Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 310: The origin of the detector

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Murao is interested in looking at Avery. He is more and more interested in this person now, bold and attentive, calm and calm. This is one of the qualities necessary for a successful person. Now he is in this person. But they have all seen it.

"Among those with powers, I'm just a nameless pawn. My powers are not suitable for combat, and the strength is not very strong. Of course, compared with ordinary people, my two-legged cat can still miss both hands. , But in the face of you real masters, it's natural to be a mess. "

Avery said jokingly, there was an idiom popping out of his mouth, apparently he also knew quite well the Chinese civilization. "Let Masters like Brother Lin come to you, I think it's not because I can gamble money, right? I ask myself The casino won a little money, but it was definitely not enough to go to the trouble of masters like Brother Lin and make a special trip to find me. "

"That being the case, what can you tell us if we can find you?"

Lin Mu spread his hands and leaned on the leather sofa, smiling slightly.

"There is not much connection between me and the power world. Most of the time I am mixed with ordinary people, let me think about it."

Avery took a sip of red wine, looked at the wine glass in front of him, and gently shook the scarlet wine in the glass, then laughed, "I think you should crystallize for those energy?"

"Smart! Congratulations, you're right!"

Tang Fei patted his hand gently and said with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, Brother Lin shouldn't be a powerist, although I'm weak, but the breath of the powerful can still be discerned."

Avery did not answer, but continued to look at Lin Mu and asked.

"Yes, I'm not an aptitude, but an ancient martial art practitioner in China."

Lin Mu nodded, there is nothing to conceal or deceive. Each type of practitioner has its own unique cultivation atmosphere. When it reaches a certain level, it can be easily identified, not to mention that Avery has a perception Psionics-like peculiarities.

"If this is the case, energy crystallization should not be of much use to Brother Lin. Why does Brother Lin spend a lot of time searching for energy crystals?"

Avery took a sip of red wine and looked at Lin Mu in wonder.

"Who says that energy crystals can only be used by abilities?"

Lin Mu did not answer, but asked with a smile.

"Is not it?"

Avery frowned slightly. "As far as I know, this energy crystal has been used by psionics since it was discovered. Until now, I have not found any other practitioners to use this energy. crystallization."

"I haven't used other practitioners. I don't know this, but I can be sure that energy crystallization must be suitable for all practitioners. As long as he has entered the realm of cultivation energy, he can absorb the energy crystals. High purity energy. "

Lin Mu shook his head slightly and looked at Avery.

"So it is."

Avery was silent for a while, then raised his head slightly after a while: "But I think you are late now, because there is no energy crystal in my hand."

"I know that this kind of good thing will definitely not last long, and your strength is weak. Forgive me so directly, you can't keep these energy crystals. If someone is known, the only way is to sell as soon as possible, to stay It's a curse to you in your hands. "

Lin Mu smiled softly.

"Brother Lin really sees it thoroughly. Yes, for the energy crystallization, I have encountered several waves of powerful psionics interception. If it had not been for two words, I am afraid I would not be able to chat with the two here today. Now. "

Avery didn't have any embarrassment because of Lin Mu's words, but generously acknowledged the reality, which made Lin Mu's favor for him a lot.

"So we are not here to buy energy crystals, but to inquire about some news."

Lin Mu nodded.

"Message? What message?"

Avery looked at Lin Mu strangely.

"How did you get the energy crystals in your hands?"

Lin Mu asked directly.

"It turned out that you wanted to ask this, I can tell you, but the answer may disappoint you."

Avery smiled lightly and shrugged: "These energy crystals were discovered in a mountain range in Europe. I went hiking with some people at the time. You know my sensory powers sometimes work well. Then I discovered these crystals with strong energy. "

"When I avoided other people and went to find these small stones scattered in the grass, my heart was so imaginable. Then I found an excuse to open up the others and then be there alone I walked around for almost three days. "

"But it turned out to be a pity. Except for the four energy crystals that I discovered at the beginning, I did n’t even find one in the next few days. At that time, I suddenly woke up. I was too greedy. It was already good luck, so I immediately stopped and left the mountain. "

"Four, got these energy crystals, why not use them yourself?"

Lin Mu asked strangely.

"Use it yourself? Isn't that the biggest waste?"

Avery smiled exaggeratedly, "If I am a combat power, or if the power has a powerful auxiliary effect, then I will definitely use these energy crystals without hesitation, but my perception is strange. Energy doesn't have a big effect. Even if you increase the level, it only means that the scope of perception is expanded. "

"So you sold them all?"

Nodding gently, Lin Mu can understand this idea, knowing that his strength has improved, it is useless, it is better to sell some useful things.

"Yes, they are all sold. It's all because of the leaks when I sold the first one. Later, for a long time, I was hiding in Tibet everywhere, but I still couldn't avoid the sight of those people. , After all, I'm just alone. "

Avery sighed softly.

"Who did the next few pieces sell to?"

Tang Fei frowned slightly. He always hated this behavior of using the organization's power to oppress the lonely ability.

"The last three were sold to the same person. At the time, there were at least three or four organizations that found me, but they were driven away by that person. Although that person did not disclose the organization behind, but if If I was right, he should be from the United States. "

Avery thought for a moment, remembering.

"United States? Power group?"

Lin Mu frowned suddenly. It seems that the power of this power is getting bigger and bigger, you can hear their name everywhere.

"Yes, the largest power organization in the United States has a strong official background to support it. The power of their organization is also the fastest growing. It has the most advanced high-tech equipment to serve them. The advantages."

Avery nodded and said thoughtfully.

"After that person found you, did you ask anything else besides buying energy crystals?"

Lin Mu continued to ask.

"Of course, everyone who finds me will ask me where I found these energy crystals, because they want to find it by themselves, not just for the few in front of me, so I told them, Anyway, I can't find any other energy crystals, maybe they will have their own way. "

Avery laughed. No wonder he knew that Lin Mu would be so calm when he came to the door. It wasn't the first time he encountered this situation, and he is now accustomed to it.

"Apart from this question, are there any other questions?"

Lin Mu suddenly asked again.

"Well, I think about it, it seems that I was asked how I found these energy crystals."

Avery frowned, thinking intently.

"Isn't it found by accident?"

Tang Fei asked strangely.

"No, no, he didn't ask this, but how I sensed the wave of energy crystals over there. I also went with them to a place like a laboratory, and they used some to measure my perception together. Ability, but the energy coefficient is too low, and they are despised by others. "

Avery waved his hand and smiled at himself.

"Measured your perceived power?"

Lin Mu's eyes flashed, and then he looked at Tang Fei aside. Tang Fei turned his head at this moment, and when they met, they understood each other's thoughts.

"No wonder the power group has an instrument that can check energy crystals. It turned out to be inspired by you."

Tang Fei nodded slowly, his face a little dignified.

"What? The instrument for detecting abilities?"

Avery was about to take a sip of red wine. He heard this for a moment and then looked at Tang Fei.

"Yes, the ability team has developed this instrument. Not long ago, Brother Lin and I saw this instrument with my own eyes. Within a certain range, the instrument's sensing sensitivity is very high, and it must be a measurement. The time your sensory power came, they found a way to make it. "

Tang Fei nodded.

"It is indeed a power group. The strength really is extraordinary. It has actually created an instrument for searching for energy crystal fluctuations. It is really amazing!"

Avery was also unbelievable, but since the words were spoken from Tang Fei, there would be nothing wrong with it, and he didn't expect that the power group just measured his power, and it turned out Targeted development of equipment.

If he knew that this was the case, he would say that he would not cooperate with the power group's measurement so much. He would definitely try his best to do something, but now it is too late to say that, the power group has already Got what they wanted.

Just as the three were talking, the door was opened. Hongli, who had left before, took several people into the room again.
