Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 1006: Xie Qihong

It has been two years since the transfer to the East China Sea Baolong regiment base. Xie Qihong is also very familiar with everything in the East China Sea branch. The affairs in the branch are also organized by him, and there are basically few things that need him now. Directly asked, power was assigned by him very well. Except for some major decision-making matters, basically normal affairs did not require much interference from him.

With so much free time, Xie Qihong naturally wanted to practice it. Before he arrived at the East China Sea branch, he was already a master close to the peak of congenital realm. The time of two people who practiced in the East China Sea was moving towards this realm. He took a step forward. Now when he is fine, he sits in the office to practice, and the people below are also very interested. He will not disturb his practice if it is not important.

Originally, Xie Qihong had some opinions on sending such a master to a branch. After all, masters of the innate level have rarely stayed in the branch, even if it is a large branch like Donghai. For the above order, Naturally, there are some criticisms, but it is not easy to say clearly because of affection.

The head of the East China Sea branch, Lu Shouyang, reversed his position and became Lu Shouyang to the real secret base of the Baolong regiment. However, a master who was about to reach the pinnacle of the a priori came out of the secret base In charge of a branch, for a long time, Xie Qihong couldn't hold back the tone of his heart anyway.

He didn't even hear the name of Lu Shouyang, but later I probably heard some news. It seems that the talent was quite good in the past. He was also a master when he was young, but he was seriously injured later. It is basically impossible to continue to cultivate. As a result, the foundation of Dantian has been damaged. The practice for so many years has only turned around in the early days of true cultivation.

Such a semi-disabled person even squeezed him out of the secret base. The more he thought about Xie Qihong, the more depressed he finally became. After a few months in the East China Sea, he couldn't help but quietly contacted his senior in the secret base. , Big pour some bitter water.

However, the words of the senior made his heart completely cool, and never dared to mention it again.

The senior told him that Lu Shouyang had a strong man behind him, and the strong man was only in his early twenties. The reason why the Baolong regiment absorbed Lu Shouyang into the real headquarters base was to attract Lu Shouyang behind him. The youngest superpower.

What does a twenties expert in the early twenties mean without the reminder of his predecessors, Xie Qihong knows very well in his heart that it means the future masters who can advance to the twilight in their early twenties. Such people Talent, luck, and strength are undoubtedly top-notch standards, and the achievements that can be achieved are also limitless. Offending such people is really a bright future.

So Xie Qihong closed his mouth wisely and never mentioned it again. He obediently stayed at the Donghai branch base and became the director. Originally, Donghai didn't need to send such a powerful master to sit here, but here It was a place where Lu Shouyang stayed for twenty years. In order to show respect for Lu Shouyang, the headquarters of the Baolong Regiment sent Xie Qihong, the master who was closest to the peak of congenital realm, to sit in town.

Lu Shouyang naturally had no opinion on the arrangement of the Baolong regiment. It was already arranged at the time of the transfer. In case Lin Mu came to him afterwards, someone would naturally tell Lin Mu where he was.

After Lu Shouyang left the East China Sea distribution, Lin Daotian did not go to the headquarters of the Baolong Regiment with Lu Shouyang. After all, the trouble between Lin Daotian and the Baolong Regiment was very unpleasant. If it was not for returning to help Lu Shouyang, Lin Daotian would never have re-entered A half-step into the Baolong Regiment, now Lu Shouyang went to the Baolong Regiment's headquarters, and Lin Daotian naturally left. As for where he went, even Lu Shouyang was not very clear. It is said that he went to the four seas to swim and upgrade to repair Already.

On this day, Xie Qihong, who was meditating in the office, originally planned to do a few weekly cycles, and was ready to take a trip to look outside to see if the recent operation of the base is normal. At this time, a strange atmosphere Suddenly appeared in the office, which immediately awakened him from the state of cultivation, and opened his eyes to see a strange young man standing in front of him.

The eyes slightly turned, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass in the office, the well-ordered base outside was immediately seen. Everything was normal and there were no abnormalities. As if the young man wearing a white robe was suddenly in front of his eyes. Appears out of thin air, otherwise why aren't people outside alert?

For the staff inside the base, Xie Qihong also learned a lot in the two years, knowing that you cannot be negligent enough to put such a big living person into it without feeling it. If this happens, then There is only one explanation, the young man in front of him is a master!

Only a master can hide the eyes and ears of everyone and enter his office without a word. The required strength is definitely not a mere bit, but a real kung fu in the body. Such a person is very difficult. character of.

Thinking of this, Xie Qihong's momentum rose to the top in an instant, so most people who sneak in are not good people, and there is no good intention to enter his office. In this case, try the opponent's skills first. Besides.

After several decades of practice, the tide rises and it is fully operational at once. The vitality in Dantian is like waves of waves emerging from the waves. The eyes flashed, and the body bounced off the ground instantly. The next moment In front of the young man, a strange sound of plagiarism surged from his body, and then he pressed it directly on the young man's chest with one palm.


With a sip of light in his mouth, the anger from Dantian to his arms was superimposed like a tide, and the sevenfold had been superimposed in an instant, a huge and unmatched force rushing out of the palm.

It's not Xie Qihong's arrogance. The power of this palm, even if it is the peak of the innate state, is not dare to move still, and there is no sign of resistance, but the young man standing in front of him is standing still. , Let this palm be photographed on the chest, so the violent wave surging force is so strangely resolved intangible, if Xie Qihong knows that the palm was hit out, he would think it was wrong Already.

"Nice martial arts, imitating the superimposed power of the surge in an instant, superimposing the original three-point power to seven or eight points, and even more. Seeing your strength is about to reach the peak, how can the Baolong regiment send out? Are you such a master stationed in a branch? "

Standing still and receiving Xie Qihong's palm, Lin Mu nodded approvingly, a smile appeared on his face, and then he sat on the sofa with a flash of physique and looked familiar.

With a flower in front of him, people had disappeared. Xie Qihong sank in his heart, knowing that he had encountered an unbelievable master, and quickly turned to look at Lin Mu.

"This friend, I don't know if it's from the same origin? Isn't that old for me and Baolong regiment?"

The person who was able to slap the tide up and down has not been injured at all. Based on this, Xie Qihong knew that he was not the opponent of the other party, and immediately changed the mode, saying hello politely.

"Do you know Lu Shouyang?"

Lin Mu nodded slightly.

"Know, I'm here to take his place."

Xie Qihong raised a brow, looked at Lin Mu with some confusion, a thought flashed in his mind, his expression suddenly shocked.

"Looking at your look, it seems to remember who I am. Could it be that Brother Lu mentioned me to you?"

The slight change in expression did not escape Lin Mu's sharp eyes, and he smiled suddenly.

"You, are you Mu Mu?"

Xie Qihong asked hesitantly, but his eyes were full of affirmation. He was so young and powerful, and he would appear silently and quietly in the East Sea Division base of Baolong Regiment. If you think about it, there is only Lin Mu alone.

"Yes, I'm Lin Mu. After leaving for a few years, I didn't expect Brother Lu to be here anymore. Where is he now?"

Looking around, Lin Mu continued to ask.

"Brother Lu has been transferred to the secret base of the headquarters, where he is responsible for more important things, because the battle with the demons has not ended, so he sent me here to prevent some unexpected situations."

After confirming Lin Mu's identity, Xie Qihong said quickly: "If you need to find Brother Lu, I can send a message back, and there should be a message back soon."

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll go find it by myself, where does Lin Dao Tianlin go?"

Waving his hand, Lin Mu asked again.

"Brother Lin has left the Baolong regiment and has not acted with Brother Lu."

Xie Qihong shook his head.

"It turned out so, then where was the longan group I led then, where are they now?"

Gently nodded, Lin Mu still cared about the stay of the Longan members.

"I know some of the Longan group. Now they have been taken back to the Baolong regiment's headquarters and are responsible for performing some confidential tasks. They belong to the team directly under the leadership of Brother Lu. The rest cannot command this team. The combat effectiveness of the Longan team is also notoriously powerful, and it has countless achievements in fighting against the cults over the years. "

Xie Qihong hurriedly elaborated some details, even including some of the well-known records of the Longan Group.

"That's good. They are natural warriors. Only on the battlefield can they better exert their abilities. If they are hidden, they will waste their talents and abilities." <