Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 935: When your eyes smirk

Although it is already at night, on the sky above Dayan, there is a round of fierce yang.

Dayan, who entered the state of war, has no night, because the night will affect the layout of Dayan.

Although Da Yan now has the financial resources to light the night pearls everywhere, but it is still convenient.

The sun is Chen Ming's life star. When he first set the sun as his life star, Chen clearly did not have the power to let the sun not fall, but today's Chen Ming is not Chen Ming yesterday.

The highest innocence can reverse the sun and the moon, and Chen Ming can naturally do this.

Above the stars, there are no practitioners who are less than immortal. They are passing by. These practitioners are practitioners of the practice of water system. They are now in the rain according to the instructions of Da Yan. .

Da Yan, who does not fall, still needs rain to plant elixir. Now that the sun is not hanging high, it is natural that the practitioners need rainfall.

In the emperor's capital of Dayan, it is more heated and extraordinary. There, more than 3,000 eagle masters gather to compete for the position of the spirit of the present stage.

The so-called eagle lord is the Yanshan disciple dressed in robes. People prefer to call them hawks. There is nothing else because they are powerful and have the power.

Yes, the Immortal Emperor said that the position of the spirit of the present stage.

In the future, Da Yan will have more places in the spirit, but now, about 800 is already the limit. In fact, the one who can give Yanshan Eagles will not really have 800 places. Yan World, the old veteran Xian Wang, many of them can also be divided into the spirits by virtue of the battle, which is less than one hundred, plus the eagle lord who died in the 30 years of war, more than one hundred The rest is only about five hundred or so.

Three hundred eagle lords who already have the authority of the great emperor have already set a quota, so they will not bully those disciples who do not have the authority of the great emperor.

In the end, Ling Xian and Li Suyi negotiated. Now, only the eagle who has the British spirit position and other generals will be counted. After the war, they will get the authority of many emperors to see which eagle owners can integrate the power of the great emperor. See how the position of the spirit is divided.

After all, the matter of integrating authority is still savvy. Lingxian is the authority left by the zero number. He and the authority left by the zero number are very suitable.

Li Suyi, because of the evil taste of Chen Xianshi, combined with the power of the fire without knowing it, played a real fire.

Ever since, the eagle owners gathered here have no major events, but after coming back for a long time, naturally they have to wait for Chen Ming to meet, and they have lived in the emperor.

The mobilization of war has begun, and the entire Dayan has begun to enter a state of war. This war machine named Dayan has also started to operate again after several decades.

The enemy is faster than Chen Ming’s expectation, but in three years, Chen Ming’s scouts have already discovered the enemy’s outposts.

Steps continue to report the news he has detected. "I have twenty heroes who are very good at investigating, and there are ten hawks coming to help out. I can be sure that the other outposts have come to the periphery of the neighboring world. It is."

Chen Ming nodded slightly, then said: "Well, summon the great emperors and the eagle lords who played, let us go and see."

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war. Since the enemy has come to the front of the house, Chen Ming naturally wants to go through it personally.

In the lord's hall of the city of the zenith, the world's lords of the world, and the eagle lords who fought, all gathered together, waiting for the arrival of Chen Ming.

The members of the various world's bright temples are brows. The ghost invasion was originally a millennium, but this time a sudden attack, hundreds of years ahead, let them take care of it.

Although I didn't know what happened before, but now I know, naturally I am worried.

"Fortunately, the lord led me to wait for the previous ghosts to be settled, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable."

"Yes, thanks to the lord, otherwise the ghosts in the world have not been completely settled, and the chaos has started again, it is really bad!"

"Just, this time the ghosts suddenly attacked, it must be a hammering, a big attack, I don't know, we can not withstand the pressure of this temple."

The eagle owners of Yanshan are fierce and excited.

"Two brothers, I heard that the outposts of the ghost world have arrived, I am so excited!"

"Well, after waiting for three years, it’s finally arrived, but let me wait for a while!"

"It’s finally here, this grandson, it’s really waiting for me!”

The thoughts of the hawks and the other world's masters are exactly the same. When they came to the lord, the style of the painting suddenly changed.

The eagle lord, looking forward to the invasion of the outside world, is looking forward to it. Ling Xian looks at these eagle owners and nods: "Yes, other teachers and sisters, for the authority of those ghost emperors, but coveted, recently the ears are being They grind out the scorpion, how are the gangsters in this group of ghosts so slow?"

Li Suyi opened his mouth and spit out a group of three scorpions. The real fire condensed in the palm of his hand and played. "Who said no, brothers and sisters, but they are waiting for the authority of the emperor."

Luo Muye also seriously nodded: "When this grandson arrives, be sure to say hello!"

The main hall of the city is a large hall built by the whole body of Xianjin. According to Chen Ming's preferences, it has become a mighty black and black. When viewed from afar, it is thick and majestic.

At the door of the hall is a dragon and a tiger, the white tiger black dragon statue, representing the identity of the owner of the hall.

Oh, at the door of the hall, the footsteps sounded.

Everyone looked at the door of the main hall and saw that Chen Ming was wearing seven sins, and he was slowly coming up.

When everyone saw Chen Ming, they hurriedly got up and said: "I have seen Master (the Lord)!"

Chen Ming waved and gestured to everyone sitting down. Chen Ming flew to the main position and looked at the people in the hall. Then he said: "The war is in front of us. This time, we jointly fight against the ghost invasion. !"

"Absolutely can't let the conspiracy of the ghost world succeed, and the world is right!"

Chen Ming looked down, all the hawks were cheering in unison, "Well, defend the truth! Sparta!"

"Bringing love and peace to the ghosts! Sparta!"

"The love and peace of the heavens will be handed over to us to protect! Sparta!"

Chen Ming listened to the shouting of Sparta in his ear. The reason why they shouted Sparta might be that they once said a story. Spartan three hundred warriors defeated the enemy’s 200,000 army. .

However, this battle now seems to be quite Spartan.

Your own knees, the three hundred eagle Lord is the main force.

The difference is that this battle may be more than just 200,000 enemy troops.

Chen Mingdao: "The enemy is ready to come over. I was prepared to take a wave of interference with you in the past, but if you are so excited, don't interfere, just fight in the city of Zenith."

Many eagle owners are rejoicing, "Yes, Master, if people have not gone deep, they will be beaten by us, but it is not good!"

"Right, put them over, wait until they get to the zenith city, want to run, it's not that easy!"

"You can't scare them away. Otherwise, the emperor's authority of the younger brothers and sisters, but there is no way!"

Chen Ming listened to the disciples under the door, and he nodded seriously. "You said everything is good. We really should put them all over, otherwise, it will be boring!"

Da Yan’s discussion here is elated, and other members of the Temple of Light are scaring to urinate. What is this style of play?

Haven't heard of it!

Was the war in the past not all a stronghold of a stronghold? After the shortcomings of a stronghold have been broken, they will retreat to the next stronghold, so that they can always be defensive, waiting for work, and certainly can consume the enemy several times.

It’s good to be here at Dayan. The world in front is not directly guarded. Let the other party come directly and come to your last front!

Many members of the Temple of Light came to Chen Ming’s front. Someone said: “Does the Lord, this move, is it inappropriate?”

Chen Ming shook his head and said: "Nothing, you don't have to play with you anyway, you can watch it."

I heard Chen Ming say that these world leaders, with sympathetic eyes, look at the eagle lords of Chen Ming’s ancestors. This bright lord is so good, let his apprentices die!

The most embarrassing thing is that he can also confuse the disciples under his door as a death, and wish to die!

Chen Ming’s words are all about this. The world’s owners are not good at saying anything. They are now discussing how to run the road, and they will keep the last line of defense. There is no other guarantee. Fart, get ready to run.

Beyond the worlds of the Dayan World, a warship is flying in the air, like a wave of nothingness.

Zhu Jingun stood in the forefront. He took out a map of the world and looked at the direction of the world of Da Yan. Then he smiled and said: "The Lord of Light is, I want to see, what do you have? ”

"The distance between now and three hundred musts (the distance between the units of the heavens: one must be equal to the diameter of a standard world, slightly smaller than the diameter of the world of Da Yan) should be as fast as the world of Dayan. The first world."

Zhu Jinmao’s eyes flashed brightly. “Well, it’s already here, stop moving forward, and send people to investigate quickly!”

Soon, someone went to investigate, but after half a day, someone came to report: "Adult, we are not in this world, find any enemy!"

Zhu Jinju’s brow wrinkled slightly and then asked: "Are you sure there are no enemy?"

The scout waited again, and he himself could not believe it. His scouts said so. He didn't believe it, so he personally went to investigate it. What he didn't expect was that it was really like this. "Adult, I personally went to check it out, really no enemy!"

Zhu Jin’s guns are not right. Before attacking these worlds, there will always be some enemy resistance, and this time the ghost world is a raid. How could there be no enemy, and all the enemy forces have been withdrawn?

Still tm one is not left?

Even if you get the information in advance, you should not withdraw it all!

This is what happened. At the moment, Zhu Jinju, a foggy water, a question mark.

Zhu Jinyan waved and said: "Go ahead, I will look at it, this bright temple owner, what the **** is doing!"

The scout asked: "Just this battle report, how should we write?"

The war, and the two fifth-order emperors led the wars in thousands of worlds. Naturally, it will take several years to finish. The war report is naturally to be reported at any time in order to make a force deployment.

Zhu Jinyan thought about it a bit, and said that the other party is no one, it is too embarrassing, and the newspaper does not believe it!

"Just write that we have won the first world!"

In this way, the battle report began to upload, and passed to the Sen Luo Temple in the ghost world. Among the Sen Luo Temple, eight fourth-order ghost emperors were divided into eight parts in the main hall. In the middle of the center, it was the spring that closed the eyes and raised the spirit.

He is the master of the white-haired ghost, the leader of thousands of ghosts.

And this Sen Luo Temple is the general command of the raid war.

At this moment, the mouth of the spring is suddenly a cold, his face is white like snow, there is no blood, and his body is half-baked and half-baked.

The white scorpion opened, and the spring was not cold and cold: "This time is an attack that we secretly launched. Why haven’t the war reports that have taken the world yet? Are you all waste?"

All the fourth-order emperors are afraid to speak. At this time, I am afraid that the various forces in the ghost world have just arrived at the battlefield. How could it be that the first world was won so quickly?

Suddenly, Zhu Mutong suddenly smiled and said: "Reporting to the sages, my majesty, Zhu Jinju has already won the first world!"

The power of the spring is not called the Dark Templar, so the name of the Spring is not the old man.

Spring is not old, it is finally a smile, then said: "Well, very good, Zhu Jinju is, I remember his name."

Zhu Mutong smiled a little, this is a name left in front of the sage, Zhu Jinju, okay, can make me face in front of the church.

Zhu Mutong glanced at other people and was proud of it.

Then, he had other ideas. If Zhu Jingun could win the second world at a faster speed, I don't know, at that time, how angry the templar would be.

In the twinkling of an eye, three days passed. Chun did not look at the eight fourth-order emperors. He asked: "Why, in the Zhu Jinju have already won a world, and the third-order emperor under your command is not a waste?" ”

At this moment, Zhu Mutong suddenly got another news, um, Zhu Jinju, this kid has taken another world, this speed can be! It should be that the two worlds are very close, so they are taken very quickly.

Zhu Mutong quickly hurriedly said: "That sorrow, the sacred man, my Zhu Jinju, has already won the second world!"

Spring is not old and nodded slightly, then said: "Very good, very good, I think, Zhu Jinju is a personal talent, your third-order emperor, even the first world has not won, look at others, has already won The second world!"

"The third-order emperor under your majesty is really a waste. I think, after the war, the loot is divided, you don't need that much. After all, it is a group of waste!"

The other fourth-order emperors looked at Zhu Mutong. The cold light in the blind was like killing people. However, Zhu Mutong did not care. There was no way. The red is not much. This is the pain that I should bear. Who let me teach. Is Zhu Jingun so outstanding?

Three days passed, and finally a fourth-order emperor named Bone Winter said: "There is a report to the sage, my sire, and one person has captured a world!"

Bone winter looks like spring is not old, I hope that I can change the idea of ​​the way the spring is not old and split the loot. He has seen the corner of the mouth that spring is not so old, and he almost sees the eyes of the spring old and smiles.

Who knows, at this moment, a voice rang out of time. "That, sorry, my Zhu Jinju, I have already won three worlds."

Bone winter looks at Zhu Mutong, kills Zhu Mutong's mind, and he can still show his face, but you do it, get a world, and win three worlds in such a short time, it is not a level at all. Attack speed!

This Zhu Jinju, I am afraid that it is not a chicken blood!

The eyes that spring is not old are opened again, revealing white eyes. "Bone winter, but just took a world. Is there any fuss? Look at people? Look at the people's Zhu Jinju, they have already won. Three worlds, waste, cockroaches, a bunch of waste!"

Zhu Mutong’s eyebrows were picked and looked at the bones in winter. There was a smile on his lips and his eyes were laughing.

Zhu Jinju is not only a kid, but this is a fierce player!

Although he failed to provoke the banquet of Tiesuo, more than 40 years ago, this time, it can be said that it is a crime!

Another month passed, and there were successive fourth-order emperors who reported the results. Because this time it was the reason of the raid, the results were remarkable, and they all achieved great results. When these fourth-order emperors were happily moving toward the spring In the fruit of the war, when the eyes of the spring are about to laugh, there is an untimely sound.

"Hey, Zhu Jinju, this kid, usually doesn't look very good. I didn't expect this time, okay, I have already won nine worlds!"

The four fourth-order emperors around the world simply wanted to vomit blood. They squatted down, and the most of them took down three worlds. Compared with Zhu Jinju, it was simply slag!

Isn't this better at all?

Spring is not the oldest corner of the eye, suddenly opened again, "Hey, it's a bunch of waste!"

Bone Winter Muddy: "The opponent of this Zhu Jinju is the bright temple that rises soon. The temple is not stable, and it is normal to stop the Zhu Jin Gun!"

Zhu Mutong said coldly: "I don't know who it is. I said that this temple of light has a way to deal with the ghosts, so it is possible to sweep the ghosts of hundreds of worlds within forty years. I dare not go, Still I have to deal with it."

Bone's face was cold, and he seemed to have said this before.

Spring is not old, but also anger: "Bone winter, skills are not as good as people, skills are not as good as people, forcing to argue what is the ability, I am very disappointed with you!"

The bones are afraid of the moment, and I think that this Zhu Jinjue is really a personal talent. Do you look away?

Chun did not look at Zhu Mutong, and looked at Zhu Mutong with a slight smile: "Zhu Jinju, is a good child, waiting for him to return this triumph, let him come to see me personally!"

Zhu Mutong quickly bowed his hand and thanked him with a smile: "Thank you for the Church!"

Then Zhu Mutong looked at the other fourth-order emperors, and his mouth showed a smile, his eyes narrow, and he did not win.

Hey, today's wind is very embarrassing!

Another month passed, except for Zhu Mutong’s other fourth-order emperors, I wanted to report the results, but I saw Zhu Mutong’s eyes, but it was stopped. God knows where Zhu Jin’s guns hit!

Zhu Mutong looked at everyone with a leisurely look, but he didn't talk. At this time, Chun did not suddenly talk. "Let's talk about it, your army has hit the position?"

The fourth-order emperor began to report, "has already won seven worlds!"

"There have been eight worlds!"

"There have been six worlds!"


The seven fourth-order emperors reported one by one, but none of the great emperors had captured more than ten of the world. Just after the seven fourth-order emperors except Jumutun had finished reporting, the spring leaves showed a smile. The eyes are slightly stunned. "Well, it’s very good. This time, the raid, planning for 10,000 years, there should be such a victory!"

Then, Chun did not look at Zhu Mutong and asked: "Which position did Zhu Jingun hit?"

Zhu Mutong slightly handed his hand, and then the cloud was light and windy: "Zhu Jinju has already won 18 worlds. At present, it has already attacked the headquarters of the Guangming Temple, before the big Yan world!"

As soon as this statement came out, the four fourth-order emperors couldn’t sit still. It’s only two months, and it’s already hit the headquarters!

Zhu Mutong continued to laugh: "According to this speed, it is estimated that in two or three months, Zhu Jinjue should win the Temple of Light!"

Spring is not the face of the spring breeze, suddenly it is cold, he looked at the other fourth-order emperor, angry can not help: "Waste, are a group of waste!"

Then Chunyue’s eyes smirked and looked at Zhu Mutong. “Zhu Jinju is a personal talent. If he is the first to capture a temple in the enemy, I will cultivate it myself after I return!”

Zhu Mutong was overjoyed and quickly said: "In the next place, thank you for the Zhu Jinmao! I will tell him this good news and let him increase his offensive!"