Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 287: First World War

If it weren't for the suppression of the Sunday Stars, Chen Ming wouldn't dare to fight with this [seven knives].

Since you don't want it yourself, you can't blame me.

Long Jun, with Li Suyi and the kitten, has come to a safe place through the transmission array left by Chen Ming. As Long Jun comes back with Li Suyi and the kitten, more and more right ways are also Found the wrong place, Long Jun brought back, seems to be Li Suyi and the kitten.

However, ordinary practitioners certainly do not know what happened, but the monarchs knew it. When they saw Long Jun coming back, many practitioners were surrounded. There was only one problem they care about, that is, between Chen Ming and Wu Jiang. The crown of the world.

"Dragon King, I don't know how the battle of the Mozong is?"

Long Jun swept a lot of monarchs and then said: "Now the ally and the victorious victory are still between the two, who can say, only they know it, or they don't know, I don't have time. Said, where is the Yanshan Buddhism?"

Long Jun naturally will not give Li Suyi and the kitten to other people, only to Zhuo Qingyao he can rest assured.

Under the leadership of many Maharajahs, Long Jun found Zhuo Qingyao, released the dragon claws and put Li Suyi and the kitten down. Long Jun said: "I have already brought people, I have to go back to the battlefield."

After the end of Long Jun, he has already left.

Li Suyi looked at Ling Xian and Zhuo Qingyao. At this moment, the eyes of the two also gathered on him. Li Suyi wanted to leave, but was blocked by Lingxian. "Three teachers, where are you going?"

Li Suyi said: "I am full of sin, how can I return to Yanshan?"

Zhuo Qingyao came in, "Can you return to Yanshan, but Master has the final say!"

Li Suyi smiled and said: "I am now a Maharaja, I am leaving. Can you stop me?"

Then Zhuo Qingyao raised a hand knife, Li Suyi fainted to the ground........

Zhuo Qingyao looked at Li Suyi who fell to the ground with some guilty conscience. "I thought it was so powerful, would I be too heavy?"


The eight monarchs and the five monarchs of the Mozong sect fought, and they were now suppressed by Chen Ming’s big squad, and the number of them was insufficient, and they were defeated by them.

The main sect of Mozong: "Open the mountain guardian!"

The self-owned Mozong practitioners went to open the mountain guardian method, but the guardian mountain array method just rose for a moment, and they heard a bang.

The magical mountain guardian method has been crushed by the starry sky and directly destroyed the entire array.

Heavenly Array Master, too strong!

The battle of the Mozong is only arranged by a magistrate.

The Heavenly Array Master, on this continent, is the most scarce existence at any time.

Without a look at the weakness of the five monarchs of the Mozong, they flew directly to the top. The tyrants in the hands of the tyrants slashed across the square. He wanted to open the starry sky and slash a hole in the big bang, but it was discovered without a border. But for a moment, this hole healed again and had no effect at all.

The formation method must have a glimpse of the eye, but there is no border, and there is no such thing as Chen Ming’s arrangement of any array of methods. Zhou Tianxing’s big array has already appeared.

Then there can only be one reason, and there is no way to look at Chen Ming. "You are the eye!"

Chen Ming smiled, "How is it, not how?"

Nothing: "Only you can use yourself as a glimpse to reach the Heavenly Master. You don't need to enter the road, because you are a battle. It seems that only killing you can solve this trouble."

Without a jump, a knife rushed toward Chen Mingyu, and Chen Ming waved his hand to meet the spring and autumn. Under a sword, he was smashed and smashed into a hill.

Chen Ming felt the power of Zhou Tianxing's big array. It not only suppressed the other side, but also blessed his own body and gathered the power of the whole big squad on his own body.

Chen Ming rushed toward the borderless, looking at the big hole that was knocked out by the borderless. Muran was a sword thrown out. A sword separated the whole mountain, and there was no sword in the front, blocking Chen Ming’s sword.

It’s also felt that there is no such thing as Chen Ming’s opponent. This Sunday’s star burst is too strong!

Once again, he reached out to the back and pulled out the real thing directly. Chen Ming glanced at it. After he killed the nightingale, he did not find it. This knife could not be seen. How to find it?

Nothing to say: "There is nothing between the virtual and the real, between the virtual and the real, the road is self-evident!"

He stood in the air and slashed toward Chen Ming. The knife lingered around and smashed the void. Chen Ming even saw that the surrounding void was cracking!

Has the strength of Xinjiang been horrified to this point?

Chen Ming will take back the Wandao Tianzhu in the Spring and Autumn Period, and compare the sword-and-knife method with the borderlessness. The root is to find death, and the [blade dancer] can't afford it.

Chen Ming inserted Wandao Tianzhu in his neck robes, his arms trembled, and the sea was overturned.

A black sea spread for dozens of miles, and he and the borderless are shrouded in it. Now, with the help of Zhou Tianxing's big array, plus his own mana that has been several times more powerful, it is finally possible to show it.

Chen Ming estimated that he should be able to finish the set.

Chen Ming’s current thoughts are very simple. Either I am killing you with this set of martial arts fists, or I will kill you after returning to Yanshan to add mana, or I will return to Yanshan to recover three sets of phoenixes. you!

In short, it is to kill you!

The army flew up and attacked Chen Ming. The virtual and offensive means are different from other knives. This is a perfect knife for melee, because the other party can't see it.

Chen Ming’s hands are too imaginary, his left hand traverses the sky, his right hand suppresses all directions, like the stars of the Great, walking in the world, he throws his fists, the waves are surging, a huge wave is rushing toward the borderless, and even if it is a knife, it is this way. The big waves hit the back, and the hands of the borderless were numb.

This is boundless and vigorous, it is definitely not an ordinary fairy technique, and there is no way to look at Chen Ming. "Your phoenix has reached the level of immortality!"

This phoenix is ​​used in the realm of enlightenment. The practitioners who practiced the Taoist sect look at the singularity of the immortal, relying on the second layer of the phoenix!

Chen Ming’s punching, the mana’s mana cost, the power of a punch, the sky trembles!

Without the direct loss of the virtual reality, and then pulled out the fifth handle knife, but after pulling out the fifth handle knife, there is no direct use of the fifth knife against Chen Ming, he inserted the fifth handle knife in front of him, and then pulled out The sixth handle knife is also his last knife.

The name of the knife is called a pig knife.

This knife is the longest knife in his life. It is also the knife he is most familiar with. It is also the second time to accompany him to a desperate knife.

This is his last knife, the same strong knife.

Before the pig knife was killed, all beings were like pigs, and he was a slaughter. 2k novel reading network