo Qingyao looked at Chen Ming with a pair of big eyes full of water, as if he was silent.

"You are useless! I refuse!"

Zhuo Qingyao stretched his hand to Chen Ming’s sleeve. "Master, you are the best!"

"Master, do you treat people like this?"

"Master, since you accept me as a disciple, you must be responsible to others!"

Is this really Zhuo Qingyao? Sure enough, Ling Xian, Li Suyi, Chen Lingyu three little guys are not in, Zhuo Qingyao does not need to put the master sister's shelf!

There are already many people around to see it together with Zixia Fairy. Chen Ming saw their strange eyes and could not continue. If they continue, these people will only feel that they have done something to Zhuo Qingyao beyond the ethics of mentoring. Things, "Okay, okay, can't I change?"

A burst of water bloomed, a black turtle with a length of one appeared in front of Zhuo Qingyao, the surrounding water was naturally separated, and Chen Ming’s body could not be seen. No way, this is racial talent.

Zhuo Qingyao held down Chen Ming’s turtle shell with one hand and jumped to Chen Ming’s back gently. Then he sat on Chen Ming’s back. Chen Ming suddenly noticed something wrong, why, I I feel that there are two soft spots behind, um, what is that?

Chen Ming turned his head and saw that it was Zhuo Qingyao's two-fold softness.

Chen Mingmo

The old face was red, and it became a black turtle. It could not be seen at all. "Master, what happened?"

Chen Mingdao: "Nothing, you are sitting still!"

Controlling the flow of water, let the four claws and tail enter the water, Chen Ming began to swim freely in the nine secluded springs, not to mention, although it is a king, but it is really fast!

Zixia Fairy went forward for a while, inspected some people in the team, and immediately found the problem. Where did the Taoist go? Looking at Zhuo Qingyao, the sly cockroach sat on the body of a Wang Ba, especially the Wang Ba was still swimming in the water, could not help but shine, asked: "Where do you make a Wang Ba Dang mount, right? What, your master?"

Zhuo Qingyao pointed his finger at Chen Ming under the buttock, Chen Ming said: "What's the matter, what treasures are there in front?"

Zixia Fairy reached out and grabbed the small mouth. The young man in front of the fairy-skinned bones turned out to be a Yaozu, and the body was a Wang Ba? "I really can't believe that the shape of the Wang Bahua can actually be shaped like this!"

Chen understood Zixia Fairy and then said: "Roll!"

Zixia Fairy is also a grin, this guy is really interesting, and suddenly Chen Ming became cute.

Zixia Fairy Road: "Forget it, no jokes, how far is it now, how can there be treasures, the people of Xueshanzong have already come in, so the soul water in the safe range is impossible to find."

Chen Ming nodded, and yes, this is Xueshan Zong’s own site. The soul of the soul within the safe scope must be the first disciple of his own Zongmen. Zixia Fairy suddenly had a bold idea. "Yes, you are a person who is jealous, and it is not as good as two people."

Chen Ming waved his front paws. "Stop! Don't say it again! If you go on like this, we can't be friends! Right, do you know where there is water?"

Zixia Fairy Road: "I don't know, take care of him, chances, who said please?"

Chen Mingdao: "In this case, it is better for me to count!"

Zixia Fairy wondered: "Are you alchemy, what counts?"

Chen Mingdao: "Hey, I am always at home, you are rich and wealthy in me, I have life and death in the sky, the vastness of the world, the yin and yang to borrow the law, the copper money half and two, as two halves!"

Chen Ming stretched out two small claws and found ten copper coins to go up in the water.

One throw, then catch, spread the paws, and then analyze: "Ten are all negative, the sky is positive, the ground is reverse, which means that we only need to keep going down, no, my own image is not out This means that as long as you keep going down, you will have treasures!"

Zixia Fairy looks at Chen Ming, who is saying to the gods, "Do you really count?"

Chen Mingdao: "Reassured, sorcerer, I understand a little underneath, as long as you report your birth, I can even calculate the color of the birthmark on your ass!"

There was a blush on the face of Zixia Fairy, and he hurriedly shifted the topic: "Well, since you are down, let's go down."

Lying in the trough, I just won’t say it right, can you say that I really have the potential of a stick?

All the way down, I don't know how many days, the darkness can't be timed, but fortunately, there is the night pearl of Xueshanzong. This night pearl can not only illuminate, but also guide the direction of going out, and don't worry about getting lost.

In front, suddenly there was a water grass, a water grass, full of tens of feet long, dancing in the water with the water, Chen Ming waving his paws, swimming fast, next to the practitioners took a look, "Hey, I just What did you see? It seems to be a tortoise, but how can the turtle run so fast, it should be that I am wrong."

Deep into the water, Chen Ming felt a bit more, the coldness here became more and more intense, Zixia Fairy looked around and said: "It seems that there is a play, there is a place where there are aquatic plants, there are creatures, but there are creatures. Places, you can gather the dead spirit, and grow into a soul water!"

Zixia Fairy Road: "Since it has arrived here, everyone still has to find their own opportunities, but they can't go too far."

Look for opportunities like this, it is best not to be together, so as not to cause any accidents.

Chen Mingzheng waved his paws and flew in the water. Zixia Fairy chased him up. Chen Ming said: "Don't you say that we are looking for opportunities separately?"

Zixia Fairy Road: "You are too low, I have to look after you to avoid any accidents."

Chen Mingdao: "How do you find the treasure?"

Zixia Fairy Road: "According to who has more power, who has more power, who gets more!"

Chen Ming turned a blind eye: "Was a woman a devil? You are a person on the list of enlightenment, and we are one of the ways to enter the world, one who smells more than the power of the road?"