Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 269: One killer

As soon as Tang Fei's words fell, his body had changed, and the skin on his hands became dry and rough instantly, and then the joints began to expand and contract, and sharp bone spurs also protruded the skin.

In just a few seconds, his two hands had become the horror of the ghost ghost claw. For an ordinary person, just seeing this pair of ghost claws would faint directly.

That power man's face also changed greatly. He didn't frighten this ghost hand. Anyway, he is also a power man. It's impossible that he doesn't have the courage. He was frightened that Tang Fei started to use powers. That means he's ready to kill.

However, in the face of Tang Fei's offensive, he now has only to struggle with it. He has no way to fully mobilize the heterogeneous energy in his body. He can only carry the attack of the opponent so hard. It is not easy to support it now. Does the other party's use of abilities indicate that he has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted?

Tang Fei's mouth slightly tilted. At the beginning, the reason why he did not use the ability was because he was unfamiliar with the opponent's moves, so he was honed for a long time. In fact, with his strength, he had to defeat or even kill the stranger. No one who is capable is very difficult.

However, after so long, he naturally has his reason. In the course of the confrontation just now, he has completely figured out the way of this power person, knowing what the prelude when he wants to release the alien skills, so he can The precise release of the opponent's skills was interrupted once.

For the sake of insurance, Tang Fei even dragged on for a while to prevent this person from having any hidden tricks, but the facts show that this person is really already poor, so he does not plan to drag on, after all, there are four The same level of power can be exposed here at any time.

He activated the power, and his hand changed immediately. This is his power. It is not a conventional power that drives the energy of each department, but a power that can cause the body to mutate. Increases the strength of the body.

At present, he can only make changes to his hands. Even if he activates his abilities with full force, he can only alienate his two arms. The rest of his body cannot change for the time being, but he is interested in the changes that follow.

Judging by the changes in the hands now, this seems to be close to the devil's shape in Western mythology. Will he really become a demon on earth after he has completely changed?

I thought of this in my heart, but Tang Fei's movements were not slow at all. As soon as the two ghost claws appeared, he had stepped forward to dance a claw mark, and his power turned like lightning. All around was suddenly surrounded by claw marks that emited a burst of gray gas.

Following this trend, I am afraid that this power person will not be able to sustain Tang Fei's hands for a long time, at most not more than half a minute, and will directly die under Tang Fei's ghost's claw.

Unfortunately, the development of things is always so unexpected, even Lin Mu, who was hiding while watching, did not expect such a change.

The psionicist knew that he was absolutely unable to survive today, and his forehead was blue. He actually gave up driving the heterogeneous energy, but instead let the heterogeneous energy walk around in the body.

Suddenly, a very dangerous breath emanated from his body. This breath Lin Mu was very familiar with, and it was exactly the breath emanating from Kloyev who had met him in New York last time.

The result of this breath is only one, that is, the alien energy in the phantom's body has begun to violently go away. Generally speaking, this violent situation is irreversible. As long as a moment, the psionicist will directly Explosive body.


Tang Fei suddenly cursed in his heart, but he did not expect that the power-general person had come up with such a crooked trick without any help.

The one who did not use a power from beginning to end, the ordinary person in his heart couldn't imagine it, and finally he came up with such a method after being extremely angry.

Although Tang Fei can rely on the advantages of ancient martial arts and dual powers to interrupt the heterogeneous energy gathered by other powers, and to some extent restrain other powers, but this kind of heterogeneous energy riots, he is not The slightest way.

Want to suppress the riot of alien energy, unless it is another powerful person with a lot of power to suppress the counseling in person, but Tang Fei and this power person are the enemy of life and death, even if they have this power, it is absolutely not Will be shot to suppress him.

With a lightning flash of thought in his mind, Tang Fei decided to leave here immediately. The riots of alien energy were getting stronger and stronger, and they would soon be noticed by others.

However, his decision was one step too late. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, an angry roar suddenly sounded not far away, and then a figure rushed from a distance at a terrible speed.

The figure didn't take off from the top of the building at all, but directly crossed the distance of nearly kilometer in a nearly flying attitude in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of the rotten tail building where the two of them were located. , Boom hit the floor on the fifth floor.

The dust dispersed, and the person who arrived here at this time was Sipson, the head of the law enforcement department of the ability group.

Just as Sipson rushed from a distance just now, Lin Mu was hiding aside and he could see clearly. Even because of the angle, he saw more than Tang Fei.

Lin Mu didn't know what kind of psionicist this power was before, but just as Sipson was taxiing in the air, Lin Mu finally saw clearly that Sipson was originally a wind control power.

Just now in the air he used the power of the wind to glide farther than the average person, but despite this, he could not glide for a distance of thousands of meters, Lin Mu saw this scene clearly.

It turned out that when Sipson was about to fall in mid-air, he suddenly gathered a huge amount of wind energy, and then the alien energy transformed into a pair of huge wings behind him, and a single wing was as large as three meters.

The wings slammed hard. Spencer, who was about to fall, suddenly shot like a sharp arrow again, and then the wings disappeared. The period of time during which they appeared was less than a second.

Looking at the proficient appearance used by Sipson, it is obviously not the first time to use this skill, and from his use of this time, it must be a very mature heterogeneous skill, not the kind of half-hanging skill that is still in the research stage.

Sure enough, there is a powerful power group behind them. The power of these powers is much stronger than that of ordinary small organization powers. Just by using these skills, they can clearly see the gap.

Weber is also a risk control ability, and the heterogeneous skills he uses can be considered powerful, but from the frequency and time of his use, it is obviously not as good as this Sipson. In actual combat, the gap has widened even further. .

Among the lone abilities, Weber is already a relatively strong person. It is conceivable that the remaining abilities are very limited in strength. They may be powerful only for ordinary people and encounter these abilities. Or, obviously the level is not enough.

After arriving at the scene, Sipson's eagle-like eyes glanced at the audience immediately, and his mind flashed through the ordinary, and instantly understood the current situation. The turbulent winds immediately appeared.

The moment the wind roll appeared, Tang Fei was directly wrapped in it, and then began to rotate violently in place. From time to time, there was a light cyan wind blade flashing fast. After a while, the work passed on. When Tang Fei groaned, he seemed to be hurt.

With such a powerful wind ability, the fluctuation of the energy transmitted is naturally very obvious. It took less than twenty seconds for Sipson to use his skills, and the remaining three abilities also arrived at the scene.

"Suppress the energy of Mandel's runaway together!"

When the three powers arrived, Sipson was already using the wind energy in his body to try to suppress Mandell ’s out-of-control energy, but Mandell was also a fourth-level power and had advanced time. Not short.

Despite his strength, Sipson wanted to easily suppress the violent energy in Mandel's body, which would be tantamount to foolish dreaming, so he ordered the other three to take immediate action and suppress the riotous energy.

The other three did not hesitate, immediately took a step forward, and at the same time spurred the heterogeneous energy in the body. Together with Sipson, they began to suppress it. With the addition of three new forces, the pressure of Sipson suddenly decreased.

Under the pressure of the four people's joint efforts, the energy activity in Mandel's body was greatly reduced immediately, and after a short time, he had lost the violent state just now, and his eyes began to gradually become clear.

"Mandel, can you control the energy in your body now?"

Seeing that the situation was basically stable, Sipson immediately asked calmly.

"It's almost there, it's almost ready."

Mandel gritted his teeth and said that at this time he was also trying to control the energy in the body. After all, this is his body. Once the energy is completely out of control, the first unlucky person is himself. Several other people can use the last time. Run away without any impact.

Sipson did not speak, and joined the other three to continue to help Mandel control the energy, but at this time they have been a lot easier, because Mandel himself has been awake, the situation of the five people joined forces immediately changed the situation.

"It looks awful, Tang Fei. If you don't want to escape, the result will be quite dangerous."

Lin Mu hiding in the distance, watching the situation over there, suddenly shook his head slightly, and sighed softly in his heart.

At this time, the situation in the wind roll was abrupt, and a clear gray energy appeared in the light blue wind roll. Then the gray energy began to expand rapidly, and the volume of the wind roll was already enlarged in a blink of an eye. More than doubled.

A sudden look of surprise appeared in Sipson's eyes.
