Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 238: Target

"Captain, after a day of investigation, we now have some clues. I probably know where the people are. The range has been reduced to less than two kilometers."

The caller was Long Wu, the team leader of the second team.

"Very well, you can contact Brother Yang and tell them about this situation. With their help, you can investigate faster. It is extremely early to find the position of the Minister of Literature to avoid accidents."

Lin Mu hung up the phone. I did not expect that the efficiency of these team members was really not low. It took only one day to reduce the scope from the huge Guangzhou to only two kilometers in radius. It can be seen that the strength of these people is very good.

Compared to these teams, Lin Mu thinks that he is still inferior to these players. Although his strength is far stronger than them, it is undeniable that the ruler has a length and a inch is short. Everyone has his own good side. .

Before entering the Longan, these players were elites who were selected after strict training in the Baolong regiment. Their strong strength is not only in terms of force, but also in emergency handling capabilities and response capabilities in response to emergencies.

"Is there a situation, Mu Mu?"

His head moved slightly, Tang Beibei murmured.

"Well, they have basically determined the positions of those people, and the scope has been greatly reduced. Now we will wait to completely lock their positions, and we should be playing at that time."

Lin Mu nodded.

"May I have them bring me a sniper rifle?"

Tang Beibei opened her eyes and said suddenly.

"Sniper rifle? What do you want that thing for?"

Lin Mu's head was partial and asked in surprise.

"Help you, don't forget that I was born in Tangmen. This kind of shooting that requires precise aiming is my strength. When I train, I can hit a coin-sized target five kilometers away without wind."

Tang Beibe wrinkled her little nose and said proudly.

"A coin-sized target five kilometers away ?!"

Lin Mu was a little surprised. This is not a little distance, but five kilometers, that is, a full five kilometers in length. After such a long distance, the bullet will be magnified infinitely if it is slightly deviated. It will be a thousand miles.

"Yeah! Even in Tangmen, my accuracy is very high, because basically our weapon is poisoned, so as long as we can hit the target, the effect is almost the same, the effect of toxin is far more than that of darts. Powerful. "

Tang Beibei smiled slightly: "But I am not the same as them. I have practiced my control since I was a child. After so many years, I have been able to do exactly what I mean, because Tangmen's advanced hidden weapon method is accurate. Degrees are strictly required. "

Lin Mu nodded his head, remembering the first time he went to the classroom with Tang Beibei, Tang Beibei caught a dart with his bare hands, and flung it out without seeing it, right in the back wall of the classroom The target above was pinned to the ten red hearts without a doubt.

"However, it is not a normal sniper rifle that can shoot five kilometers. I am afraid that people here are not equipped with such good guns?"

Lin Mu frowned slightly and asked in confusion, this level of sniper rifle is already the highest level of firearms, which is basically not seen on the market, all of which are the configuration of secret troops.

"I don't need such a good gun here. Besides, I can shoot five kilometers. It doesn't mean that every shot can be shot in a hundred shots. Of course, when performing a task, it is of course to shorten the distance as much as possible and improve my hit rate."

Tang Beibei smiled and gave out her lush fingers to poke Lin Mu's cheek.

"So, let them take a flick of them, and you're only a kilometer away."

Lin Mu nodded and smiled, opening his mouth to bite Tang Beibei's finger. The two laughed and quarreled for a while. They called the customer service for a breakfast, and then slowly got up and washed after eating.

The curtains were opened, and the outside sun immediately came in. The entire room became instantly translucent. Tang Beibei stretched a lazy waist and began to stretch his bones in the sun. When he lifted his thigh, he easily placed it on the window sill. , Split into the shape of a horse.

Just as Tang Beibei pressed her leg, Lin Mu's cell phone rang again, this time by Yang Guangqing.

"Hey, Brother Yang."

Looking at the bathroom, Lin Mu hadn't come out yet, Tang Beibei went to the bed and answered the phone.

"It's my sibling, what about Brother Lin?"

Yang Guangqing said with a smile.

"Amu hasn't come out in the bathroom yet. Is there any progress over there?"

Tang Beibei's face turned red, and Yang Guangqing's brother and sister made her heart beat instantly.

"Well, you guys will come to this address later. We have temporarily set up a headquarters. There are some situations to discuss with you."

Yang Guangqing gave an address, Tang Beibei hung up the phone after taking note, just as Lin Mu also came out of the bathroom at this time.

"Is there any specific news?"

Lin Mu asked with a smile.

"Well, Mu Mu, how did your face change?"

Tang Beibei nodded and asked Lin Mu, who looked strangely changed.

"I put on a make-up and you can try it out."

Lin Mu smiled and handed a small box, about the size of a compact box.

Tang Beibei took it and opened it for a look. It was an ultra-thin mask. It was the high-molecular camouflage mask that Lin Mu had reused. It was a high-tech product that could be reused. A face.

"Where did this come from?"

Tang Beibei naturally knows what this is, but this thing is a scarce item that most people can't get.

"Taking a friend to get it, this is very convenient to use. Now when I go out to do something, I usually change my face, which can save a lot of trouble."

Lin Mu laughed, pulled Tang Beibei into the bathroom, and carefully repaired her face. After the completion, Tang Beibei had become an ordinary girl, and the facial features could not see any surprises. .

"It's ugly! What an aesthetic!"

Tang Beibei looked into the mirror, and immediately pursed his lips, very dissatisfied with the transformed face.

"Just be ordinary so it won't be noticeable, stupid!"

Lin Mu pinched Tang Beibei's little nose and said angrily.

"Then you can make it a little bit nicer."

She stomped her feet, and Tang Beibei turned her head and looked into the mirror.

"Hey, I know you can be pretty, just leave him alone, let's go!"

Lin Mu smiled softly and pulled Tang Beibei away from the hotel.

The address given by Yang Guangqing is on the outskirts of Guangzhou. The exact location is where the suburbs meet. There are large factories there. The migrant workers from outside are mainly concentrated in this area. There are many factories everywhere. There are rows of dormitory buildings.

The location of the temporary headquarters is in a dormitory building, which has been temporarily controlled. The employees who had originally stayed were evacuated. On the sixth floor, Lin Mu and Tang Beibei met Yang Guangqing, who was looking down at what he was studying.

"Brother Yang, here we are."

Lin Mu said hello.

"Well, Brother Lin, how did you look like this? So did your brother and sister, what are you doing?"

Yang Guangqing turned around and just wanted to say hello, but was attracted attention by the faces of the two after disguising.

"It's nothing, just a makeover for fear of unnecessary trouble."

Lin Mu shook his head with a smile and walked to the table. It turned out that Yang Guangqing had just been studying a plan anatomy on the table, and it should look like an architectural drawing of a factory.

"what is this?"

Looking at the red and blue arrows drawn everywhere on the drawing, Lin Mu asked strangely.

"This is the plan view of the factory area that we can see right now. We have determined that the old text is in it, and the group of people are now hiding in it. We just discussed how to attack better."

Yang Guangqing pointed at a factory area that could be seen through the window.

"I'm afraid it's not good to storm? In case these people jump off the wall, Director Wen's life would be in danger."

Lin Mu glanced at Yang Guangqing in confusion.

"Yes, we are also worried about this. If we sneak in, although it can be done in theory, it is very difficult to operate in practice. Those people are very cautious and there are monitoring everywhere."

Yang Guangqing sighed.

"Are there any requests from these people? For example, to ask the authorities to release their associates, return the poison, etc.?"

Lin Mu asked again.

"No, they don't know that we have locked their position. Once the storm is unsuccessful, I am afraid it will immediately become a tug-of-war, and according to the news just received, the opponent's firepower is also very strong."

Yang Guangqing continued: "They not only have the help of experts, but also bring a lot of weapons through some channels. They don't understand what these people want to do, are they preparing for a riot in China?"

"It should be impossible. Even if they carry even more powerful firepower, are they comparable to nuclear weapons? Dare to riot in China, that is to seek death. The military area near here will not send troops for more than an hour. They are absolutely afraid to Do it. "

Lin Mu immediately shook his head and thought for a while before he said, "I guess they might be prepared to rob them as soon as they are unable to succeed. The last time those people used the same tricks in Kyoto."


Yang Guangqing frowned suddenly, looking at Lin Mu in doubt.

"Yes, in Kyoto, the drug dealers planned a robbery. At that time, they also carried a lot of weapons. The prisoners in the jail almost rioted collectively. Fortunately, they were suppressed quickly, and nothing major happened."

Lin Mu nodded and said.

"So now what the brothers Yilin see, how can we do better?"

Yang Guangqing thought for a while, then asked Lin Mu.

"Is the number of the other party determined?"

With a flash of eyes, Lin Mu did not answer, but asked a question back.
