Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 817: Tigers, teeth, forbidden

"Go, take the first sleepless head. The highest level of innocence is suspected, I am afraid that the real limit is near, I want to use the last strength to pave the way for Chen Ming to be in the highest position. If it is not the deadline, He does not need to be so tempted."

"The plan we have been planning for for a long time should also begin."

"It’s been a hundred years to plan, and it’s finally time to uncover."

Yu Fengzi cautiously asked: "Is it really necessary to start?"

No. 0 nodded slightly, then said: "The supreme, must die at the time we planned, and only then, we have the best chance."

Many incompetent people are archers: "I will understand."

Never sleep in the city.

The zero number appeared on the transmission array. He walked out of the transmission array and could see it. In front of the city gate of the city that never sleeps, Chen Ming carried his hands and wore a rotten tiger robe.

No. 0 went to Chen Ming’s side and said, “You came very early.”

Chen Ming looked at the zero number and smiled slightly: "You are not slow, just slower than me for a little while."

The zero number looked around and said, "You are not qualified to enter the city?"

Chen Ming nodded slightly, then said: "It seems that there is no sleepless person coming, it is determined to turn out the innocent council."

Chen Ming is not stupid. If the supremacy is dying, he is absolutely qualified to enter the city. He is the next supreme and innocent, and he is qualified to stand beside the supreme.

No. 0 smile, reaching for Chen Ming’s shoulder, said: “Reassure, if someone dares to turn out the innocent council, I will sweep them for you.”

Chen Ming glanced at the zero number and said: "Thank you."

Both of them are smiling and not laughing at each other. They are all ill-intentioned and do not believe any words they say.

The third one to come here is Wu Fu, who is a staunch supporter of Chen Ming. He has no fear.

Wu Fu looked at Chen Ming and the zero number, one black and one white, faintly opposite.

He walked over to Chen Ming and stood beside Chen Ming.

Bu Qingshan came to the city without a night in a blue tiger robe. After all, he did not have the guts to resist the supreme innocence. He looked at the three people in front and noticed the wrong place.

He went to the trio and finally stopped behind Chen Ming and the zero. Chen Ming and Wu did not look back.

He struggled for a while, and did not choose to stand by the side of any of Chen Ming and No. 0 and stood alone.

Instead of the team, it is better to stand by yourself for the time being.

After a while, Gai Jiu was arrived, and Jiu Nian analyzed the form in the field and finally decided to stand next to Bu Qingshan.

Immediately afterwards, it was the yellow old poison in the yellow tiger robe. The yellow old poison seemed to hang down, but in the starry sky, relying on the age of a person’s appearance, it was concluded that the other party was old. It is possible to suffer a big loss.

Huang Laoduo did not stand beside Chen Ming and No. 0, but stood beside Bu Qingshan and Gai Jiu.

The moon in the sky slowly crossed the starry sky, and eight sleepless people are now only six.

The forbidden and the wind have come, and no appearance has yet been made.

Everyone knows what it means to be without coming. The next supreme heir, Chen Ming, has not entered the city. He can only explain that it is the highest and innocent. This is only a temptation.

If you don't come, you will be ordered to be killed by the supreme.

There is no war now, there is no situation that cannot be removed. If you do not come, you will not be honored.

If at other times, it is justifiable, but at this time, but at the height of the innocent, this time is not enough to explain a lot of things.

All the sleepless people who have come here are turning around. After the dawn, there is no coming wind and the forbidden, and it is destined to have only one dead end.

The sky will change, the transmission will change for a while, the wind will come in a red tiger robe. He looks at the six sleepless people in front, and soon he notices something. His forehead drops a cold sweat. If he is a late step. Then, I am afraid that he will face the killing of six sleepless people.

The wind came silently standing beside Chen Ming. He was already late. If he was still swaying like other sleepless people at the moment, I am afraid that the supreme will not allow him.

The wind came to Chen Ming's slight hand. "There is no sleep in the light. When I received the news, I was far away from the transmission. I was late and sinned."

Chen Ming nodded slightly, and the cloud was light and said: "I know."

What distance is far from the transmission, I am afraid that it is a night with his incompetent person.

Although it was late, he said that he was hesitant, but after all, he still came, and he was soft.

Since the service is soft, let him go.

The wind came to Chen Ming with some doubts. The light and sleeplessness disappeared for a hundred years. It seems that it is somewhat different, and it is terrible.

What happened in the light and sleepless body.

The sky was finally bright, and a ray of sunshine shone on their bodies. At this time, the gate opened, and Xuan Ji pushed the front of the city without any sickness. The supreme glance took a look. "It turned out to be The forbidden is not coming."

No. 0 Archer: "The Prohibition has not yet arrived at this time. It is already not listening to the supreme command. The rebelliousness is clear. In the next, I am willing to recruit 10,000 troops and go to kill the thief forbidden!"

The supreme and innocent did not answer, but said: "Xuan Ji, take the wine."

Xuan Ji was slightly squatted and went to get the wine. The supreme and innocent whispered: "If I remember correctly, the Forbidden Church fights for the innocent parliament and suffers thirty-two injuries."

"I will wait for his thirty-two bowls of wine."

Xuan Ji brought the jars and wine bowls, poured out a bowl of wine and handed it to the supreme, high-innocent, and took a drink in the bowl.

The time to wait for the forbidden cup of thirty-two bowls of wine, thirty-two bowls of wine to drink, if the forbidden has not arrived, then the death of the forbidden.

A wine bowl and a wine bowl fell on the ground, the thirty-second wine bowl was broken, the forbidden is still not appearing, and the supreme sigh sighed: "I gave him a chance, but unfortunately, he did not want it. ”

Xuan Ji pushed the supreme and innocent into the city, and the sound of high and innocent came from the city. "The supreme council, convened."

Those who are sleepless enter the city and walk towards the highest council.

In the Supreme Council, the sleepless people came here personally, and the supreme innocent sat in the first place, Chen Ming sat next to him, and the other sleepless people sat on both sides.

The Supreme Court said: "The Forbidden has already had a rebellious heart. Let's talk about it."

Wufu’s first voice: “We innocent parliament, never like to choose, do not like rules, we do not tolerate any traitors.”

No. 0 reaches out and plays with the wine glass in his hand, "Peace, when hey!"