Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 736: I don’t want these!

Another month later, one morning, the Imperial City of Yan State.

A shopkeeper opened his own shop door and placed the fairy he received on the counter, ready to start a business.

On the opposite side, the other shopkeeper began to arrange his own shop early.

Before the sun rose, they completed their work and then looked at the East.

On the whole street, everyone looked up to the east and waited for the sun to rise.

Finally, the first rays of the sun broke, "Look, the first number is out!"

"It's seven! I bought it, I bought it!"

"Look at the second number is oh!"

"Wait, don't worry!"

The sun showed up again, revealing the second number, "99, nine, nine, I have two numbers!"

When the whole sun came out, there was someone on the street, and some people were a bit depressed.

The people who buy it are naturally happy, they have not bought it, and they are not too lost. After all, they are only two white crystal coins.

There were two shopkeepers suddenly talking about it. "I don't know why, inexplicably, after Yanhuang began selling color papers, the business in my store was actually a lot better!"

"Me too, it's really weird!"

But after a while, a young man walked into his shop with joy and said: "The treasurer, this one, and this!"

The shopkeeper's smile is open, just open the door, there is business, good luck! "Little, these are all right? I will give it an inventory, buy three pieces, and send a storage ring!"

Then he heard the young man say: "I don't want these, other, all!"

The shopkeeper was shocked, lying, this little man is too rich!

"The cost of this white crystal coin is not small....."

The young man raised the color roll in his hand and said, "Isn't you seeing this color roll? I have 200,000 white crystal coins! The young man has a white crystal coin!"

The shopkeeper's quick and charming words: "Well, this will give the young master the good thing, put it in the storage ring, and take it to the young master."

Waiting for him to send away the young man, this time once again look at the sun in the sky, "Don't say, these two white crystal coins, the flowers seem to be quite worthwhile, although they did not buy, but some people bought I have to earn myself!"

Originally, many immortals who lived in the mountains began to gather on the towns and were ready to buy color rolls.

The Zongmen, which was originally buried in the mountains, or distributed in various hills, began to migrate and leaned toward the great city above the stars.

In the past, it was because of the smothering between the various sects, so each of them was a tiger, but now it is different. Jinxian, who is everywhere in Yanshan, is inspecting everywhere. Who dares to make it?

What's even more embarrassing is that you don't want to wear Yanshan military, and you don't want to wear fairy instruments.

If you want to do it, you have to think about it enough.

In such a day, although there is no fairy, it is much better than the days of fear every day.

When everyone used to have a fairy, they had to worry about whether there would be other sects to attack themselves, but now they are not used. Everyone has no genius. All disputes are handled by the Star Division of Yan State.

In the interior of the Yan State, in addition to the military, the military can carry the fairyware at will. Others need to apply for a robbery and enter a special training place to control the fairy.

You have to practice, yes, no problem, just practice?

What, fear of robbery, nothing, Yanshan ferry training class, equipped with a full set of fairy, even the waist pendant is a fairy, by the way also issued Xiandan, for robbery.

Chen Ming also knows that in the Yan State, apart from the military, there is no fairy weapon. If other immortals invade, it is a group of lambs to be slaughtered, so in the border of the Yan State, there are heavy soldiers.

Losing the fairy, the internal peace of the Yan State is not a big problem, although there are some specializes in boxing, palm, and leg law, but lost the armor of the fairy, to the star of the Yan State, still did not have to fight.

As for some people who say that they have lost their freedom, if you want to worry about it every day, and worry that someone will rob you in the middle of the night, you can go to other fairy countries to carry the days of carrying your head!

Things like fairyware are used to kill people. Then you want this thing, is it prepared to violate the rules of the Yan State, and be a bad person to kill people?

Since you already have Yan Guo to protect your safety, why do you need something like a fairy?

At this moment, the whistling is also somewhat inexplicable. His Majesty said that the tax will rise, and as a result, it has really risen!

And the rise is not a little bit, but a lot!

In order to ensure that other Xianguo did not increase, Chen Ming finally decided to open a color roll shop in the current allies.

As for the three great kingdoms to understand this problem, Chen Ming has a more fun waiting for them.

He sells the color rolls, not to make money, but to get these immortals out, often going to the streets to stimulate consumption.

After a few years out of the door and a few days out, can the level of consumption be the same?

Even, he can sell at a loss!

As long as there is not much loss, he can earn it back in taxation!

As for what to say to the four major kingdoms to clearly understand the relationship between the sale of color papers and taxes, it is estimated that it will take some time.

But even so, Chen Ming is completely unspeakable. With a large influx of resources, he can quickly build Da Luo Jinxian by relying on the Qingxin Bodhi and the fifth-order Yingling Tree, but other fairy countries?

They don't have so many Qingxin Bodhi and the fifth-order Yi people's Yingling tree.

Nowadays, two trillion white crystal coins have been obtained from Tianting, and the tax revenue has come up. One month is a billion yuan tax, and one hundred years is a trillion.

It is also barely good. As for how to make up the 10 trillion yuan, Chen Ming estimates that he still has to find a solution from the next hundred years of war.

If you want to be strong in national strength, you will still see productivity after all, and metaphysical technology is the primary productive force.

Yan Guo is currently at the peak of the countries in terms of alchemy and refining. There is no room for improvement. At least Chen Ming’s current cultivation is not improved.

The other most powerful metaphysical thing in Yan State is the Holy Blood Fairy!

As long as Xianlin succeeded in cultivating the Holy Blood Fairy, it will definitely be worthless.

The black lion ride has proved this point, but what is needed now is to wait for Xianlin to cultivate the Holy Blood Fairy, and then rely on the unique blood-stained beast of Yan State to sell some of it, in exchange for more resources, to cultivate More Da Luo Jin Xian and the Holy Blood Fairy.

As long as the Sanxian Fairy Beast is sold less than the Yan State, and it is distributed to all countries, there will be no problem of losing control.

And Chen Ming, finally decided to upgrade his realm, his next realm, called Tianxian. 2k novel reading network