Master Xiuxian in the City

Chapter 492: Conference time

Looking at the furious third uncle Lin Hao, Lin Weitian froze for a long time, and for a long time, he looked down at him, only to find that the upper button of his upper body had been cut open and revealed. Inside the muscles.

The shirt was obviously cut directly from bottom to bottom, and the cut was abnormally flat. It can be seen that the hands of the man were superb, and he cut his clothes thoroughly without hurting his skin. This kind of control is already amazing.

Looking at all the people present, only Lin Mu had fought with him just now, of course, it was only Lin Mu's hands. If Lin Mu was going to kill the killer just now, as long as he moved forward, Lin Weitian would just open his stomach. Now, one hit is not an exaggeration.

Lin Weitian stood there with a sudden change of expression on his face, and his chest was violently undulating. Obviously, his mind was also very restless at this time. After being silent for a long time, Lin Weitian suddenly turned and ran out of the yard. It's gone.

I didn't even say hello and just ran away.

"Qifeng, come and see."

To Lin Weitian, Lin Hao was also very angry and indiscriminate, it was a shame to the Lin family, but after all, it was his elder brother's son. He could not watch Lin Weitian go out of the accident, so after Lin Weitian ran, he immediately Instructed Lin Qifeng to follow up and take a look.

"Yes, Third Lord!"

Lin Qifeng nodded, and then he flew to the gate of the courtyard, and then disappeared.

When Lin Weitian turned around just now, everyone in the room saw the sight of Lin Weitian's clothes being neatly divided, and all of his eyes suddenly changed, although Yao Xianxian had already said Lin Mu ’s Awesome, but after all that was empty, and now seeing it with your own eyes is another matter.

"Kobayashi ’s martial arts has indeed reached a very powerful level, and I am afraid that it is almost comparable to those of us."

Yao Qinglun looked at Lin Mu with satisfaction, and said with a smile, since Yao Xianxian chose, the more powerful the better, naturally, the Yao family is different from the Lin family. The Lin family has been practicing in hidden worlds, without so much trouble. , So the family has no enemies, and it is easier to become a master.

The Yao family ran a huge business empire, with countless enemies and opponents in various businesses. Many times when the law in reality could not solve the problem, they needed to use their own power to solve it.

However, people in the family have been in business for a long time, and the cultivation time is definitely much less than that of the Lin family. Natural strength is slightly worse in all aspects. Of course, this is reflected in the family's fighting power. The Yao family has long surpassed the Lin family many times.

Now Yao Qianxian has found someone as powerful as Lin Mu. Yao Qinglun is naturally very happy. He does n’t need Lin Mu ’s strong background and Lin Mu ’s wealth. These are just minor problems for the Yao family. The Yao family never lacks these things.

What they lack is a top master, and Lin Mu has the potential to become a top master. It is already so powerful at this age. If you are practicing for ten or twenty years, then the cultivation will definitely be stronger. Their Yao family will also have a master who can really support the family.

Of course, Yao Qinglun didn't know that Lin Mu had a powerful mercenary group such as a saber, and even a strong multinational group such as the Haoyu Consortium. He could mobilize no less than the Yao family, and even go far beyond. .

All these Yao Qingluns ignored, he only knew that Yao Xianxian had found a good young man for Yao family, with great strength and good mentality, and was a trustworthy young man.

"Lin Mu's strength is indeed far better than Weitian. Weitian's behavior just made everyone laugh. After all, he didn't come out to practice and stayed in the family. This mentality is really not sharpened. It seems this time It's good to bring him out. "

Lin Hao shook his head and sighed.

"Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Don't worry too much. They will always grow up. After some setbacks and some grinds, they will understand one day. We did n’t all go that way back then. Come here, don't worry. "

Yao Qinglun waved his hand and comforted him casually. In his heart, Lin Weitian and Lin Mu were simply the difference between clouds and mud. Firefighting and Haoyue were not at all a level, so they were too lazy to spend their minds. On Lin Weitian's body.

"The old man said that Weitian really needs more exercise, so today I wo n’t bother, the child ran out, and I still followed to take a look, so as not to cause any trouble, but not everyone They are as good at talking as Lin Mu, and they can't be killed if they are sharpened. "

Lin Hao stood up. He was a man of current affairs. Naturally, Yao Qinglun admired Lin Mu very much. Lin Weitian wanted to pursue Yao Xianxian. I was afraid that there would be no chance, and he stood up and left.

"Okay, then you should hurry up. Weitian's child really needs to be well disciplined and sharpened, so I won't send more."

Yao Qinglun nodded and looked at Lin Hao and his team before leaving, smiling at Lin Mu with a smile: "Originally, Xianxian had praised you for being rare in the sky. I thought it was just a little girl lover's eyes. It ’s really such an excellent thing, but you have compared many disciples of the big family! "

"The old man has won the prize, and it is my chance that I have achieved today."

Lin Mu smiled humbly and turned to look at Yao Xianxian, who showed a shy smile.

In Yao Xianxian's heart, Lin Mu is indeed so outstanding. Compared with Lin Mu, those family members are simply not comparable. They have been trained by the top masters since childhood, but their strength is still greater than that of Lin Mu. Not as good.

"Okay! Good! It is good for young people to be humble, not arrogant and impatient. I am more and more optimistic about you now."

With a smile, Yao Qinglun turned his head slightly and said to the young people behind him, "You should learn more from Lin Mu in the future, remember that you can't be like the Lin Weitian just now. If I know you will lose this to the Yao family. People, I broke your legs! "


The young men of Yao's family immediately bowed their heads in a panic.

They are also the Yao family who brought the candidates ready to participate in the Qianwu Family Conference, but they are not the best young people in the Yao family. Moreover, the Yao family itself does business, and it is even harder to get a master. For Lin Mu, they have no dispute. Strong combative mind.

"Brother Lin is also asked to take care of him in the future. If we can occasionally guide us in a half way, we are grateful!"

One young man raised his fists at Lin Mu and said with a smile.

"Don't dare to give directions, everyone will learn from each other."

Lin Mu also smiled and returned a boxing fist.

"Xiao Lin, don't be humble. I know their strength. If you are free, you really have to give them two pointers. After all, when I went to the Qianwu Family Conference, my Yao family still needed them to win, but they could n’t lose too much. awful."

Yao Qinglun said with a laugh.

"Since the old man commanded me, naturally I would not quit."

Lin Mu also smiled and got along better with the Yao family. It will also help him in the future. The most important thing is the recent meeting to the Qianwu family. He also needs the strength of the Yao family. At this time, naturally There is something to say, and he doesn't want Yao Xianxian to get stuck in the middle.

"By the way, this time you go to the Qianwu family conference, you can go with us. It doesn't matter too much that we have one more person here, so we won't get any kind of cold treatment from the Lu family."

Yao Qinglun remembered that Lin Mu was going to the conference with them, and he immediately laughed.


Lin Mu frowned slightly.

"Yes, at each conference, there were many young people who practiced alone, or people from small families and martial arts. These people basically did not get the attention of the Lu family. After all, the big families and martial arts they went to It ’s very much. The Lu family has spent a lot of time trying to receive these people. Naturally, they will not notice the small forces. "

Yao Qinglun nodded.

"So it is."

Lin Muwei Wei said it first. This is understandable. The Lu family itself is a powerful family. It is also known as the Qianwu family. It is naturally polite to treat equal or equal forces, but to those scattered and small forces. Not necessarily so polite.

"I don't know when this conference will be held?"

After pondering for a while, Lin Mu asked again, although the Lu family is still preparing, but a big family like the Yao family is naturally more informed. Maybe if you know it in advance, you may not know it. Lin Mu is just casual. ask.

"The time has been set. Just ten days later, there will be a large number of ancient martial arts practitioners going to the Lu family. The grand event once every thirty years will finally start again!"

Yao Qinglun's eyes flashed a light, as if looking forward to this upcoming conference very much.

"After ten days, it will be held soon."

Knowing the time, Lin Mu was not surprised. From Ye Zixi, he already knew the news that the conference would be held in the near future.

"What does Kobayashi need to deal with? I can arrange things in the past few days. We will start in a week. After all, the meeting will be held ten days later. We can't let the Lu family wait for us. Etiquette. "

Yao Qinglun looked at Lin Mu with a smile and asked.

"I do have one more thing to arrange here, but it's not a big deal, so let's start on time in a week!"

Lin Mu smiled slightly and nodded.
