Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 344: Follow-up

It seems that the military masters of the military are still very strong. With the help of Enzo, the news on the network should be blocked for such a long time. Then Lin Mu picked up the phone and dialed out. A number.

"Enzo, send the video I just posted to my mobile phone."

After a brief sentence, he hung up the phone. A few seconds later, a video file was sent. He handed the phone to Ling Xuanrong. "It was the video that I posted at the time. Look at it."

Ling Xuanrong immediately took the phone, and the other three women also clucked their heads and looked at the video on the phone. The picture in the picture was undoubtedly Ling Jing. The angle of the shot was very positive, and there was no questionable place at all. Credibility is naturally extremely high.

"How did my brother do this?"

After Ling Xuanrong watched the video, she collapsed on the sofa softly. She grew up in the army and naturally understood the seriousness of this matter. The lightest is also a punishment that is too large. The heavy one can even rise to treason. crime.

The gap between them is very huge. It can be said that if it is handled well, Ling Jing can still have a hint of hope to complete the reversal of the military career by redeeming the crime. If it is not handled properly, this life will be ruined and not affected. The Ling family is already a very good result.

"What is this joint military exercise, why did Ling Jing spend such a huge price for this military exercise?"

Lin Mu asked in doubt.

"The joint military exercise is a large-scale military exercise, mainly to demonstrate the military strength of various countries. This military exercise is jointly organized by all Asian countries. If such a large-scale military operation can perform well, it will be good for the future. The future is quite helpful. "

Song Yuru briefly introduced the background of the joint military exercise. In addition to her, only Ling Xuanrong grew up in the army. Naturally, the two of them understood the most. Looking at Ling Xuanrong's current situation, she didn't have much thought to say, naturally. She said it.

"If I remember correctly, Xuan Rong's family is not very strong in the army, why is this Ling Jing trying to take the risk? Isn't it good to step by step?"

Lin Mu is a little puzzled. He really can't figure it out. If he has such strength in his family, then stable development is the best choice. However, if there are too many problems, there will be too many problems. It is not a wise decision.

"Hey, this is something in the army, and we do n’t know much about it, but Xuan Rong's brother has been very strong since he was a child. In the army for so many years, he basically did not have much help at home and is a very capable person. . "

Song Yuru sighed, "I also heard about this. I do n’t know if it is true or false. Not only is he very good in the Eastern Navy, but there is another person who is as old as him. His name is Zuo Qiuwen, who is also a very strong opponent, is also the rank of colonel. "

"Is it because he has a strong opponent that he's taking a risk like this?"

Lin Mu frowned. He was not very optimistic about people who could not bear the pressure.

"It is very possible. Although it was said that Zuo Qiuwen was also very powerful in the past, but because he was a civilian and had no foundation in the army, he was always in a disadvantage compared to Ling Jing. However, a power lieutenant recently said clearly Will support Zuo Qiuwen. "

Song Yuru shook his head slightly. "It may be that this incident has affected Ling Jing. With Zuo Qiuwen's strength, if he is supported by the lieutenant-general, he will immediately become Ling Jing's biggest opponent. "

"It's really possible to say that."

After contemplating for a while, Lin Mu nodded slowly. He had been inferior to his opponents before, and suddenly had to surpass himself. He would be a little flustered when he changed to another person. Ling Jing is likely to be in this situation. Then came up with this crooked trick.

"I want to go home and see what happens to my brother."

Ling Xuanrong suddenly stood up and said.

"Going home now? I don't think it's good, just wait a bit. What's going on with your brother, I'll tell you, for the time being, don't show up, lest you be in a horrible situation."

Lin Mu also stood up. He didn't agree with Ling Xuanrong's going home at this time. People in the military court came out to look for her. This matter would definitely not be so simple to deal with. I am afraid it will involve many people's interests. .

"Amu said that it makes sense. I do n’t think you should go back now or have any connection with them. Get out of this matter. Now for Ling Jing, the simpler the better, do n’t add So many variables. "

Song Yuru also shook her head and said that at this point, she and Lin Mu were in agreement.

Ji Qinglan and Tang Beibei sat quietly aside. They couldn't help much in this matter, so they didn't speak. Ling Xuanrong was already in a mess, and they didn't want to add any trouble.

"Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with listening to me. I will let people pay attention to the development of Ling Jing's side. You can just wait for the news at home."

Lin Mu nodded, holding Ling Xuanrong's shoulders, and let her sit back on the sofa.

"Well, there's A Mu, you can rest assured!"

Song Yuru held Ling Xuanrong's shoulder and comforted softly.

After this incident, everyone has a deeper understanding and trust in Lin Mu. Whether it is Ling Xuanrong or several other women, seeing Lin Mu's anger and rushing out of the crown just now, they shot Luo Qing with anger A deep mark was left in the hearts of the women.

"It's so late, let's go to rest soon, this matter will be left to me. Xuan Rong will go to school normally tomorrow, Qing Lan, please trouble me to watch a little more."

Lin Mu looked at the clock on the wall and turned to smile slightly at Ji Qinglan.


Ji Qinglan nodded nicely.

After a few women had returned to the room to rest, Lin Mu left quietly, and after a short time, went to the underground training room of Longan Base.

"team leader!"

When they saw Lin Mu coming, everyone gathered around immediately.

"Well, where are the injured people?"

Lin Mu glanced and found that there were no injured people among the members in front of him, and he asked suddenly.

"They are all in the medical room on the third floor. We have modified a room with the purchased equipment. As long as it is not a complicated operation, we can perform it directly here."

Ryusan answered immediately.

"Okay, take me up and talk about their injuries first."

Lin Mu nodded, and followed Long San to the third-floor medical room, while the other members stayed below to continue practicing.

When Lin Mu came to the medical room in person, several members of the team who were lying in it were struggling to get up. Lin Mu quickly waved his hand to stop them. "Well, they are all injured, so don't talk about these false gifts. "

He took out the acupuncture package, and Lin Mu healed the members lying in bed one by one in order. For Lin Mu's accomplishments in acupuncture, the Longan team members have long been taught. No one doubts the strength of Lin Mu. After all, before When the devil was training, their injuries were all cured by Lin Mu.

In fact, the injuries suffered by everyone are not very serious, but they seem to be infiltrating. The iron wolf will only use some brute force and will not use advanced martial arts skills. Therefore, the injuries brought by them are all traumas, and nothing Intractable internal injuries.

It only took more than an hour of effort before and after Lin Mu healed several injured players, and the rest only required a few days of training.

"Okay, you don't have to practice in these days, and after the injury has completely recovered, then go downstairs to participate in training."

Nodded, Lin Mu put away the acupuncture bag and returned to the underground training room.

"Mr. Lin."

Enzo was still sitting in the monitoring room. When he saw Lin Mu coming in, he nodded briefly and said hello.

"Enzo, I need one thing for you."

Lin Mu said immediately.

"Please speak."

Enzo's style has always been so concise. When there is no need, there is always not much to say, and words are like gold.

"I got a trophy from the power group. It is the latest developed instrument that can be used to search for nearby energy crystals. The instrument can detect fluctuations in energy crystals. I wonder if you are sure to crack this instrument?"

Lin Mu took out the miniature instrument from his pocket and handed it to Enzo.

"There is no unbreakable instrument in the world. As long as it is designed by people, there will always be a backward path. The only difference is the difficulty of this backward path. The instruments of the power group generally represent the most advanced technology at the moment. Is very difficult. "

Enzo took the instrument, looked carefully in his hand, and then said.

"It doesn't matter, the instrument is placed with you first, you can study slowly to see if there is a possibility of cracking."

Lin Mu patted Enzo's shoulder lightly and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll try my best. I'm also the first to contact the power group. I don't know what the other party did."

Enzo nodded and put the instrument in his pocket.

"By the way, there is a positioning device in it. Shield the positioning device first, otherwise the other party will find our place easily."

Lin Mu suddenly remembered something, and quickly said to Enzo.

"I just blocked the positioning signal."

Enzo nodded and said calmly.

Lin Mu didn't have any unexpected expressions. Enzo was a master in this field. Although he didn't have absolute confidence in cracking the instrument, he simply blocked the positioning signal without any problems. The speed was so fast that even Lin Mu didn't notice anything. Time to move hands and feet.

"There is one more thing, the handling of the Ling Jing incident. Please help me keep an eye on it, and if there is any news, notify me as soon as possible."

After an explanation, Lin Mu turned and left the monitoring room.
