Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 330: Wolverine Dodge

Around Sheen, although powerful fire-type alien energies surged in the air, those energies did not exist in the air, but escaped from Sheen's body. In other words, now Sheen's body was surging. Majestic energy is generated internally by the body and is not derived from external sources at all.

This makes Lin Mu be puzzled. According to the truth, it is impossible for the Sheen of the fourth-level abilities to have such powerful energy in his body, like a cultivator and Jindan period in the foundation period. The gap between the true practitioners is average, and the gap cannot be bridged at all.

Without sufficient cultivation and realm support, so much energy is stored in the body, and the only end result is explosion and death, there is no second way to go.

But Sheen broke the cognition of Lin Mu alive, and the energy released from his body really has an endless trend, as if the channel of another world has been opened in the body, a lot of fire energy, It is continuously flowing from that channel.

"If you don't attack, I'm going to go!"

Looking at Lin Mu with a dignified complexion, Sheen grinned. He didn't intend to give the opponent the time to understand. He put his hands together, and immediately burst out a pillar of fire above his body.

Immediately after this pillar of fire took off, a fiery red thing like a cloud appeared in the sky, and it looked like a fire cloud. As the area of ​​the fire cloud gradually grew, the small flames of Zelili began to rise from the clouds. Falling down.

Shortly after these small flames fell, countless violent arrows began to spray out from the cloud of fire, covering a considerable area. Although a lot of energy was wasted, at the same time, these huge rockets also dodged Lin Mu. Space is compressed to the extreme.

It's just that Heen, whose energy is violent in his body, has not lost his mind. Through a lot of practice and thinking, he has long figured out how to maximize his strength in this situation. The large-scale attack is what he wants. The best way to come out.

Due to his abundant energy, he was not worried about the energy loss. He used various skills to do whatever he wanted. Apart from not being able to control the energy perfectly, this state is simply not good now.

In addition, today he is the only one here. Kev and the Iron Wolf have long been stunned by Lin Mu. They still fall aside softly. Only his own Sheen has no worries when he starts. Anyway, they are all enemies except themselves, even if they let go to attack.

Lin Mu's body flashed repeatedly, but no matter where he hid, a large range of rockets always covered his body, compressing the space limit of his activity, compared with the initial fireball, the denseness of the rocket It is far beyond.

The most critical place is not here, but it is consumed continuously. Even if he can resist the rocket without infusing Qiu Hongjian, his physical strength is not enough to support such a long time, although his body is very Tough, but there are always limits.

And looking at Sean's relaxed look, it seems that maintaining the current rocket attack is an easy task. If it is dragged on for such a long time, it is obvious that the final win will gradually tilt like Sean.

While constantly dodging the densely falling rockets in the sky, Lin Mu began to turn in a lightning flash in his mind, thinking about how to break the situation in front of him.

Of course, the worst way is to walk away now. Although the coverage of the rocket controlled by Sheen is wide, the control distance is limited. It is impossible for Lin Mu to run ten kilometers away. He can still control the cloud of fire. Follow Lin Mu to ten kilometers away.

If that's the case, then the psionicist is too terrible, this is completely impossible.

However, Lin Mu can't just leave it like this now. Instead, he has to find a way to get rid of Sean, or directly capture it. Once such a dangerous person is allowed to leave, he doesn't know what will happen in Huaxia in the future. The big basket, it's too late to catch again at that time.

As if I knew what Lin Mu was thinking about, Sheen ’s clothes were completely not afraid of Lin Mu ’s departure, so she stood so well with her arms around her chest, playing around watching Lin Mu moving fast, while Trying to block the dense rockets falling from the sky.

The power group and the Baolong group have been fighting for so long. Naturally, they have a better understanding of the information of the ancient martial arts masters. The most important of these is the long physical strength of the ancient martial arts masters. The nature of true energy and alien energy is completely different. Caused the ancient martial arts masters each have quite amazing endurance.

This is also why the ancient martial arts masters did not stop playing for three days and three nights when they were on par with each other. Abundant physical fitness is the root cause, but Lin Mu has not reached that limit. Realm is naturally unable to support such a long time.

Now, Sean wants to rely on abundant energy to bring down Lin Mu lively. Once Lin Mu approaches him, he is ready to burst out of fire to drive Lin Mu. This rogue trick is to cope with the current situation. The best way, even as clever as Lin Mu, is that there is no way to break it.

In the constant dodge, Lin Mu thought about various possibilities. Eventually, his eyes were attracted by the glowing red skin on Sheen's body. This abnormal situation is like Sheen's body is no longer flesh and blood. It is made of energy directly.

In the realm of cultivation, Lin Mu has not seen this situation. The various energies between heaven and earth can be transformed into humans at the appropriate time. Although this phenomenon is extremely rare, at least he himself has seen Fengling and Thunder with blue eyes. Spirit two pure energy life.

At that time, when he saw Feng Ling, the Feng Ling had been an old monster who had cultivated for a very long time. The control of energy had already reached the state of returning to nature. From the appearance, there was no difference between it and human beings. It also felt that No spiritual power on the body.

As for the other Thunder Spirit, Lin Mu had just changed shape when he saw him. It can be said that it was just a humanoid. It looks worse than the current Sheen. There is also a huge thunderbolt in his body. force.

A newly born original spirit has attracted the plunder of numerous masters of cultivation. Among them are many old monsters who have disappeared for many years. Everyone wants to rob this thunder spirit. As long as he can obtain the power of his origin, he can easily feel the thunder and lightning. The true meaning.

However, the wanton robbing of the masters of cultivation practice finally angered the wind spirit who practiced for many years. The wind spirit came from another distant starry and furiously shot, killing nearly ten cultivation masters who had passed the calamity period in World War I, terrified. Everyone in the self-cultivation world is in danger.

In the end, this matter passed so silently. Natural meditators naturally would not know the truth, and thought that Feng Ling finally left after getting angry, but Lin Mu was one of the meditators who knew the truth. .

As one of the top masters in the field of cultivation at the time, it was naturally impossible for them to sit by and watch an alien master attack the human race's practitioners, so Lin Mu and another master at the same level began to hunt down Fengling.

After an upside-down battle, they had to admit that although this Fengling is not their opponent, the Fengling's Fengyi technique has already reached the state of peak and extremism, and even with the power of the true spirit of the source, it is still slightly Realized the law of the upper bound.

No matter how Lin Mu arrested them, they couldn't really trap the wind spirit. In the end, the two sides reached a reconciliation. The wind spirit was not going to deal with the human spiritual practitioners, and the Lin Mu was not in a position to embarrass the wind spirit. Nothing, everything that happened before is written off.

In the end, the extremely powerful Feng Ling left with the Rayling that had not been completely transformed, and disappeared into the depths of the universe. I do n’t know which star field to go to. For Lin Mu and them, this It's all indifferent things, as long as they don't kill human practitioners, the Fengling two can go wherever they like.

The past was replayed like lightning in my mind. For a time, Lin Mu felt a little sighing, and suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. The thunder spirit had used a trick that year, which could almost cause infinite thunderstorms. Terrible effect.

Although he hadn't seen that trick, but he had heard it from others. At the time, this trick was cracked by a master who passed the robbery period. The trick was very clever. Thundering passed between two different types of lightning. Collision and friction occur, and new lightning forces continue to erupt.

This kind of cyclical outbreak of thunder and lightning forces eventually caused the terrible power of almost infinite thunderstorms.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu immediately thought of the nuclear weapons on the earth. By releasing the huge energy in the atom, a small atomic bomb can be enough to destroy everything that is dozens of kilometers away. How powerful the explosion is!

This method of exploding energy in a short time is called nuclear fission. At first, this energy could not be controlled, so it could only be used to make weapons, but later scientists have invented controllable nuclear fission and can slowly release it. Great energy, so the emergence of nuclear power plants.

Compared with the current Sean, the current Sean is like a careful nuclear power plant. A controlled fission reaction is constantly occurring in the body, and a huge amount of energy is released slowly and steadily. Range of control, but not enough to be lethal.

Thinking in his mind, Lin Mu felt that this was very likely. Although Sheen's body did not undergo a nuclear fission reaction, Lin Mu could be sure that nuclear fission was the same chain reaction principle.

The most important point of chain reaction is stability. To stop the chain reaction, one is to interrupt the supply, but to break the stable reaction process. For Sean, the method to deal with him is obviously only the second Species.

With Lin Mu's decision, his eyes flashed, and he immediately jumped up without hesitation, and flew to Sheen in the blink of an eye.
